An organism, especially a fungus or bacterium, that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter that help natural decomposition of organic matter in water ADVANCE \x 540
Plant, usually lacking in chlorophyll, that absorbs nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter
There are herbivores and carnivores, and there are also saprophytes The saprophyte lives on dead or decaying organic matter, as some fungi do Many of the bacteria in the compost pile are also saprophytes
a plant, generally without green colour, which derives its food from dead, organic matter
Any plant growing on decayed animal or vegetable matter, as most fungi and some flowering plants with no green color, as the Indian pipe
Plants that absorbs soluble organic nutrients from decomposing plant or animal matter They live in the buttresses of trees or on the forest floor They include bacteria, fungi, and orchids
Organism which feeds on dead and decaying organisms, allowing the nutrients to be recycled into the ecosystem Fungi and bacteria are two groups with many important saprophytes
An organism that carries out external digestion of non-living organic matter and absorbs the products across the plasma membrane of its cells (e g fungi)
A plant which derives its nourishment from dead organic matter and usually lacks chlorophyll Represented in the North Country by the ghostly white Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora) and the Coralroot orchids (Corallorrhiza spp )
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