(fiil) hızla vurmak, kuvvetle vurmak, geçirmek, tokatlamak, çalmak

listen to the pronunciation of (fiil) hızla vurmak, kuvvetle vurmak, geçirmek, tokatlamak, çalmak
Türkisch - Englisch
To scan or register by sliding something through a reader

He swiped his card at the door.

A strong blow given with a sweeping motion, as with a bat or club
A rough guess; an estimate or swag

Take a swipe at the answer, even if you're not sure.

To grab or bat quickly

The cat swiped at the shoelace.

{i} blow, sweeping stroke; nasty remark (Informal)
To steal or snatch
A swape or sweep
An arranger's tool which enhances a song A series of chords sung whilst sustaining one word
If you swipe at a person or thing, you try to hit them with a stick or other object, making a swinging movement with your arm. She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker. Swipe is also a noun. He took a swipe at Andrew that deposited him on the floor
a quick grab, bat, or other motion with the hand or paw; A sweep
If you take a swipe at a person or an organization, you criticize them, usually in an indirect way. In a swipe at the president, he called for an end to `begging for aid around the world'
To pluck; to snatch; to steal
strike with a swiping motion
IP with Encryption
Slashing attack with the blade, not intended to land in theatrical swordplay
If you swipe something, you steal it quickly. Five soldiers were each fined £140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist = pinch
(fiil) hızla vurmak, kuvvetle vurmak, geçirmek, tokatlamak, çalmak


    (fi·il) hız·la vur·mak, kuv·vet·le vur·mak, ge·çir·mek, to·kat·la·mak, çal·mak

