cosa bonita

listen to the pronunciation of cosa bonita
İspanyolca - İngilizce
Pleasant in sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children

To escape a violent beating from sailors to whom he has sold a non-­functioning car, Jerry takes his stepfamily for a holiday in a trailer park miles away, where, miraculously, young Nick meets a very pretty young woman called Sheeni, played by Portia Doubleday.

Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing

'Petit Posy' brassicas are a cross between kale and brussels sprouts, and are really very pretty with a mild, sweet taste.

Moderately large; considerable

What did you do to your hair? The answer could be worth a pretty penny for L'Oreal.

somewhat, fairly, quite; used as a mild intensifier of adjectives and adverbs

People can run pretty fast when they're frightened!.

Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance

Damned by the Socialists as traitors to the working class, its leaders were decried by Tories as faceless peddlers of politics with a pretty little trinket for every taste..

Something that is pretty

I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!.

You can use pretty before an adjective or adverb to mean `quite' or `rather'. I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do Pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings
Mean; despicable; contemptible; used ironically; as, a pretty trick; a pretty fellow
@pretty com
pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing; "pretty girl"; "pretty song"; "pretty room"
Painted with an impressionist touch, best viewed from a distance
Pretty much or pretty well means `almost'. His new government looks pretty much like the old one
used as an intensifier (`jolly' is used informally in Britain); "pretty big"; "pretty bad"; "jolly decent of him"
{s} beautiful, physically attractive; nice, pleasant, genial
If you describe someone, especially a girl, as pretty, you mean that they look nice and are attractive in a delicate way. She's a very charming and very pretty girl. + prettily pret·ti·ly She smiled again, prettily. + prettiness pret·ti·ness Her prettiness had been much admired
A place or a thing that is pretty is attractive and pleasant, in a charming but not particularly unusual way. Whitstable is still a very pretty little town. + prettily pret·ti·ly The living-room was prettily decorated. + prettiness pret·ti·ness shells of quite unbelievable prettiness
In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact; pretty cold weather
Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form a color; having slight or diminutive beauty; neat or elegant without elevation or grandeur; pleasingly, but not grandly, conceived or expressed; as, a pretty face; a pretty flower; a pretty poem
Having conventionally accepted elements of beauty
(used ironically) unexpectedly bad; "a pretty mess"; "a pretty kettle of fish"
cosa bonita


    cosa Bo·ni·ta

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    kōsı bōnitı


    /ˈkōsə bōˈnētə/ /ˈkoʊsə boʊˈniːtə/