(isim) korkak

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) korkak
Türkisch - Englisch
A confessed coward
To make [[#Adjective|craven]]

There is a prohibition so divine / That cravens my weak hand.

{n} a conquered cock, a coward
{v} to cow
disapproval Someone who is craven is very cowardly. They condemned the deal as a craven surrender. courageous. completely lacking courage = cowardly (Perhaps from crevant, present participle of crever )
To make craven
Unwilling to fight; lacking even the rudiments of courage; extremely cowardly
A recreant; a coward; a weak-hearted, spiritless fellow
{i} fearful person, coward
lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful; "the craven fellow turned and ran"; "a craven proposal to raise the white flag"; "this recreant knight"- Spenser
{s} fearful, cowardly
To make recreant, weak, spiritless, or cowardly
an abject coward
Cowardly; fainthearted; spiritless
See Recreant, n
(isim) korkak