
listen to the pronunciation of dahinten
Almanca - Türkçe
İngilizce - Türkçe

dahinten teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{e} ardındaki

Tom'un parmaklılar ardındaki zamanı bitti. - Tom's time behind bars is over.

Saldırıların ardındaki kimdi? - Who was behind the attacks?


Tom arkasında bir ses duydu ve geriye döndü. - Tom heard a noise behind him and turned around.

Chris fen dersinde geriye düşme riskinde. - Chris risks falling behind in the science class.


Biri onun şemsiyesini geride bıraktı. - Somebody left his umbrella behind.

Ekstra yiyeceği geride bırakmaya karar verdiler. - They decided to leave extra food behind.


Ben, birinin arkadan adımı seslendiğini duydum. - I heard someone call my name from behind.

Bir yabancı omzuma arkadan dokundu. Beni başka birisiyle karıştırmış olmalı. - A stranger tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He must have mistaken me for someone else.


Ben, birinin arkadan adımı seslendiğini duydum. - I heard someone call my name from behind.

Bir yabancı omzuma arkadan dokundu. Beni başka birisiyle karıştırmış olmalı. - A stranger tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He must have mistaken me for someone else.


Bu, programın gerisinde. - It's behind schedule.

Otobüs tarifenin gerisindeydi. - The bus was behind schedule.

(İnşaat) arkasında

Görevli memur arkasından yaşlı bir adamın geldiğini hissetti. - The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him.

Bahçe evin arkasında. - The garden is behind the house.

{i} kıç (Argo)
in gerisinde

Tren bugün on dakika geç kaldı. - The train is ten minutes behind today.

Otobüs on dakika geç kaldı. - The bus arrived ten minutes behind time.

geri kalmış

Saat on dakika geri kalmış. - The clock is ten minutes behind.

{e} ardından

Güneş bulutların ardından çıktı bile. - Even the sun popped out from behind the clouds.

Maria Sharapova, Williams kardeşlerin ardından, üçüncü en başarılı aktif kadın tenis oyuncusudur. - Maria Sharapova is the third most successful active women's tennis player, behind the Williams sisters.

behindhand z
zamana ayak uyduramamak
borca batmış
dili kıç
be behind the times geri kafalı olmak
Almanca - İngilizce
in support of

The republicans are fully behind their candidate.

Toward the back part or rear; backward; as, to look behind
A 1 point score

1880: A roar from ten thousand throats go up,For we've kicked another behind. — The Opening Ball in Comic Australian Verse, ed. G. Lehmann, 1975. Quoted in G. A. Wilkes, A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, second edition, 1985, Sydney University Press, ISBN 0-424-00113-6.

After the departure of another; as, to stay behind
Not yet brought forward, produced, or exhibited to view; out of sight; remaining
after, time- or motion-wise

About the center, and a good way behind the rest, Silver and I followed - I tethered by my rope.

in or to or toward the rear; "he followed behind"; "seen from behind, the house is more imposing than it is from the front"; "the final runners were far behind"
to the back of
To cause to seem very poor and inadequate
To reduce to beggary; to impoverish; as, he had beggared himself
The free foot will go behind the opposite (or weighted foot) foot
Used for listed equity securities At the same price but entered after your order/interest, such as on the specialist's book Antithesis of ahead of you
at the back of
On the side opposite the front or nearest part; on the back side of; at the back of; on the other side of; as, behind a door; behind a hill
the part of your body that you sit on = bottom
This mode will work only on the transparent areas of a layer The result looks as though you are painting on the back of a sheet of acetate, which has been laid over the picture There must be layers other than the background and they need to have transparent areas for this mode to work This mode works only in layers with Lock Transparency deselected
Before the last cards have been dealt, you either have the best hand or you don't If you don't, you're said to be behind See also chase Even though I was probably behind, I decided to raise because I had a lot of outs
having the lower score or lagging position in a contest; "behind by two points"; "the 8th inning found the home team trailing"
in or into an inferior position; "fell behind in his studies"; "their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers"