a forward who is capable of both rugged physical play and scoring goals

listen to the pronunciation of a forward who is capable of both rugged physical play and scoring goals
Englisch - Englisch
power forward
a forward who is capable of both rugged physical play and scoring goals


    a for·ward who I·s ca·pa·ble of both rug·ged phys·i·cal play and scor·ing goals

    Türkische aussprache

    ı fôrwırd hu îz keypıbıl ıv bōth rʌgıd fîzîkıl pley ınd skôrîng gōlz


    /ə ˈfôrwərd ˈho͞o əz ˈkāpəbəl əv ˈbōᴛʜ ˈrəgəd ˈfəzəkəl ˈplā ənd ˈskôrəɴɢ ˈgōlz/ /ə ˈfɔːrwɜrd ˈhuː ɪz ˈkeɪpəbəl əv ˈboʊθ ˈrʌɡəd ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈpleɪ ənd ˈskɔːrɪŋ ˈɡoʊlz/