(erfolgreiche) flucht

listen to the pronunciation of (erfolgreiche) flucht
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von (erfolgreiche) flucht im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} sızıntı
{f} kaçıp kurtulmak
{f} sızmak
akla gelmemek
{f} firar etmek
yakayı sıyırmak
(Tıp) Dışarı çıkma, salınma, serbest hale geçme (hormon v.s.)
(Bilgisayar) çık

Onun adı sık sık hatırımdan çıkıyor. - Her name often escapes me.

Tom yangın çıkışını işaret etti. - Tom pointed to the fire escape.

{f} kaçak yapmak
(Bilgisayar) öncelem
(gaz/sıvı/vb.) sızma

Brian onunla bir ilişki başlattığına pişman ve ondan kaçmak istiyor. - Brian regrets starting a relationship with her and wants to escape from her.

Brown kendisi kaçmak istemedi. - Brown himself did not want to escape.

{f} kurtulmak, paçayı kurtarmak; atlatmak
{i} kaçış, kaçma, firar
{f} kurtulmak
{f} gözünden kaçmak; aklından çıkmak
Deutsch - Englisch
To avoid (any unpleasant person or thing); to elude, get away from

The children climbed out of the window to escape the fire.

To elude the observation or notice of; to not be seen or remembered by

The name of the hotel escapes me at present.

a plant originally cultivated but now growing wild issue or leak, as from a small opening; "Gas escaped into the bedroom"
The unlawful permission, by a jailer or other custodian, of a prisoner's departure from custody
To get clear from danger or evil of any form; to be passed without harm
(1) To protect a character from interpretation by a program by preceding it with a backslash (\) See also quote (2) An ASCII character that is usually interpreted as a command to cease a certain activity or as the initial character of a sequence that performs a special function Cursor control sequences for many terminals and workstations use the escape character
A key on most modern computer keyboards, sometimes abbreviated Esc, and typically programmed to cancel some current operation
Constant associated with the key code value for the Escape key (27)
To interrupt execution of a program Many computers have a control key labeled ESC When you press the ESC key, the program quits running The computer tells you what line number it was on when program was interrupted
a means or way of escaping; "hard work was his escape from worry"; "they installed a second hatch as an escape"; "their escape route"
The act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; deliverance from injury or any evil; flight; as, an escape in battle; a narrow escape; also, the means of escape; as, a fire escape
escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action; "She gets away with murder!"; "I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities"
That which escapes attention or restraint; a mistake; an oversight; also, transgression
issue or leak, as from a small opening; "Gas escaped into the bedroom"
remove to a different contract (usually by changing strains)
n , adj 1 n a single escape or a multiple escape 2 adj single escape or multiple escape
(1) To protect a character from interpretation by a program by preceding it with a backslash (\) See also quote (2) An ASCII character that is usually interpreted as a command to cease a certain activity or as the initial character of a sequence that performs a special function Cursor control sequences for many terminals and workstations use the escape character
{i} running away, flight; leakage; shelter
When you escape a character or a string of characters, you change the way it is interpreted Escaping something can take away its special meaning, as in shell quoting (8 14)- or can add special meaning, as in terminal escape sequences (5 8)
run away from confinement; "The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison"
(erfolgreiche) flucht