ısrail kavmi

listen to the pronunciation of ısrail kavmi
Türkisch - Englisch
A mountain in Israel upon which Jerusalem is built

Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.

Jerusalem itself
A male given name of modern usage
Metaphoric for the whole nation of Israel
{i} hill in Jerusalem which was the site of Solomon's Temple; Jerusalem; Israel
Easternmost of the two hills of ancient Jerusalem, where David established his royal capital. In the Old Testament, the name Zion frequently refers to Jerusalem as a whole; it is overwhelmingly a poetic and prophetic designation. Mount Zion is the place where Yahweh (God) dwells and is the scene of his messianic salvation. The name came to mean the Jewish homeland, symbolic of Judaism or Jewish national aspirations, and thus was the source of the term Zionism. Though the name is rare in the New Testament, it has been frequently used in Christian literature and hymns as a designation for the heavenly city or for the earthly city of Christian faith and fraternity
ısrail kavmi