a biological process that occurs in the absence of oxygen

listen to the pronunciation of a biological process that occurs in the absence of oxygen
Englisch - Englisch
a biological process that occurs in the absence of oxygen


    a bi·o·lo·gi·cal proc·ess that occurs in the ab·sence of o·xy·gen

    Türkische aussprache

    ı bayıläcîkıl prôses dhıt ıkırz în dhi äbsıns ıv äksıcın


    /ə ˌbīəˈläʤəkəl ˈprôˌses ᴛʜət əˈkərz ən ᴛʜē ˈabsəns əv ˈäksəʤən/ /ə ˌbaɪəˈlɑːʤɪkəl ˈprɔːˌsɛs ðət əˈkɜrz ɪn ðiː ˈæbsəns əv ˈɑːksəʤən/