(kleiner) zweig

listen to the pronunciation of (kleiner) zweig
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von (kleiner) zweig im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

ince dal

O demetlerin içine ince dallar bağladı. - He tied the twigs into bundles.

(deyim) idrak etmek
{i} dal

Bir dal çatırtısı duydum. - I heard a twig crack.

O bıçak ile ağaçtan ince bir dal kesti. - He cut a twig from the tree with his knife.

{i} sürgün

Ağacın pek çok sürgünleri ve dalları vardır. - The tree has too many twigs and branches.

{i} maden arama çubuğu
{f} incelemek
{f} k.dili. çakmak, anlamak, kavramak
{f} anlamak
{f} çakmak
{i} dal (ince)
iyice bakmak
{f} kavramak
Deutsch - Englisch
To realise something; to 'catch on'

He hasn't 'twigged' that we're planning a surprise party for him.

A small thin branch of a tree or bush
{n} a small shoot of a branch, switch, sprout
{f} understand; notice, observe
I twig you; do you twig my meaning? I catch your meaning; I understand (Irish, twigim, I notice )
To twitch; to pull; to tweak
A small store operated by a department store that carries only a very limited amount of merchandise, usually focusing on a few related items
To realise something; to catch on
branch out in a twiglike manner; "The lightning bolt twigged in several directions"
To beat with twigs
A small shoot or branch of a tree or other plant, of no definite length or size
A twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush
Stem 1 year old or less Usually applied to a stem not including the leaves
A small shoot representing the growth of the previous season
To take a liking to, as in, "One particular deva twigged to the idea of interfering with the Blood War "
the smallest division of a branch
small branch or division of a branch; usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year
1 a stem smaller than 4 cm diameter, within a branch system As cited in
To understand the meaning of; to comprehend; as, do you twig me? To observe slyly; also, to perceive; to discover
kleiner (grüner) Zweig
kleiner (grüner) Zweig