"Passive" or "negative " One of the fundamental metaphysical elements of yin-yang whose balance is believed to be the center of existence
Yin is a word meaning one It is more widespread in its distribution than either ane or wan, being used in most of Scotland with the exception of the North Let's see the ither yin again yin o life's great mysteries Youse yins will have tae wait
Receptive energy one aspect of the complimentary opposites in Chinese philosophy It reflects more passive, still, reflective aspects
and Yangare the cornerstones for understanding, diagnosing, and treating the body and mind in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) All the other theories and concepts of traditional Chinese medicine are nothing other than an elaboration of Yin and Yang They are metaphorical images used to express the constantly transforming interactions
the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology; "the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe
the dark negative feminine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology; "the interaction of yin and yang maintains the harmony of the universe"
n. The passive, female cosmic principle in Chinese dualistic philosophy. the female principle in Chinese philosophy which is inactive, dark, and negative, and which combines with yang (=the male principle) to influence everything in the world. Yin ch'uan Yin dynasty yin yang
"Passive" or "negative" One of the fundamental metaphysical elements of yin-yang whose balance is believed to be the center of existence
(yin) and yang (yahng) - The Dao School believes that everything contains opposite forces of yin and yang which are mutually exclusive, yet interdependent, e g female (yin) vs male (yang), front of the body (yin) vs back of the body (yang)
The receptive aspect of the universe that expresses itself in silence darkness, coolness and rest The receptive aspect of the universe that expresses itself in silence darkness, coolness and rest
The Chinese concept of negative energy and forces in the universe and human body Acupuncture is believed to remove yin imbalances and bring the body into balance
More passive energy Some yin qualities are coldness, wetness, stillness and sinking down
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