(isim) aksilik, tâlihsizlik, belâ, şanssızlık, terslik, felâket, kaza

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) aksilik, tâlihsizlik, belâ, şanssızlık, terslik, felâket, kaza
Türkisch - Englisch
{n} calamity, bad luck, a bad event
A misfortune is something unpleasant or unlucky that happens to someone. She seemed to enjoy the misfortunes of others He had his full share of misfortune. very bad luck, or something that happens to you as a result of bad luck
To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry; to fail
an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
an undesirable event such as an accident
bad luck
Bad fortune or luck; calamity; an evil accident; disaster; mishap; mischance
unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
{i} bad luck, tragedy, hardship, disaster, adversity
(isim) aksilik, tâlihsizlik, belâ, şanssızlık, terslik, felâket, kaza


    (i·sim) ak·si·lik, tâlih·siz·lik, belâ·, şans·sız·lık, ters·lik, felâ·ket, ka·za

