(sıfat) boş, yoksun, aç, boşuna, içeriksiz, önemsiz, anlamsız

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) boş, yoksun, aç, boşuna, içeriksiz, önemsiz, anlamsız
Türkisch - Englisch
{v} to exhaust, make void, deprive
having nothing inside; "an empty sphere
a container that has been emptied; "return all empties to the store"
Lack of flavor
used in commerce, esp
An empty gesture, threat, or relationship has no real value or meaning. His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was an empty threat. to ensure the event is not perceived as an empty gesture
in transportation of freight; as, "special rates for empties
needing nourishment; "after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime"; "empty-bellied children"
adj kosong
excrete or discharge from the body
An offensive formation that contains no backs in the offensive backfield except the quarterback
{f} remove the contents of, make empty
An element without content is empty It can be signified by two constructs: <foo bar="plugh"></foo> and the empty-element tag: <foo bar="plugh"/> These are identical in effect and some tools will automatically convert between them (hopefully giving you the option) If you leave space such as: <foo bar="plugh"> </foo> the content is a single space (i e not null) and this could cause a validation error if the element was declared as empty see empty [in XML spec]
Destitute of, or lacking, sense, knowledge, or courtesy; as, empty brains; an empty coxcomb
An empty box, crate, cask, etc
Similar to hollow; devoid of flavor and interest
make void or empty of contents; "Empty the box"; "The alarm emptied the building"
If you describe a person's life or a period of time as empty, you mean that nothing interesting or valuable happens in it. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him
A rectangle is empty when the area contained within it is zero or negative This situation occurs when the rectangle is not normalised, or when it has a height or width of zero A region is empty if it contains no rectangles
If someone empties a room or place, or if it empties, everyone that is in it goes away. The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics. a woman who could empty a pub full of drunks just by lifting one fist
(sıfat) boş, yoksun, aç, boşuna, içeriksiz, önemsiz, anlamsız


    (sı·fat) boş, yok·sun, aç, bo·şu·na, i·çe·rik·siz, ö·nem·siz, an·lam·sız

