değişmez zaman paylaşımı

listen to the pronunciation of değişmez zaman paylaşımı
Türkçe - İngilizce
round robin
A method of dividing loot amongst a party of players by having the game assign in turn loot to a player or an enemy corpse to loot to a player
A tournament in which every player or team competes against each of the others in turn
a letter signed by a number of people
{i} petition signed in such a way that it is impossible to tell who signed first; letter or written communication signed by a number of people; (Sports) tournament in which each player plays all other players; letter sent to a group of people for the response by each person in turn; sequence, series
a letter signed by a number of people a tournament in which every contestant plays every other contestant
A tournament in which each player meets every other player and final standings are determined by the won-lost records Such a tournament is sometimes a preliminary round to determine seedings and order of play
a competition in which every player or team plays against every other player or team (From the male name Robin)
Scheduling algorithm whereby a thread is given a certain period of time to run Should the thread consume CPU for the entire period of its timeslice, the thread will be placed at the end of the ready queue for its priority, and the next available thread will be made READY If a thread is the only thread READY at its priority level, it will be able to consume CPU again immediately See also adaptive, FIFO, and sporadic
a tournament in which every contestant plays every other contestant
a piece of meld consisting of a marriage in each of the four suits; worth 240 points (Kings Around [80], Queens Around [60], one royal marriage [40] and three common marriages [60 points total]) See also common marriage, Kings Around, Queens Around, royal marriage
A tournament in which everyone gets to play everyone else
A round robin is a logical arrangement of "turn taking" within a computer environment In a web server setting, for example, two servers would "take turns" accessing user information
değişmez zaman paylaşımı