(sıfat) aşağılayıcı, küçültücü, alçaltıcı

listen to the pronunciation of (sıfat) aşağılayıcı, küçültücü, alçaltıcı
Türkisch - Englisch
Disparaging, belittling or derogatory
A disparaging, belittling, or derogatory word or expression
{s} vilifying, disrespectful, scornful; declining, depreciatory; changing for the worse, calumniatory
A pejorative word or expression is one that expresses criticism of someone or something. I agree I am ambitious, and I don't see that as a pejorative term = derogatory, disparaging. a word or expression that is pejorative is used to show disapproval or to insult someone (pejoratus, past participle of pejorare , from pejor )
Implying or imputing evil; depreciatory; disparaging; unfavorable
expressing disapproval; "dyslogistic terms like `nitwit' and `scalawag'"
(sıfat) aşağılayıcı, küçültücü, alçaltıcı