dört benzer şeyden biri

listen to the pronunciation of dört benzer şeyden biri
Türkçe - İngilizce
in quadruplicate: four times over, in four copies
{a} fourfold, four times repeated
{v} to make fourfold
To replicate four times
{f} quadruple, multiply by 4, increase fourfold
To make fourfold; to double twice; to quadruple
reproduce fourfold; "quadruplicate the bill
{s} four times, fourfold; consisting of four identical items or copies
having four units or components; "quadruple rhythm has four beats per measure"; "quadruplex wire"
four times over, multiplied by four
reproduce fourfold; "quadruplicate the bill"
{i} one of four identical objects
Raised to the fourth power
any four copies; any of four things that correspond to one another exactly; "it was signed in quadruplicate" reproduce fourfold; "quadruplicate the bill
any four copies; any of four things that correspond to one another exactly; "it was signed in quadruplicate"
Fourfold; doubled twice; four times repeated; as, a quadruplicate ratio, or a quadruplicate proportion
having four parts
dört benzer şeyden biri