(Askeri) DENİZ ASTSUBAYI KIDEMLİ BAŞÇAVUŞU: Deniz kuvvetlerinde; gedikli subaydan ast derecede en yüksek rütbeli bir astsubay. Bir deniz astsubayı kıdemli başçavuşu, Ordu'da Başçavuşa haster sergeant} tekabül eder. Ayrıca bakınız: "petty officer"
Chief Privacy Officer These individuals ensure that customer data is kept safe, and more importantly, customer satisfaction is kept high Processes CPO may be involved with include spam prevention, protecting customer data that the company already possesses and stopping information requests from being too intrusive (i e , an e-mail newsletter subscription form that asks for a user's income or gender)
Acronym for cost per order The sum of all production and media costs (creative, printing, lettershop, postage, etc ) divided by the total number of orders received
The tendency of crystallographic axes to occupy a specific orientation with respect to external fabric coordinates; a non-random distribution of c-axes in a pole figure (e g along great circles)