(Askeri) VERİ TABANI: Lojik bir sıra dahilinde tertiplenmiş bir bilgi elemanı grubu veya bununla ilgili şekiller. Verilen bir amaca ve verilen bir bilgi işlem sistemine yeterli en az bir dosyadan oluşan ve diğer bir topluluğun parçası veya tümünü teşkil eden bir bilgi topluluğu
In electronic records, a set of data, consisting of at least one file or of a group of integrated files, usually stored in one location and made available to several users at the same time for various applications
A collection of data put together to serve a particular purpose Computers are used to store and manipulate data Recording list of information in a database makes it easier to organise and retrieve it later
A set or collection of interrelated data stored and managed for a particular project A data base can be stored in machine readable form (on magnetic tape, disk or optical disk) or it can be on paper (as in a book) The same as a data bank except that the data is for a specific project Data base can also mean a collection of information or material (in digital or analogue form) such as an archive or library
in ERDAS IMAGINE, a set of continuous and thematic raster layers, vector layers, attribute information, and other kinds of data which represent one area of interest A data base is usually part of a geographic information system
A collection of files that, when taken as a set, represent a coherent whole Example: the contract database may be 30 separate files or "views" of client orders for airtime
Electronic data banks The term most often refers to bibliographic electronic files, which are computerized indexes to journal articles Most databases have been developed around a particular subject and are accessible by subject and keyword Several Library periodical databases include the full-text of the articles For example, Periodical Abstracts provides the full-text to about 65% of the articles indexed
or Online databases Discrete bodies of information stored electronically: the Library's catalog, aka "OWL," InfoTrac, and the Boston Globe online The Library subscribes to a number of databases: FirstSearch, Dialog@Carl, and InfoTrac are the largest These databases contain searchable almanacs, journals, serials, directories, newspapers, and more Each database has its own search engine You cannot access these databases through a common search engine like Google or AltaVista
A collection of related information about a subject organized in a useful manner that provides a base of foundation for procedures such as retrieving information, drawing conclusions, and making decisions
The entire collection of information stored in the computer in machine-readable form; e g , the patron database includes all of the information needed to identify a patron such as name, address, and telephone number