(oyun kâğıdı) karıştırmak

listen to the pronunciation of (oyun kâğıdı) karıştırmak
Türkisch - Englisch
To change; modify the order of something
The act of shuffling cards

He made a real mess of the last shuffle.

To put in a random order

I'm going to shuffle all the songs in my playlist.

An instance of walking without lifting one's feet

The sad young girl left with a lazy shuffle.

To walk without picking up one's feet

I shuffled my feet across the rug.

A rhythm commonly used in blues music. Consists of a series of triplet notes with the middle note missing, so that it sounds like a long note followed by a short note. Sounds like a walker dragging one foot
{n} a disordering of things, shake, trick
A triple step similar to a Polka step with no lilt Example: Shuffle Forward Left 1 Step forward left and bring the right foot up to the heel of the left foot 2 Step forward left Note: From a technical point of view, a shuffle would be smooth, a Polka would have bounce, and a Cha-Cha would have Cuban Motion This may be of little or no concern to the social dancer, especially the beginner
Mode of playing where arrows are shuffled in one of eight possible patterns
To change the order in which windows are stacked on the screen
noun, verb An extra element to add to a trick by landing sideways, or with the wheels parallel to the lip, and then sliding the wheels to reenter backwards To clarify: to do a backside air shuffle, do the motion for a backside air, but as you reenter, land sideways with the wheels just below coping and slide to a the fakie position Can also be done on a curb, bank, etc
To shove one way and the other; to push from one to another; as, to shuffle money from hand to hand
To change one's position; to shift ground; to evade questions; to resort to equivocation; to prevaricate
mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"
  The goalie's skating motion when he/she moves side to side without turning the skates (T-push)   This move is used to consistently stay "square" to the puck   Too often, goalies use shuffles which are too large, thus opening up the 5-hole or creating trouble in making transition Smaller shuffles are better
move about, move back and forth; "He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS
If you shuffle around, you move your feet about while standing or you move your bottom about while sitting, often because you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. He shuffles around in his chair He grinned and shuffled his feet
The act of shuffling; a mixing confusedly; a slovenly, dragging motion
{i} slow dragging gait; evasion, avoidance; mixing of playing cards; mixture, jumble; sliding dance step
n a footwork pattern in which the feet do not cross each other, used to cover short distances