Inter-molecular bonds between long chain thermoplastic polymers by chemical or electron bombardment means The properties of the resulting thermosetting material are usually improved
The development of a three-dimensional structure in an adhesive' which is activated normally by heat An improvement in shear resistance' high temperature resistance' and oil or solvent resistance will normally result
The abnormal linking of two strands of DNA by covalent bonds (as opposed to the normal hydrogen bonds between base pairs), which can occur by exposure to X-rays Such linking is a type of damage to the DNA molecule and must be repaired before the DNA can replicate and function properly again
the setting-up of chemical valence links between the molecular chains of polymer molecules, leading to the formation of a 3-dimensional network of polymer chains which is infusible and insoluble This usually reduces the thermoplasticity of the material
an oxidation reaction in which indesirable bonds form between nucleic acids (RNA and DNA, the genetic blueprint material) or between proteins, often as links between sulfut atoms called disulfide bonds, or between lipids or any combination thereof The links may be between different proteins or nucleic acids or lipids or between parts of the same protein or nucleic acid or lipid The result is that the molecule cannot assume the correct shape for proper functioning Some cross-links are required in proteins for rigidity and structural strength However, cross-links of an inappropriate, undesired nature form throughout life
the formation of chemical bonds between polymeric chains to yield an insoluble, three dimensional polymeric structure Cross-linking of rubber is referred to as vulcanization or "curing "
The setting up of chemical valence links between the molecular chains of polymer molecules, leading to the formation of a 3-dimensional network of polymer chains which is infusible and insoluble This usually reduces the thermoplasticity of the material
A process in which bonds are formed joining adjacent molecules At low density, these bonds add to the elasticity of the polymer and at higher densities, eventually produce rigidity in the polymers
Reacting together large molecules to change the physical properties of material Cross-linking involves formation of a three dimensional molecular network with thermosetting resins
To join polymer chains together to form one single molecule. An object made from a crosslinked material contains only one supergiant molecule. Crosslinking may take place through covalent bonds or ionic bonds