
listen to the pronunciation of überall
Deutsch - Türkisch
her yerde; her bakımdan
{ü'bır-'al} her yerde
her taraf
her yer

Her yerde çiçek var, görmek isteyen için. - Es gibt überall Blumen, für den, der sie sehen will.

Her zaman her yerde huysuz ihtiyarlar vardır. - Immer und überall gibt es grantige alte Leute.

her tarafta
her yanda
her yerde

Her yerde çiçek var, görmek isteyen için. - Es gibt überall Blumen, für den, der sie sehen will.

Her zaman her yerde huysuz ihtiyarlar vardır. - Immer und überall gibt es grantige alte Leute.

Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von überall im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

all over
her yönden
all over the world
dünyanın her yerinde
all over the world
tüm dünyada
all over
all over
her tarafta
all over
her yer

Biz ülkenin her yerinde seyahat ettik. - We travelled all over the country.

Dünyanın her yerinde çok sayıda insanlar barış istiyorlar. - A lot of people want peace all over the world.

all over
her taraf

Onun her tarafı ağrıyordu. - She was aching all over.

Kolumun her tarafında sivrisinek ısırıkları var. - I have mosquito bites all over my arm.

all over
all over

Her şeye yeniden başladık. - We started all over again.

Tom raporu baştan yeniden yazmak zorundaydı. - Tom had to write the report all over again.

all over
tamamen; bitmiş; tekrar, baştan
all over

Onun bitmiş olduğunu biliyorduk. - We knew it was all over.

all over
all over
her yerde

Tom için her yerde araştırma yaptım. - I searched all over for Tom.

Tom her yerde seni arıyordu. - Tom was looking all over for you.

all over

Biz tekrar baştan başlamak zorundayız. - We have to start all over again.

Tom bütün hikayeyi tekrar baştan dinlemek zorunda kaldı. - Tom had to listen to the whole story all over again.

all over

Tom raporu baştan yeniden yazmak zorundaydı. - Tom had to write the report all over again.

Bu yeni baştan oluyor. - It's happening all over again.

hiç bir yere

Tom hiç bir yere yürümez. - Tom doesn't ever walk anywhere.

Başka hiç bir yere gidemem. - I can't go anywhere else.

(zarf) herhangi bir yere, bir yere, hiçbir yerde
hiçbir yerde

Şemsiyemi hiçbir yerde bulamıyorum. - I can't find my umbrella anywhere.

Bu yüzük hiçbir yerde bulunmayacaktı. - The ring was not to be found anywhere.

Deutsch - Englisch
all over

English is a language spoken all over the world. - Englisch ist eine Sprache, die überall auf der Welt gesprochen wird.

English is spoken all over the world. - Englisch wird überall auf der Welt gesprochen.

all over the world
the world over
here, there and everywhere
every where
all over the place
überall Bescheid wissen
to have a wide-ranging knowledge
überall auf Hindernisse stoßen
to be thwarted at every turn
überall die Hände im Spiel haben
to have a finger in every pie
überall erhältlich
obtainable everywhere
überall im/am (+ Ortsangabe)
throughout (+ expression of place)
überall in Europa
throughout Europe
überall verbreitet
überall verbreitet
überall wo
Das ist überall (regulär/frei) erhältlich.
You can buy it across the counter
Der Staat muss überall sparen.
The government needs to make savings everywhere
Diese Behandlung ist nicht überall verfügbar.
This treatment is not universally available
Es ist überall dasselbe.
It's the same wherever you go
Fortschritt ist nicht immer überall willkommen.
Progress is not always universally welcomed
Ich habe dich schon überall gesucht.
I've been looking all over for you
Ich habe dich schon überall gesucht.
I've been looking everywhere for you
Italienisches Essen ist überall beliebt - und das kommt nicht von ungefähr.
The popularity of Italian food is widespread - and (this is) not without reason
Leute, die ihren Abfall überall auf den Boden werfen, hasse ich wie die Pest.
My pet hate is people who drop litter everywhere
Menschliches Blut hat überall dieselbe Farbe.
Human blood is all one color
Sie muss überall ihre Nase hineinstecken.
She is a nosy parker
Weggeworfene Essenspackungen und Flaschen lagen überall auf den Straßen herum.
Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets
an allen Ecken und Enden (überall)
all over the map (everywhere)
an allen Ecken und Enden (überall)
all over the place
an allen Ecken und Enden (überall)
all over the shop
an allen Ecken und Enden (überall)
all over the lot
die störende Angewohnheit haben, überall das Licht aufgedreht zu lassen
to have the irksome habit of leaving lights on everywhere
eine fast überall anwendbare Regel
a rule of great generality
es überall ausplaudern
to blab it all over the place
jemand, der überall dreinredet
backseat driver
seine Augen überall haben
to have eyes at the back of your head
sich überall einmischen
to be a meddler
sich überall einmischen (müssen)
to be a busybody
von überall her
from all airts and pairts
von überall her
from all quarters