(fiil) incitmek, yaralamak, sakatlamak, zedelemek, zarar vermek, kötülük etmek

listen to the pronunciation of (fiil) incitmek, yaralamak, sakatlamak, zedelemek, zarar vermek, kötülük etmek
Türkisch - Englisch
To damage or impair
To wound or cause physical harm to a living creature
hurt the feelings of; "She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests"; "This remark really bruised me ego"
(c) To slander, tarnish, or impair, as reputation or character
To cause harm, especially physical harm to a living creature
(d) To impair or diminish, as happiness or virtue
To do harm to; to impair the excellence and value of; to hurt; to damage; used in a variety of senses; as: (a) To hurt or wound, as the person; to impair soundness, as of health
cause damage or affect negatively; "Our business was hurt by the new competition"
(f) To impair, as the intellect or mind
{f} hurt; wound; insult, offend; damage
cause injuries or bodily harm to
If you injure a person or animal, you damage some part of their body. A number of bombs have exploded, seriously injuring at least five people stiff penalties for motorists who kill, maim, and injure
To do injustice to
(e) To give pain to, as the sensibilities or the feelings; to grieve; to annoy
(b) To damage or lessen the value of, as goods or estate
(fiil) incitmek, yaralamak, sakatlamak, zedelemek, zarar vermek, kötülük etmek


    (fi·il) in·cit·mek, ya·ra·la·mak, sa·kat·la·mak, ze·de·le·mek, za·rar ver·mek, kö·tü·lük et·mek

