Output is the end result of converting electronic art files into the prepress materials used for printing production Imagesetters output film negatives or film positives which are used to make printing plates Platesetters output the printing plates used on the press
A tangible, immediate, and intended product or consequence of an activity within USAID's manageable interest Examples of outputs include people fed, personnel trained, better technologies developed, and new construction Deliverables included in contracts will generally be considered outputs, as will tangible products and consequences of USAID grantees (Chapters 200-203)
The product or service provided The primary output reflects the principal mission of a unit cost activity Primary outputs are referred to as "A" goals in the DoD unit cost budget Other outputs reflect tasks performed that are identified as not necessary for the primary mission Outputs that consume resources at a significantly different rate than primary outputs can be identified as other outputs Other outputs may be expressed in several ways: on a cost per unit basis, on a reimbursable basis, up to the amount reimbursed, or up to a preset budget ceiling Other outputs are referred to as "B" goals in the DoD unit cost budget
The electrical signal measured at the output terminals which is produced by an applied input to a transducer
The amount of coal or ore put out from one or more mines, or the quantity of material produced by, or turned out from, one or more furnaces or mills, in a given time