We stopped at a farmhouse overnight. - Geceleyin bir çiftlik evinde durduk.
Sami lived in a separate farmhouse owned by his father. - Sami, babası tarafından sahiplenilmiş ayrı bir çiftlik evinde yaşıyordu.
The concept of a farmhouse is nothing but the building appurtenant to the agricultural land A farmhouse may be used for dwelling purposes, or as a storehouse or an out-house
This is an adaptation of the country home The main difference between a country house and a farmhouse is that a farmhouse has a wraparound porch The porch wraps around the home The roof ridge runs parallel to the street with or without dormers The roof pitch breaks to a shallow pitch at the porch One main roof covers the main body of the home The exterior material is clapboard siding
This is an adaptation of the "country" home The main difference between a country house and a farmhouse is that a farmhouse has a wraparound porch The porch wraps around the home The roof ridge runs parallel to the street with or without dormers The roof pitch breaks to a shallow pitch at the porch One main roof covers the main body of the home The exterior material is clapboard siding
A farmhouse is the main house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives. the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives
This is an adaptation of the “country” home The main difference between a country house and a farmhouse is that a farmhouse has a wraparound porch The porch wraps around the home The roof ridge runs parallel to the street with or without dormers The roof pitch breaks to a shallow pitch at the porch One main roof covers the main body of the home The exterior material is clapboard siding