a person or organization that tries to end a quarrel between two people, groups, countries etc by discussion
A third party involved realtime in the protocols between smart contract parties, trusted with some of the contents and/or performance of that contract
One who intervenes, someone who conveys and conciliates The word is used in Christian theology It is not found in the O T , but it occurs a few times in the N T God gave the Law to the people through a mediator, Moses Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant in the N T
A neutral, third-party volunteer who has been trained to mediate The mediator assists the parties in reaching a consensus by facilitating their communication, but it is the parties themselves who shape their agreement
A person who conducts mediation A mediator is often a lawyer, retired judge, or community member who tries to bring people and their disputes to early resolution through a conference The mediator is an active participant in the discussions and attempts to work out a solution, unlike an arbitrator, who acts as a judge Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Volunteer Management, Communications and Marketing, Operations Management and Leadership
An outside party who attempts to convice two contending parties (the lender and the homeowner) to adjust or settle their dispute
A mediator helps parties discuss their case and try to come to a mutual agreement in order to settle the case A mediator is a neutral person that is only involved to encourage the parties to come up with their own solution to the conflict
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fık: Âhiret günü bir kısım günahkâr mü'minlerin affedilmeleri ve itaatli mü'minlerin de yüksek mertebelere ermeleri için Peygamber Aleyhissalâtü Vesselâm ve sâir büyük zâtların Allah Teâlâ'dan (C.C.) niyaz ve istirhamda bulunmalarıdır
Birinin suçunun bağışlanması veya dileğinin yerine getirilmesi için o kimseyle bir başkası arasında yapılan aracılık, özellikle de Tanrı ile kul arasında yapılan aracılık