(sıfat) fosilleşmiş, taşlaşmış, eski kafalı, köhne

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) fosilleşmiş, taşlaşmış, eski kafalı, köhne
Türkisch - Englisch
The mineralized remains of an animal or plant
A plant or animal that has been preserved in rock
is the hardened remains or traces of plant or animal life from a previous geological period preserved in the Earth's crust
Geologically preserved remains of an organism that lived in the past
Preserved remains of once-living plants or animals in which the replacement of organic or inorganic materials by soil minerals has begun Naturally occurring casts are also considered fossils
The remains or traces of an animal or plant of a former time; e g , trilobite
someone whose style is out of fashion
{s} of or pertaining to a fossil; of or pertaining to a prehistoric age; old, ancient; out-of-date
the impression of an ancient animal or plant left in a rock deposit, or the animal or plant itself
Preserved remains of an organism, or the impressions left by it on the planet, captured in rocks as they formed
The solidified imprint or remains of ancient plant or animal life
the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil
the remains of traces of animals and plants which have been preserved by natural processes in the earth's crust
in paleontology, the mineralized remains of an animal or plant
The remains, traces or impressions of plants, animals or other organisms that have been preserved in the earth's crust
Evidence in rock of the presence of past life, such as a dinosaur bone, an ancient clam shell, or the footprint of a long-extinct animal
characteristic of a fossil
A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock. Remnant, impression, or trace of an animal or plant of a past geologic age that has been preserved in the Earth's crust. The data recorded in fossils, known as the fossil record, constitute the primary source of information about the history of life on the Earth. Only a small fraction of ancient organisms are preserved as fossils, and usually only organisms that have a solid skeleton or shell. A shell or bone that is buried quickly after deposition may retain organic tissue, though it becomes petrified (converted to a stony substance) over time. Unaltered hard parts, such as the shells of clams, are relatively common in sedimentary rocks. The soft parts of animals or plants are rarely preserved. The embedding of insects in amber and the preservation of mammoths in ice are rare but striking examples of the fossil preservation of soft tissues. Traces of organisms may also occur as tracks, trails, or even borings. Agate Fossil Beds National Monument fossil fuel John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
The remains and traces of ancient plants and animals that have been transformed into stone over millions of years
The preserved remains or traces of once living animals and plants
(sıfat) fosilleşmiş, taşlaşmış, eski kafalı, köhne


    (sı·fat) fo·sil·leş·miş, taş·laş·mış, es·ki ka·fa·lı, köh·ne

