A tape deck or record deck is a piece of equipment on which you play tapes or records. I stuck a tape in the deck
a structural component of the roof of a building The deck must be capable of safely supporting the design dead and live loads, including the weight of the roof systems, and the additional live loads required by the governing building codes Decks are either non-combustible (e g , corrugated metal, concrete, or gypsum) or combustible (e g , wood plank or plywood), and provide the substrate to which the roofing or waterproofing system is applied
one or more boards or panels comprising the top or bottom surface of the pallet Deck mat - assembly of deckboards and stringerboards, forming the deck of a block pallet Deckboard - element or component of a pallet deck, oriented perpendicular to the stringer or stringerboard Deckboard spacing - distance between adjacent deckboards Deckboard span - distance between deckboard supports (stringers, stringerboards or blocks) Deflection - the amount of deformation or bending in a pallet or pallet component under load Dimensions - see pallet dimensions Double-face pallet - a pallet with top and bottom deckboards extending beyond the edges of the stringers or stringerboards Drive screw nail - helically (continuous spiral) threaded pallet nail
The deck is the wml document and is the equivalent of a web site Can contain any number of cards, each of which is displayed separately by the browser The deck is the smallest amount of data sent to the browser and must be kept to less than 1200 bytes
The structural surface to which the roofing or waterproofing system (including insulation) is applied
noun The laminated (usually) piece of wood that is cut to different shapes as the standing surface of a skateboard
If you clear the decks, you get ready to start something new by finishing any work that has to be done or getting rid of any problems that are in the way. Clear the decks before you think of taking on any more responsibilities
(isim) güverte, üst kısım; kat; iskambil destesi, deste
(i·sim) gü·ver·te, üst kı·sım; kat; is·kam·bil des·te·si, des·te