21 A 120-degree aspect Trines are one of the more positive aspects, but they lack much motivating factor They indicate easy interactions between the aspecting planets
120 degrees : An aspect assumed to symbolize talents, abilities, and drives which reinforce and amplify one another Can show strengths, but also excesses Usually feels like an easy flow
In astrology, a planet distant from another one-third of the circle is said to be in trine; one-fourth, it is in square; one-sixth or two signs, it is in sextile; but when one-half distant, it is said to be opposite In sextile, square, and trine, and opposite Of noxious efficacy Milton: Paradise Lost, x 659 N B Planets distant from each other six signs or half a circle have opposite influences, and are therefore opposed to each other
The aspect of planets distant from each other 120 degrees, or one third of the zodiac; trigon