a glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds

listen to the pronunciation of a glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds
Englisch - Englisch
a glove of such material that it defends the hand from wounds


    a glove of such ma·te·ri·al that it defends the Hand from wounds

    Türkische aussprache

    ı glʌv ıv sʌç mıtîriıl dhıt ît dîfendz dhi händ fırm wundz


    /ə ˈgləv əv ˈsəʧ məˈtərēəl ᴛʜət ət dəˈfendz ᴛʜē ˈhand fərm ˈwo͞ondz/ /ə ˈɡlʌv əv ˈsʌʧ məˈtɪriːəl ðət ɪt dɪˈfɛndz ðiː ˈhænd fɜrm ˈwuːndz/