çöktürme, posa veya rüsup birikmesi, sedimantasyon

listen to the pronunciation of çöktürme, posa veya rüsup birikmesi, sedimantasyon
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) sedimentation
The separation of a suspension of solid particles into a concentrated slurry and a supernatant liquid, either to concentrate the solid or to clarify the liquid
Deposition of sediment
A treatment process which allows sediment to settle out of water or wastewater
{i} accumulation of deposits, accumulation of sediment
A large scale water treatment process where heavy solids settle to the bottom of the treatment tank by gravity after flocculation, the process by which solids suspended in water are allowed to settle to the bottom of a basin or container
The process of suspended solid particles settling out (going to the bottom of the vessel) in water
the process whereby soil particles (sediment) settle to the bottom of a waterway
Letting solids settle out of wastewater by gravity during treatment
the process of subsidence and deposition by gravity of suspended matter carried in water; usually the result of the reduction of water velocity below the point at which it can transport the material in suspended form
The process of deposition of sediment, especially by mechanical means from a state of suspension in air or water
process in which suspended particles settle to the bottom
The process where solids suspended in water settle to the bottom of a basin
The accumulation of earthy matter (soil and mineral particles) washed into a river or other water body, normally by erosion, which settles on the bottom Another use of the word is as a hazardous waste physical treatment method that separates and removes suspended particles that are heavier than the liquid in which they are present by gravitational settling
the deposition of suspended matter carried by water, wastewater, or other liquids, by gravity It is usually accomplished by reducing the velocity of the liquid below the point at which it can transport the suspended material Also called settling
The process by which particles in water settle at the bottom of a basin or container
Formation of sediment A sediment is a natural deposit created by the action of dynamic external agents such as water, wind and ice
the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
Soil particles suspended in stormwater that can settle in stream beds and disrupt the natural flow of the stream
A water treatment process in which solid particles settle out of the water being treated in a large clarifier or sedimentation basin
çöktürme, posa veya rüsup birikmesi, sedimantasyon