
listen to the pronunciation of dattel
Almanca - Türkçe
n {'datıl} e hurma
n. e. 'datıl hurma
[die] hurma
İngilizce - Türkçe

dattel teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Bu sayfanın son güncellenme tarihi: 2010.11.03 - Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

Önceden belirlenen doğum tarihinin akşamında suyum kesildi.. - My water broke on the evening of the predicted birth date.

{f} tarih koy

Tom Mary'nin onun en iyi arkadaşıyla flört ettiğini keşfetti. - Tom discovered that Mary had dated his best friend.

Bugün erkek arkadaşımla çıkıyorum, bu yüzden bu sabahtan beri çok iyi bir ruh hali içindeyim. - I'm going on a date with my boyfriend today, so I've been in a very good mood since this morning.


Hurmayı bademle beraber yemeyi severim. - I like to eat a date with almonds.

Hangisini tercih edersin, kuru üzüm, kuru erik veya hurma mı​​? - Which do you prefer, raisins, prunes or dates?

flört etmek

Sami, Leyla'yla flört etmek istiyordu. - Sami wanted to date Layla.

(Aİ) flört
{i} flört, flört edilen kişi
{f} bayatlamak
{f} zamanını belirlemek
{f} eskimek
{f} eskiden kalmak

Bu sayfanın son güncellenme tarihi: 2010.11.03 - Date of last revision of this page: 2010-11-03

Piknik için tarih belirleyelim. - Let's fix the date for the picnic.

{f} tarih koymak, tarih atmak
It dates from a thousand Milâttan bin sene evvelden kalma bir eserdir
(fiil) tarih atmak, zamanını belirlemek; çıkmak (Argo), flört etmek, buluşmak; eskiden kalmak, eski bir tarihten geliyor olmak, eskimek; bayatlamak
{f} tarihlendirmek
{f} buluşmak

Mary John'la buluşmak için çıksa, Tom kesinlikle memnun olmaz. - Tom certainly wouldn't be pleased if Mary went out on a date with John.

Yakında buluşmak için bir randevu verdik. - We made a date to meet soon.

{i} vade
Almanca - İngilizce
To have beginning; to begin; to be dated or reckoned; -- with from

The Batavian republic dates from the successes of the French arms. - E. Everett.

A point in time, as in You may need that at a later date
That addition to a writing, inscription, coin, etc., which specifies the time (as day, month, and year) when the writing or inscription was given, or executed, or made; as, the date of a letter, of a will, of a deed, of a coin, etc

the date for pleading.

{v} to give, mark or note the precise time
{n} a point of time, fruit of the palm tree
To note or fix the time of, as of an event; to give the date of; as, to date the building of the pyramids
The element in the heading of each Survey Report used by the agents to identify the dates, approximate dates, or inclusive date range of the manuscripts examined and described by the agent in that report
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 23: 41: 14 +0200
To date means up until the present time. `Dottie' is by far his best novel to date
the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred; "he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class"
The fruit of the date palm; also, the date palm itself
If you are dating someone, you go out with them regularly because you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship with them. You can also say that two people are dating. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant They've been dating for three months
A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship. I have a date with Bob
Include the date range and bulk dates (when applicable) Circa dates are acceptable if exact dates are unclear
a particular day specified as the time something will happen; "the date of the election is set by law"
A meeting with a lover or potential lover, or the person so met
If something dates, it goes out of fashion and becomes unacceptable to modern tastes. A black coat always looks smart and will never date
Date of first Friday of wide release in the North American market (wide defined as 650 screens), or most significant box-office weekend, if less than 650
A numeric data type used to represent dates Date values are 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point numbers that represent dates from January 1, 100, to December 31, 9999, and times from 0: 00: 00 to 23: 59: 59 The Date data type uses the prefix dat but doesn't have a type- declaration character
March 4th, 2003 License: Commercial
Chinesische Dattel
Korean date
Chinesische Dattel
Chinese date
Chinesische Dattel
Chinesische Dattel
Indian date
Chinesische Dattel
red date
Rote Dattel
Chinese date
Rote Dattel
Rote Dattel
Indian date
Rote Dattel
Korean date
Rote Dattel
red date
indische Dattel
tamarind (fruit)