Faturada bir hata var.
- There's a mistake in the bill.
Faturayı ödemediği için suyu kestiler.
- They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill.
Senet tutarı 500 dolar.
- The bill amounts to 500 dollars.
Bu senetin vadesi geçmiş.
- This bill is long past due.
Hesap üç bin dolar tuttu.
- The bill added up to three thousand dollars.
Hesap bugün ödenmelidir.
- The bill must be paid today.
Tom caddede yüz dolarlık kağıt para buldu.
- Tom found a hundred dollar bill on the street.
İnsan hakları beyannamesi ABD Anayasasını değiştirdi.
- The Bill of Rights amended the U.S. Constitution.
O, bir yüz dolarlık banknottu.
- It was a one hundred dollar bill.
Sally, yirmi-dolarlık bir banknotu beş dolarlık banknotlarla değiştirdi.
- Sally exchanged a twenty-dollar bill for five-dollar bills.
İktidar partisi vergi yasa tasarısını kabul ettirdi.
- The ruling party pushed its tax bill through.
Başkan Hayes yasa tasarısını veto etti.
- President Hayes vetoed the bill.
Tom, duvara bir poster yapıştırıyor.
- Tom is sticking a bill on the wall.
One of his neighbours opposite, a nice old guy with a stoop and a horrible little Yorkshire terrier, called him Bill - always had done and presumably always would, right up till the day he died. It actually irritated Will, who was not, he felt, by any stretch of the imagination, a Bill. Bill wouldn't smoke spliffs and listen to Nirvana. So why had he allowed this misapprehension to continue? Why hadn't he just said, four years ago, Actually my name is Will?.