Definition von [church] im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
- heresy
- Ancient Church of the East
- An Nestorian Church that split from the Assyrian Church of the East over differences concerning the calendar
- Anglican Church
- A church that practises Anglicanism
- Anglican Church
- Any of the churches worldwide that are in communion with the Church of England, have the same doctrine, and have the Archbishop of Canterbury as supreme head
- Assyrian Church of the East
- A particular Nestorian Church based in the United States
- Catholic Church
- Any of the independent Catholic Churches, such as the Old Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church, or the Orthodox Catholic Church
- Catholic Church
- Any Christian denomination that identifies explicitly as "Catholic" based on its affirmation of the Nicene Creed, such as any of the Anglican Churches
- Catholic Church
- The Roman Catholic Church, which consists of 23 particular Churches in full communion with the Bishop of Rome
- Catholic Church
- Literally "universal church", the whole body of Christendom, especially before the division into Western and Eastern churches
- Chaldean Catholic Church
- An Eastern Church that is part of the Roman Catholic Church
- Church
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: used with proceeding the
- Church Latin
- The Latin language as spoken, written, and used in the Christian church and in church services
- Church Slavic
- Church Slavonic language
- Church Slavonic
- A liturgical language of various Slavic church traditions, with dialectal basis of Old Church Slavonic mixed with vernacular lexical and phonological developments
- Church Slavonicism
- a word recorded in the corpus of Old Church Slavonic or some of later the Church Slavonic recensions
- Church Slavonicisms
- plural form of Church Slavonicism
- Church of England
- The established Christian Church in England, and the mother church of the Anglican Community. Abbreviated as C of E
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- The major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement, founded in the United States by Joseph Smith; the Mormon Church
- Church of Rome
- the Roman Catholic Church
- Church of Scientology
- the largest organisation promoting Scientology
- Church of Scotland
- The national Presbyterian church of Scotland
- Congregational church
- Any Protestant church run independently by its own congregation, especially one in the United Church of Christ|United Church of Christ]], the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches|National Association of Congregational Christian Churches]], or the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference|Conservative Congregational Christian Conference]]
- Coptic Church
- An Orthodox Church based in Egypt
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- One of the three major divisions of Christianity derived from the Byzantine Church; it comprises the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and others
- Episcopal Church
- Any Church whose organization is based around bishops; but especially any Church of the Anglican Communion
- German Evangelical Church
- A German Protestant Church that was associated with Naziism
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Any of a number of organizations based primarily in Greece and affiliated with the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity
- LDS Church
- Abbreviation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- LDS church
- Any of the denominations of Christianity whose teachings and/or organisation derive from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1830
- Maronite Church
- A Syriac Catholic church founded by St Maron
- Methodist Church
- The Christian Church based upon Methodism
- Old Catholic Church
- A particular Christian denomination that split from the Roman Catholic Church over matters of doctrine
- Old Church Slavic
- Old Church Slavonic
- Old Church Slavonic
- The first literary and liturgical Slavic language
- Orthodox Church
- The Eastern body of Christendom
- Orthodox Church
- The Eastern Orthodox Church
- Orthodox Church
- Any non-Catholic Church
- Orthodox Church
- That part of Christendom apart from the Catholic Church
- Protestant Reich Church
- A German Protestant Church that was associated with Naziism
- Reformed Episcopal Church
- A particular Anglican Church based in the United States
- Roman Catholic Church
- The Roman Rite of the Catholic Church
- Roman Catholic Church
- That part of the Christian churches in union with the pope in Rome
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Any of a number of organizations based primarily in Russia and affiliated with the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity
- Seventh-day Adventist Church
- A Protestant Christian denomination that observes Saturday as the Sabbath
- at church every time the doors are open
- religious to the point of excess; ridiculously religious
I was at church every time the doors were open. I started learning more about the Bible and even got baptized in the back of the church in a toddler pool.
- broad church
- A wide scope of philosophies and ideas
The Liberal party in Australia is often described as being a broad church, encompassing conservatives and radicals, wets and dries.
- church
- A Christian house of worship; a building where religious services take place
There is a lovely little church in the valley.
- church
- To conduct a religious service for (a woman) after childbirth
Than, aftir the lady was delyverde and churched, there cam a knyght unto her .
- church
- To educate someone religiously, as in in a church
- church
- A Christian religious organization, local or general
The church across the street has a service at 10 am.
- church
- A time of public worship; a worship service
I'll be there after church.
- church
- A group of people who follow the same Christian religious beliefs, local or general
Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
- church affiliation
- The religious denomination or part of a religious denomination a person, institute, business, or other organization has joined or supports
- church crawler
- A person who is strongly interested, in an amateur capacity, in ecclesiology, church architecture, history and church art, and visits churches in order to view the buildings for themselves, as opposed to visiting them for religious reasons
- church crawlers
- plural form of church crawler
- church hopped
- Simple past tense and past participle of church hop
- church hopping
- Present participle of church hop
- church hops
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of church hop
- church key
- A can opener having a triangular tip that pierces the can
- church keys
- plural form of church key
- church planter
- A minister or organization that starts new congregations where none existed previously
- church planters
- plural form of church planter
- church service
- A formalized period of communal worship, often but not exclusively occurring on Sunday, or Saturday in the case of those churches practicing Sabbatarianism
- church services
- plural form of church service
- collegiate church
- A Christian church, other than a cathedral, that has a chapter of canons and a dean or provost
- established church
- a church that is officially recognized as a national institution by a government; in England it is the Church of England
- parish church
- A church which acts as the religious centre of a parish; the basic administrative unit of episcopal churches
- particular Church
- Any of the individual constituent ecclesial communities in full communion with Rome that are part of the Catholic Church as a whole
- poor as a church mouse
- Very poor to a point of starving or begging
She was an Eastern Virginia woman, and, although poor as a church mouse, thought herself superior to West Virginia people.
- church
- {s} of or pertaining to church
- church and state
- Relationship between religious and secular authority in society. In most ancient civilizations the separation of religious and political orders was not clearly defined. With the advent of Christianity, the idea of two separate orders emerged, based on Jesus's command to "Render unto Caesar what are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mark 12: 17). The close association of religion and politics, however, continued even after the triumph of Christianity as emperors such as Constantine exercised authority over both church and state. In the early Middle Ages secular rulers claimed to rule by the grace of God, and later in the Middle Ages popes and emperors competed for universal dominion. During the Investiture Controversy the church clearly defined separate and distinct religious and secular orders, even though it laid the foundation for the so-called papal monarchy. The Reformation greatly undermined papal authority, and the pendulum swung toward the state, with many monarchs claiming to rule church and state by divine right. The concept of secular government, as evinced in the U.S. and postrevolutionary France, was influenced by Enlightenment thinkers. In western Europe today all states protect freedom of worship and maintain a distinction between civil and religious authority. The legal systems of some modern Islamic countries are based on Sharah. In the U.S. the separation of church and state has been tested in the arena of public education by controversies over issues such as school prayer, public funding of parochial schools, and the teaching of creationism
- church
- {n} a place of divine worship, assembly or body of christians, congregation
- church
- {v} to return thanks after childbirth
- church militant
- (the Church Militant) the whole body of living Christian believers, regarded as striving to combat evil on earth
- church planter
- A person engaged in creating a new Christian church
- church windows
- The phenomenon called tears of wine is manifested as a ring of clear liquid, near the top of a glass of wine, from which droplets form and flow back into the wine. It is most readily observed in a wine which has a high alcohol content. It is also referred to as wine legs, curtains, and church windows
- unification church
- An evangelistic religious and political organization founded in 1954 in Korea by Sun Myung Moon
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- African American Methodist denomination formally organized in 1816. It originated with a group of black Philadelphians who withdrew in 1787 from St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church (see Methodism) because of racial discrimination and built Bethel African Methodist Church. In 1799 Richard Allen became minister of Bethel, and in 1816 he was consecrated bishop of the newly organized African Methodist Episcopal Church. Limited at first to the Northern states, the church spread rapidly in the South after the Civil War. It founded many colleges and seminaries, notably Wilberforce University (1856) in Ohio. In the late 20th century the church claimed 3,500,000 members and 8,000 congregations. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C
- African Methodist Episcopal Church AME Church
- African American Methodist denomination formally organized in 1816. It originated with a group of black Philadelphians who withdrew in 1787 from St. George's Methodist Episcopal Church (see Methodism) because of racial discrimination and built Bethel African Methodist Church. In 1799 Richard Allen became minister of Bethel, and in 1816 he was consecrated bishop of the newly organized African Methodist Episcopal Church. Limited at first to the Northern states, the church spread rapidly in the South after the Civil War. It founded many colleges and seminaries, notably Wilberforce University (1856) in Ohio. In the late 20th century the church claimed 3,500,000 members and 8,000 congregations. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C
- Alonzo Church
- born June 14, 1903, Washington, D.C., U.S. died Aug. 11, 1995, Hudson, Ohio U.S. mathematician. He earned a Ph.D. from Princeton University. His contributions to number theory and the theories of algorithms and computability laid the foundations of computer science. The rule known as Church's theorem or Church's thesis (proposed independently by Alan M. Turing) states that only recursive functions can be calculated mechanically and implies that arithmetic procedures cannot be used to decide the consistency of statements formulated in accordance with the laws of arithmetic. He wrote the standard textbook Introduction to Mathematical Logic (1956) and helped found the Journal of Symbolic Logic, which he edited until 1979
- Anglican Church
- A church, in England or abroad, which follows the teachings and has the same structure as the Church of England
- Anglican Church
- The Church of England and the churches in other nations that are in complete agreement with it as to doctrine and discipline and are in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Also called Anglican Communion
- Anglican Church
- England broke with the Roman Catholic Church in 1534 when Henry VIII wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon The new Anglican Church was little changed from Roman Catholicism except for divorce and the replacement of the Pope by the English monarch as the head of the church (One year later, a Johannes Ackstyl was forced out of the Gatesdon Monastery and he converted to the new church ) The next few English monarchs switched back and forth between the Anglican and the Catholic churches By the time of the Puritans, England had settled on the Anglican Church as the one true church, but the Puritans thought both churches were too ritualistic and so created a new division in the church The Puritans instituted some changes while they were in control of England under Oliver Cromwell from 1649 to 1660 and many of the changes stayed even after the Restoration
- Anglican Church
- The Protestant Church in England that originated when King Henry VIII broke his ties to the Vatican in Rome (the Catholic Church)
- Anglican Church
- The Anglican Church became the official Church of England during the reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) With its establishment, England assumed leadership of the Protestant world
- Anglican Church
- This church was built in 1835 by Levantines of English extraction living in Buca The church is famous for its wood carving, beautiful stained glass windows and huge organ
- Anglican Church
- A group of Churches, (for example the Church of Ireland, Church of Wales, Episcopal Church of the USA), that are linked to the Church of England
- Anglican Church
- Church of England, official Christian church in England
- Anglican church member
- person who is a member of the Church of England
- Armenian Church
- An autonomous Christian church established in Armenia in the fourth century It differs from other Eastern churches in professing a form of Monophysitism
- Armenian Church
- sect of the Christian Church which originated in the country of Armenia
- Byzantine Church
- church built in the Byzantine style, church built during the time of the Byzantine Empire
- Catholic Church
- Roman Western branch of Christianity whose head is the Pope
- Catholic Church
- The Roman Catholic Church
- Church of Christ
- Any of various conservative Protestant churches found mainly in the U.S. Each congregation is autonomous in government, with elders, deacons, and a minister or ministers; there is no national administrative organization. These churches originated in the early 19th century with the Disciples of Christ movement, which relied on the Bible as the only standard of Christian faith and worship. Controversies split the movement, and the Churches of Christ designated those congregations that opposed organized mission societies and the use of instrumental music in worship. After their separation from the Disciples, the Churches of Christ continued to grow. Worship services consist of prayer, preaching, unaccompanied singing, and the Lord's Supper
- Church of England
- {i} Anglican Church, official Church of England (Catholic in origin but independent from the Pope and influenced by Protestantism)
- Church of England
- The Church of England is the main church in England. It has the Queen as its head and it does not recognize the authority of the Pope. The episcopal and liturgical national church of England, which has its see in Canterbury. the Church of England C of E the state church in England, the official leader of which is the Queen or King. English national church and the mother church of the Anglican Communion. Christianity was brought to England in the 2nd century, and though nearly destroyed by the Anglo-Saxon invasions, it was reestablished after the mission of St. Augustine of Canterbury in 597. Medieval conflicts between church and state culminated in Henry VIII's break with Roman Catholicism in the Reformation. When the pope refused to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, the king issued the Act of Supremacy (1534), which declared the English monarch to be head of the Church of England. Under Henry's successor, Edward VI, more Protestant reforms were instituted. After a five-year Catholic reaction under Mary I, Elizabeth I ascended the throne (1558), and the Church of England was reestablished. The Book of Common Prayer (1549) and the Thirty-nine Articles (1571) became the standards for liturgy and doctrine. The rise of Puritanism in the 17th century led to the English Civil Wars; during the Commonwealth the Church of England was suppressed, but it was reestablished in 1660. The evangelical movement in the 18th century emphasized the church's Protestant heritage, while the Oxford movement in the 19th century emphasized its Roman Catholic heritage. The Church of England has maintained an episcopal form of government, and its leader is the archbishop of Canterbury. In 1992 the church voted to ordain women as priests. In the U.S., the Protestant Episcopal Church is descended from and remains associated with the Church of England
- Church of Ireland
- an independent Anglican church in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- the official name of the Mormon church, established in the US by Joseph Smith in 1830
- Church of Nativity
- church in Bethlehem
- Church of Rome
- Roman Catholic Church
- Church of Scientology
- International movement established in the U.S. by L. Ron Hubbard in 1954. He introduced his ideas to the general public in Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950). Dianetics sought to free subjects from the destructive imprints of past experiences, called engrams. Later Hubbard moved toward a structured system of belief involving the human soul, or thetan (each person's spiritual self), and the origins of life and the universe. The organization has often been the subject of controversy
- Church of Scotland
- the Church of Scotland the state church in Scotland
- Church of the Nativity
- church in Bethlehem
- Confessing Church
- German Bekennende Kirche Movement for revival within the German Protestant churches that developed in the 1930s in resistance to Adolf Hitler's attempt to make the churches an instrument of Nazi propaganda and politics. The Confessing Church, whose leaders included Martin Niemöller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, opposed Hitler's "German Christians" and was forced underground as Nazi pressure intensified. The movement continued in World War II, though it was hampered by the conscription of clergy and laity. In 1948 the church ceased to exist when the reorganized Evangelical Church was formed
- Coptic Church
- The Christian church of Egypt, with dioceses elsewhere in Africa and the Near East, having a liturgy in Coptic and a Monophysite doctrine. a Christian religious group that is separate from the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches, and was formed in Egypt in the 1st century AD. Although most Egyptians are Muslims, there is a small number of Coptic Christians
- Coptic Orthodox Church
- Principal Christian church in Egypt. Until the 19th century it was called simply the Egyptian Church. It agrees doctrinally with Eastern Orthodoxy except that it holds that Jesus has a purely divine nature and never became human, a belief the Council of Chalcedon rejected (see Monophysite heresy) in AD 451. After the Arab conquest (7th century), service books were written with Coptic and Arabic in parallel texts. Church government is democratic, and the patriarch, who resides in Cairo, is elected. There are congregations outside Egypt, especially in Australia and the U.S., and the church is in communion with the Ethiopian, Armenian, and Syrian Jacobite churches
- Coptic church
- native Christian church in Egypt
- Dutch Reformed Church
- the main Protestant religious group in the Netherlands. It is also the main religion of the Afrikaners in South Africa (=white people who speak Afrikaans, whose families originally came from the Netherlands)
- Early Church
- the formative period of the Christian church before the emergence of the centralized authority of the Roman Catholic Church in the West
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- The body of modern churches, including among others the Greek and Russian Orthodox, that is derived from the church of the Byzantine Empire, adheres to the Byzantine rite, and acknowledges the honorary primacy of the patriarch of Constantinople. Orthodox Church
- Eastern Orthodox Church
- {i} branch of Christianity in Eastern Europe which does not recognize priests as religious figures
- Eastern rite church
- or Eastern Catholic church Any of several Eastern Christian churches that trace their origins to ethnic or national Eastern churches but are united with the Roman Catholic church (see Roman Catholicism). A few of these churches became associated with Rome in the 12th century, but most trace their origins to the failure to unite Eastern and Western churches at the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1439 or to churches that rejoined Rome in the 16th century or later. Eastern rite churches acknowledge the authority of the pope but are allowed to use their own ancient liturgies and to maintain rites and customs more typical of Eastern Orthodoxy, such as allowing priests to marry and admitting infants to Holy Communion. The Eastern rite includes the Ukrainian Orthodox church, the Maronite Church, and some Armenians, Ruthenians, and Melchites (in Syria). Today Eastern Catholics number more than 12 million
- Episcopal Church
- The church in the United States that is in communion with the see of Canterbury. a group of Christians in the US and Scotland
- Ethiopian Orthodox church
- Independent Christian patriarchate in Ethiopia. Traditionally thought to have been founded by the preaching of the apostle Matthew or the eunuch of the Acts of the Apostles, the church was established in the 4th century by St. Frumentius and his brother Aedesius. Based in Addis Ababa, the church adheres to Monophysite doctrine (see Monophysite heresy). It accepts the honorary primacy of the Coptic patriarch of Alexandria, who appointed its archbishops from the 12th century until 1959, when an autonomous Ethiopian patriarchate was established. Its customs include circumcision, rigorous fasting, and the participation of laypersons known as debtera, who perform liturgical music and dances and act as astrologers, scribes, and fortune-tellers. Its principal adherents are the Amhara and Tigray peoples of the northern and central highlands. See also Coptic Orthodox church
- Father of the Church
- Fathers of the Church one of the several important teachers of the early Christian church whose writings are used to answer any difficult points of faith or practice
- Fathers of the Church
- founders of the Christian Church
- Frederic Edwin Church
- born May 4, 1826, Hartford, Conn., U.S. died April 7, 1900, near New York, N.Y. U.S. landscape painter. He studied with Thomas Cole in Catskill, N.Y., and soon became one of the most prominent members of the Hudson River school. He traveled widely, seeking out spectacular scenery and marvels of nature such as Niagara Falls, volcanoes, icebergs, and the tropical forests of South America, and he achieved fame and success at home and in Europe. His house, Olana, on the Hudson River, is now a museum
- Free Church
- any of the Protestant religious groups in the UK that are not part of the Church of England. The Free Churches include the Baptists, the Methodists, the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland
- Free Church of Scotland
- a small group of Protestant Christians mainly in the Highlands of Scotland, who are against any form of work on Sundays. Its members are sometimes called wee frees
- Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland
- a small group of Protestant Christians mainly in the Highlands of Scotland. It has similar views to the Free Church of Scotland, especially in connection with keeping Sunday for study of the Bible and worship of God
- Greek Church
- Greek Orthodox Church, branch of the Orthodox Church which is the national church of Greece
- Greek Church
- The Eastern Orthodox Church
- Greek Orthodox Church
- The state church of Greece, an autonomous part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. the main group of Christian churches in Eastern Europe and southwest Asia, which was formed in the 11th century by separating from the Catholic Church. The Russian Orthodox Church, the main Christian group in Russia, is closely related. orthodox. Independent Eastern Orthodox church of Greece. The term is sometimes used erroneously for Eastern Orthodoxy in general. It remained under the patriarch of Constantinople until 1833, when it became independent. It is governed by 67 metropolitan bishops, presided over by an archbishop
- High Church
- the part of the Church of England that is closest in its beliefs to the Roman Catholic Church Church Low Church
- Latin Church
- The Roman Catholic Church
- Low Church
- the part of the Church of England that believes in the importance of faith and studying the bible rather than in religious ceremonies High Church
- Maronite Church
- Eastern-rite community centered in Lebanon (see Eastern Rite Church). It traces its origin to St. Maron, a Syrian hermit of the 4th-5th century AD, and St. John Maron, under whom the invading Byzantine forces were defeated in 684. For several centuries the Maronites were considered heretics, followers of Sergius, patriarch of Constantinople, who taught that Jesus had only a divine will and not a human will. No permanent affiliation with Rome took place until the 16th century. A hardy mountain people, the Maronites preserved their freedom in Lebanon during the Muslim caliphate. In 1860 the Ottoman government incited a massacre of the Maronites by the Druze, an event that led to the establishment of Maronite autonomy within the Ottoman empire. The Maronites obtained self-rule under French protection in the early 20th century. Since the establishment of a fully independent Lebanon in 1943, they have constituted a major religious group in the country. Their spiritual leader (after the pope) is the patriarch of Antioch, and the church retains the ancient West Syrian liturgy
- Moravian Church
- Protestant denomination founded in the 18th century. It traces its origins to the Unity of Brethren, a 15th-century Hussite movement in Bohemia and Moravia. The original Brethren movement was eroded by persecution, but it was renewed in 1722 at Herrnhut, a theocratic community established in Saxony. In America the Moravians founded Bethlehem, Pa. (1740), and several other settlements, and carried out missionary work among the Indians. The Moravians ordain bishops but are governed by synods of elected representatives; they are guided by the Bible as their only rule of faith and worship
- Mormon Church
- A church founded by Joseph Smith at Palmyra in western New York in 1830 and having its headquarters since 1847 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Its doctrines are based chiefly on the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and other revelations made to church leaders. Also called Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Native American Church
- or peyotism Religious movement among North American Indians involving the drug peyote. Peyote was first used to induce supernatural visions in Mexico in pre-Columbian times; its use extended north into the Great Plains in the 19th century, and peyotism is now practiced among more than 50 tribes. Peyotist beliefs, which combine Indian and Christian elements, vary from tribe to tribe. They involve worship of the Great Spirit, a supreme deity who deals with humans through various other spirits. In many tribes peyote is personified as Peyote Spirit and is associated with Jesus. The rite often begins on Saturday evening and continues through the night. The Peyote Road is a way of life calling for brotherly love, family care, self-support through work, and avoidance of alcohol
- New Church
- or Swedenborgians Church whose members follow the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Swedenborg did not himself found a church, but he believed that his writings would be the basis of a "new church," which he associated with the "new Jerusalem" mentioned in the Book of Revelation. In 1788, soon after his death, a group of his followers established a church in London. The first Swedenborgian society in the U.S. was organized in Baltimore in 1792. Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two sacraments of the church, and New Church Day (June 19) is added to the established Christian festivals. There are three New Church groups: the General Conference of the New Church, the General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the U.S.A., and the General Church of the New Jerusalem
- Old Catholic church
- Any of a group of Western Catholic churches that separated from Rome after the First Vatican Council promulgated the doctrine of papal infallibility (1869-70). Old Catholic churches in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, and elsewhere joined together in 1889 to form the Union of Utrecht. The Old Catholics accept the Bible, the Apostles' and Nicene creeds, and the seven sacraments. Their chief authority in church government is the conference of bishops. They have long used the vernacular in public worship; confession to a priest is not obligatory, and in some Old Catholic churches the celibacy of the clergy is optional
- Old Church Slavonic
- The medieval Slavic language used in the translation of the Bible by Cyril and Methodius and in early literary manuscripts and still used as a liturgical language by several churches of Eastern Orthodoxy. Also called Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
- Old Church Slavonic language
- or Old Church Slavic language Oldest attested Slavic language, known from a small corpus of 10th-or 11th-century manuscripts, most written in the Glagolitic alphabet (see Cyrillic alphabet). The Old Church Slavonic documents, all translations from Christian ecclesiastical texts, resulted from the mission to the Moravian Slavs of Saints Cyril and Methodius, though all but one of the surviving manuscripts were actually copied in South Slavic-speaking areas. Beginning in the 11th century, the influence of the vernacular languages in cultural focal areas (Serbia, Bulgaria-Macedonia, Ukraine, and Russia) led to regional variations in Church Slavonic. It remained the literary language of Eastern Orthodoxy in South Slavic and East Slavic lands into modern times and is still the liturgical language of Slavic Orthodoxy and the Slavic Eastern rite church
- Orthodox Church
- The Eastern Orthodox Church. one of the Christian churches in Greece, eastern Europe, and parts of Asia
- Orthodox Church
- Christian church of the countries formerly comprising the Eastern Roman Empire and the countries evangelized from it
- Presbyterian Church
- Any of various Protestant churches governed by presbyters and traditionally Calvinist in doctrine
- Protestant Episcopal Church
- The Episcopal Church. Descendant of the Church of England in the U.S. With the American Revolution, the Church of England was disestablished in the U.S. (1789), and American Anglicans renamed it the Protestant Episcopal Church. The church accepts both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds and a modified version of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. The General Convention is the highest ecclesiastical authority, and it is headed by a presiding bishop, which it elects. The Reformed Episcopal Church broke away from the main body in 1873. The church accepted the ordination of women in 1976
- Reformed church
- Any of several Protestant groups strongly influenced by Calvinism. They are often called by national names (Swiss Reformed, Dutch Reformed, etc.). The name was originally used by all the Protestant churches that arose out of the 16th-century Reformation but was later confined to the Calvinistic churches of continental Europe, most of which use a Presbyterian form of church government. The Calvinistic churches of the British Isles became known as Presbyterian churches (see Presbyterianism)
- Roman Catholic Church
- The Christian church characterized by an episcopal hierarchy with the pope as its head and belief in seven sacraments and the authority of tradition
- Roman Catholic Church
- {i} Christian church with the Pope as its head
- Russian Orthodox Church
- The Eastern Orthodox Church that is under the leadership of the patriarch of Russia and has autonomous branches in other countries. the main religious group of Russia. It is a Christian church that began in the 11th century by separating from the Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church has very complicated religious ceremonies in which the words are mostly sung rather than spoken, and the it is closely related to the Greek Orthodox Church. Orthodox. Eastern Orthodox church of Russia, its de facto national church. In 988 Prince Vladimir of Kiev (later St. Vladimir) embraced Byzantine Orthodoxy and ordered the baptism of his population. By the 14th century, the metropolitan of Kiev and all Russia (head of the Russian church) was residing in Moscow; dissatisfied western Russian principalities obtained temporary separate metropolitans, but authority was later recentralized under Moscow. In the 15th century the church, rejecting Metropolitan Isidore's acceptance of union with the Western church (see Council of Ferrara-Florence), appointed their own independent metropolitan. Moscow saw itself as the "third Rome" and the last bulwark of true Orthodoxy; in 1589 the head of the Russian church obtained the title patriarch, putting him on a level with the patriarchs of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. The reforms of Nikon caused a schism within the church (see Old Believers), and Peter I abolished the patriarchate in 1721, making church administration a department of the state. The patriarchate was reestablished in 1917, two months before the Bolshevik revolution, but under the soviets the church was deprived of its legal rights and practically suppressed. It saw a great resurgence following the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991). The Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S. became independent from Moscow in 1970
- Scientist Church of Christ
- officially Church of Christ, Scientist Religious denomination founded in the U.S. in 1879 by Mary Baker Eddy. Like other Christian churches, Christian Science subscribes to an omnipotent God and the authority (but not inerrancy) of the Bible and takes the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus as essential to human redemption. It departs from traditional Christianity in considering Jesus divine but not a deity and in regarding creation as wholly spiritual. Sin denies God's sovereignty by claiming that life derives from matter. Spiritual cure of disease is a necessary element of redemption from the flesh and one of the church's most controversial practices. Most members refuse medical help for disease, and members engaged in the full-time healing ministry are called Christian Science practitioners. Elected readers lead Sunday services based on readings from the Bible and Eddy's Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. At the end of the 20th century, the church had about 2,500 congregations in 70 countries; its headquarters is at the Mother Church in Boston. See also New Thought
- Unification Church
- the official name for the Moonies. officially Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. Religious movement founded (1954) in South Korea by Sun Myung Moon. Influenced by yin-yang principles and Korean shamanism, it seeks to establish divine rule on earth through the restoration of the family, based on the union of the Lord and Lady of the Second Advent (believed to be Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han). It strives to fulfill what it asserts to be the uncompleted mission of Jesus procreative marriage. The church has been criticized for its recruitment policies (said to include brainwashing) and business practices. Its mass marriage ceremonies have gained press attention. Its worldwide membership is about 200,000 in more than 100 countries
- United Reformed Church
- a Christian religious group that formed in 1972 when the Presbyterian Church of England joined with the Congressional Church of England and Wales
- Western Church
- Christian Church of the West that originated in the Western Roman Empire (including the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Reformed Churches)
- Zionist church
- Any of several prophet-healing groups in southern Africa that arose early in the 20th century from the fusion of African culture with the Christian message brought by U.S. Protestant missionaries. Their common features include: origination from a mandate received by a prophet in a dream or vision; a chieflike leader who is succeeded by his son and who is occasionally regarded as a messiah; healing through confession, repeated baptism, purification rites, and exorcism; revelation and power from the Holy Spirit through prophetic utterances and pentecostal phenomena; Africanized worship characterized by singing, dancing, clapping, and drumming; and repudiation of traditional magic, medicines, divination, and ancestor cults, though these are often replaced with Christianized equivalents
- an Anglican church
- a church that is connected with the Church of England
- anglican church
- the national church of England (and all other churches in other countries that share its beliefs); has its see in Canterbury and the Sovereign as its temporal head
- armenian church
- an independent Christian church established in Armenia since 300; was influenced by both Roman and Byzantine traditions; headed by a catholico
- arminian church
- the Protestant denomination adhering to the views of Jacobus Arminius
- attend church
- go to a church
- baptist church
- evangelical Protestant church
- baptist church
- any of various evangelical Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of voluntary believers
- broad church
- A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine and fellowship, intermediate between the High Church party and the Low Church, or evangelical, party
- broad church
- The term has been applied to other bodies of men holding liberal or comprehensive views of Christian doctrine and fellowship
- catholic church
- any of several churches claiming to have maintained historical continuity with the original Christian Church
- christian church
- a Protestant church that accepts the Bible as the only source of true Christian faith and practices baptism by immersion
- church
- the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week"
- church
- (1) A building which is used for worship (2) The community of Christians
- church
- 1) an assembly of Christian believers 2) All Christian believers everywhere
- church
- perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth"
- church
- Certain characteristics are generally attributed to churches These attributes of a church have been developed by the IRS and by court decisions They include: distinct legal existence; recognized creed and form of worship; definite and distinct ecclesiastical government; formal code of doctrine and discipline; distinct religious history; membership not associated with any other church or denomination; organization of ordained ministers; ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study; literature of its own; established places of worship; regular congregations; regular religious services; Sunday schools for the religious instruction of the young; schools for the preparation of its ministers Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability, Governance, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
- church
- perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth
- church
- "the distinctive people of God called by him through his mission and set aside for mission" (Van Rheenen 1996b, 31); "God's instrument for God's mission" (Guder 1998, 8)
- church
- building used as a Christian place of worship
- church
- To bless according to a prescribed form, or to unite with in publicly returning thanks in church, as after deliverance from the dangers of childbirth; as, the churching of women
- church
- G1577 ekklesia, ek-klay-see'-ah; from a comp of G1537 and a der of G2564; a calling out, i e (concr ) a popular meeting, espec a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Chr community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): --assembly, church
- church
- In the New Testament, the ekklesia In the Bible, this has no reference whatever to buildings or organizations but to the called-out assembly, the covenant people of God In the overwhelming number of cases, the church or ekklesia of both the Old and New Testaments is the visible covenant community in a particular locale or region Under the authority of elders (godly heads of households), it unites on the first day of the week to hear the preaching of the Word, to receive the sacraments, and to preserve and perpetuate the Christian Faith The church is one aspect of the kingdom of God, but it is not the kingdom itself
- church
- A formally organized body of Christian believers worshiping together
- church
- All believers who confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and who are united in one body with Christ as the head are called the church of Christ The word also refers to the local congregation of believers, or a denomination
- church
- {f} take to church; conduct a special service (in thanks for the safe delivery of a child)
- church
- a service conducted in a church; "don't be late for church"
- church
- as, to array the power of the church against some moral evil
- church
- The aggregate of religious influences in a community; ecclesiastical influence, authority, etc
- church
- A building, together with its accessory buildings and use; where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and which building, together with its accessory buildings and uses, is maintained and controlled by a religious body organized to sustain religious ceremonies and purposes
- church
- one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship
- church
- {i} building in which Christians meet to worship; public worship; members of a religious denomination; denomination; leaders of a religious body; organized religion
- church
- The English word comes from the Greek word kurios, meaning, "master" or "lord " A form of this word, kuriakon, had the meaning of " pertaining to, or belonging to the lord " Originally, the word referred to the building used by the Lord's people However, the French and other Romance languages get their word for church from the another Greek word - ekklesia (lit "called out") - in French, eglise, which means an assembly of people We use both terms when speaking of the church; we speak of the building and of the people inside the building It is interesting to note that when the Bible speaks of the church, the word used is ekklesia The Bible's authors never thought of the church as a building When the word is capitalized, it usually refers to the universal, or catholic church
- church
- (from Greek ekklesia, "summoned group"; compare "ecclesiastical") The designation traditionally used for a specifically Christian assembly or body of people, and thus also the building or location in which the assembled people meet, and by extension also the specific organized sub-group within Christianity (e g Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, etc ); similar to synagogue and kahal in Judaism
- church
- All Christians who are considered as one body
- church
- the-
- church
- a place for public (especially Christian) worship; "the church was empty"
- church
- n gereja
- church
- This term has two basic meanings: its most universal meaning is that of the Community of the Believers in Jesus, which finds its fullness in the Catholic Communion In a more narrow, yet no less important sense, "church" also means a group of Catholics who are 1) *sui iuris, or otherwise known as a *"Particular Church," or self-governing (by their own hierarchy: patriarch, major archbishop, exarch or metropolitan), and 2), if also in communion with the See of Rome, is "Catholic "
- church
- a building for public Christian worship; a corporate name applied to all Christians
- church
- There are several questions people ask in getting to know one and another, and one of the oddest (in Christian rooms) is, "what church do you go to?" I mean, if you reply "Sweet Town Baptist Church", what does that say? Only the two other people in Sweet Town would be knowledgable of the name, so all that's left of interest is the religion So why not just ask, "What religion are you?" Well, since religions don't matter and we should all be one in Christ Jesus, then that question should be irrelevant as well, which really renders the whole "church" question meaningless!
- church
- A place to control without having to be accountable
- church
- a place for public (especially Christian) worship; "the church was empty" one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week" perform a special church rite or service for; "church a woman after childbirth
- church
- The English word comes from the Greek word kurios, meaning, "master" or "lord " A form of this word, kuriakon, had the meaning of "
pertaining to, or belonging to the lord " Originally, the word referred to the building used by the Lord's people However, the French and other Romance languages get their word for church from the another Greek word - ekklesia (lit "called out") - in French, eglise, which means an assembly of people We use both terms when speaking of the church; we speak of the building and of the people inside the building It is interesting to note that when the Bible speaks of the church, the word used is ekklesia The Bible's authors never thought of the church as a building When the word is capitalized, it usually refers to the universal, or catholic church
- church
- A Jewish or heathen temple
- church
- A body of Christian believers, holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a denomination; as, the Roman Catholic church; the Presbyterian church
- church
- A church is a building in which Christians worship. You usually refer to this place as church when you are talking about the time that people spend there. one of Britain's most historic churches. St Helen's Church I didn't see you in church on Sunday
- church
- The collective body of Christians
- church
- Article 4-506 Institutional & Uses of Community Significance
- church
- A house set apart for public worship
- church
- A Church is one of the groups of people within the Christian religion, for example Catholics or Methodists, that have their own beliefs, clergy, and forms of worship. co-operation with the Catholic Church Church leaders said he was welcome to return. American painter and leader of the Hudson River School. His works include Heart of the Andes (1859). Building for Christian worship. The earliest Western churches were based on the plan of the Roman basilica. In Constantinople, Anatolia, and Eastern Europe, the Orthodox church adopted the symmetrical Greek-cross plan, which had four wings of equal size projecting from a central, square, domed area (see Byzantine architecture). The late 11th century saw increased complexity in cathedrals, but the innovative hall church did not establish itself until the 14th century. The basilica and hall church dominated Western church design until the mid-20th century. Modernization of rituals and an innovative spirit have resulted in architectural experimentation that sometimes departs completely from traditional forms. In Christian doctrine, the religious community as a whole, or an organized body of believers adhering to one sect's teachings. The word church translates the Greek ekklesia, used in the New Testament for the body of faithful and the local congregation. Christians established congregations modeled on the synagogue and a system of governance centred on the bishop. The Nicene Creed characterized the church as one (unified), holy (created by the Holy Spirit), catholic (universal), and apostolic (historically continuous with the Apostles). The schism of Eastern and Western churches (1054) and the Reformation (16th century) ended institutional unity and universality. St. Augustine stated that the real church is known only to God, and Martin Luther held that the true church had members in many Christian bodies and was independent of any organization. African Methodist Episcopal Church AME Church Christ Church of Church of Christ Scientist church and state church mode Church Alonzo Church Frederic Edwin Confessing Church Coptic Orthodox Church Orthodox Catholic Church Eastern rite church Eastern Catholic church England Church of Episcopal Church Protestant Ethiopian Orthodox church Greek Orthodox Church hall church Legion of Mary Church Maronite Church Moravian Church Native American Church New Church Old Catholic church Old Church Slavonic language Old Church Slavic language Reformed church Russian Orthodox Church Scientology Church of stave church Zionist church Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Unification Church World Council of Churches
- church
- one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church; "our church is hosting a picnic next week"
- church
- The Church is the collective entity that is linked to the one true Source of Reason, the LOGOS Jesus is at the head of the church which is also called the body of Christ The Church is the only divinely authorized collective entity All others are temporal
- church
- Any body of worshipers; as, the Jewish church; the church of Brahm
- church
- A religious organization devoted to the worship of one or more deities A church consists of a body of worshipers and a corresponding ecclesiastical hierarchy
- church
- A building set apart for Christian worship
- church
- The word is used in two senses: the visible and the invisible church The visible church consists of all the people that claim to be Christians and go to church The invisible church is the actual body of Christians; those who are truly saved The true church of God is not an organization on earth consisting of people and buildings, but is really a supernatural entity comprised of those who are saved by Jesus It spans the entire time of man's existence on earth as well as all people who are called into it We become members of the church (body of Christ) by faith (Acts 2: 41) We are edified by the Word (Eph 4: 15,16), disciplined by God (Matt 18: 15-17), unified in Christ (Gal 3: 28), and sanctified by the Spirit (Eph 5: 26,27)
- church bell
- a bell in a church tower (usually sounded to summon people to church); "church bells were ringing all over town
- church bells
- large bells belonging to a Christian building of worship
- church calendar
- a calendar of the Christian year indicating the dates of fasts and festivals
- church choir
- singing group which performs during church services
- church father
- (Christianity) any of about 70 theologians in the period from the 2nd to the 7th century whose writing established and confirmed official church doctrine; in the Roman Catholic Church some were later declared saints and became Doctor of the Church; the best known Lation Church Fathers are Ambrose, Augustine, Gregory the Great, and Jerome; those who wrote in Greek include Athanasius, Basil, Gregory Nazianzen, and John Chrysostom
- church father
- Any of the authoritative early writers in the Christian church who formulated doctrines and codified religious observances
- church hat
- a fanciful hat of the kind worn by Black women for Sunday worship
- church key
- A can or bottle opener having a usually triangular head
- church key
- can opener that has a triangular pointed end that pierces the tops of cans
- church mode
- Any of eight scales of medieval music, each distinguished by its ending note, its arrangement of pitches in intervals, and its range. In music, any one of eight scalar modes employed for medieval liturgical melodies. The modal system was conceived for the purpose of codifying plainchant (see Gregorian chant); the names of the modes were borrowed from the system used by the ancient Greeks, though the Greek system was inadequately understood and the connection between the two is illusory. The modes are distinguished according to the note used as the final (last note) and the emphasis placed on another note, called the dominant. The Dorian mode's final is D, the Phrygian mode's is E, the Lydian mode's is F, and the Mixolydian's is G. Each of these four original modes had a parallel mode (Hypodorian, Hypophrygian, Hypolydian, and Hypomixolydian) with a lower range. Though they principally employ the tones A-B-C-D-E-F-G, some replace B with B-flat. In the 16th century, further modes were identified the Aeolian, on A, and the Ionian, on C (corresponding to modern minor and major). The mode on B was ignored because of B's problematic tonal relationship within the scale
- church modes
- The modes or scales used in ancient church music
- church mouse
- a fictional mouse created by Lewis Carroll
- church of ireland
- autonomous branch of the Church of England in Ireland
- church of the brethren
- a Baptist denomination founded in 1708 by Americans of German descent; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion
- church officer
- a church official
- church roll
- a list of the members of church