The old man was starved to death.
- Yaşlı adam açlıktan ölüyordu.
Because of the famine, the cattle starved to death.
- Kıtlıktan dolayı sığır açlıktan öldü.
It was a cat starved to skin and bones.
- Bir deri bir kemik açlıktan ölmüş bir kediydi.
Because of the famine, the cattle starved to death.
- Kıtlıktan dolayı sığır açlıktan öldü.
He swallowed a piece of toast because he was starving.
- O açlıktan öldüğü için bir parça tost yedi.
Tom was starving to death.
- Tom açlıktan ölüyordu.
In reichen Ländern verhungern wenige Menschen.
- In rich countries, few people starve.
Weißt du, wie viele Menschen auf der Welt jährlich verhungern?
- Do you know how many people in the world starve to death every year?
Denk an die hungernden Kinder!
- Think of the starving children.
Iss deinen Teller leer! Es gibt hungernde Kinder auf der Welt!
- Eat all the food on your plate because there are starving children in the world.