üst çene dişlerinin altçene dişlerinden önde oluşu

listen to the pronunciation of üst çene dişlerinin altçene dişlerinden önde oluşu
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) overbite
A malocclusion, in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones
{i} overlapping of upper teeth over lower (Dentistry)
A condition in which the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth when the jaw is closed This condition can be corrected with orthodontics
A condition in which the upper teeth excessively overlap the lower teeth when the jaw is closed This condition can be corrected with orthodontics P
Refers to the vertical overlap of teeth Everyone has an overbite, what varies is how much
a condition in which someone's upper teeth are too far in front of their lower teeth
Refers to the amount of vertical overlap of the anterior teeth Normal range is between 0 and 20%
The distance of the upper to lower teeth in the vertical dimension
The vertical overlap of the upper over the lower teeth
Vertical overlapping of upper teeth over lower teeth, usually measured perpendicular to the occlusal plane See overjet
The tendency of a pair of cutters to mar the next ring on a coil after cutting through a number of rings on the coil
(dentistry) malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend abnormally far over the lower teeth
üst çene dişlerinin altçene dişlerinden önde oluşu