
listen to the pronunciation of corrosion
İngilizce - Türkçe
kimyasal aşınma
(Avcılık) karınca
(İnşaat) bozunma
{i} yıpranma
{i} bozulma
(Tıp) Aşınma, kemirilme, tahrip edici etken sebebiyle organ veya doku yapısında zamanla meydana gelen bozulma
{i} jeol. aşınma/aşındırma, korozyon
(Askeri) KOROZYON, KİMYASAL AŞINMA: Herhangi bir metalin, kimyasal etkilerle yavaş yavaş aşınması
{i} (pas veya kimyasal maddeden ileri gelen) çürüme, korozyon
(Askeri) eritme
corrosion inhibitor
pas önleyici
corrosion inhibitor
paslanma önleyici
corrosion protection
korozyondan koruma
corrosion resistance
yenim direnci
corrosion potential
korozyon potansiyeli
corrosion prevention
korozyon önleme
corrosion proof
aşınmaya dayanıklı
corrosion rate
korozyon hızı
corrosion resistance
korozyon rezistansı
corrosion resistant austenitic cast iron
aşınmaya dayanıklı östenitli dökme demir
corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steel
aşınmaya dayanıklı östenitli paslanmaz  çelik
corrosion resisting
aşınmaya dayanıklı
aşınmaya dayanıklı
aşınmaya dayanıklı
corrosion resistant
Korozyona dayanıklı
Aşınmaya dayanıklı, paslanmaz
corrosion allowance
paslanma payı
corrosion figure
(Kimya) korozyon şekli
corrosion inhibiting admixture
korozyon yavaşlatma katkısı
corrosion inhibiting admixture
korozyon durdurma katkısı
corrosion morphology
(Tıp) aşınma morfolojisi
corrosion potential
yenim potansiyeli
corrosion prevention
corrosion prevention
(Askeri) korozyon önleme tedbirleri
corrosion prevention
(Askeri) KOROZYON ÖNLEME (TEDBİRLERİ): Korozyona elverişli yüzeyleri, su, su buharı, asit ve diğer kirletici maddelerle temasları önleyecek şekilde örterek veya rutubeti giderilmiş havalı, yerlerde depolayarak madeni malzemeye sağlanan koruma. Bu koruma; malzemenin bütününü veya gerekli kısmını dikkatle temizlemek, yağ, gres veya hava ve rutubetle temasa engel olacak rutubet geçirmez kağıt, tatbik etmek ve koruyucu maddenin üzerini örtmek gibi tedbirleri içine alır
corrosion prevention
yenim önleme
corrosion preventive
(Askeri) KOROZYON ÖNLEYİCİ MADDE: Metal yüzeylerine tatbik edilen ve başlıca görevi kimyasal aşınmayı önlemek olan yağ, plastik boya, sargı ve benzeri maddeler. Bu madde, yüzeyde daimi surette ince bir tabaka meydana getirerek hava ile teması önler veya korozyonu başka unsur üzerine yöneltebilir (katodik koruma)
corrosion preventive compound
(Askeri) KOROZYON KORUYUCU BİLEŞİK: Pas veya korozyonu önlemek için metal yüzeylerine sürülen bir bileşik. Bu terim boya tabakalarından ayırt edilmeleri için genel olarak, su veya temizleme mahlulü ile giderilebilen bileşikler için kullanılır
corrosion preventive compound
(Askeri) korozyon koruyucu bileşik
corrosion proof
korozyona uğramaz
corrosion protection rules
korozyondan korunma kuralları
corrosion rate
yenim hızı
corrosion resistance
(Nükleer Bilimler) korozyon direnci
corrosion resistant
korozyona uğramaz
corrosion resistant austenitic stainless steel
aşınmaya dayanıklı östenitli paslanmaz çelik
corrosion resistant steel
korozyona dayanıklı çelik
corrosion resisting
korozyona dayanırlık
corrosion take place
pasın oluşması
corrosion test
aşınma deneyi
copper corrosion
(Madencilik) bakır korozyonu
atmospheric corrosion
atmosfer korozyonu
crevice corrosion
çatlak korozyonu
electrolytic corrosion
elektrolitik korozyon
intercrystalline corrosion
tane sınırı korozyonu
intergranular corrosion
tane sınırı aşınması
metallic corrosion
metalik paslanma
anti-corrosion oils
korozyon/aşınma önleyici yağlar
fretting corrosion
Sürtünme korozyonu
galvanic corrosion
galvanik korozyon
stress corrosion
gerilim korozyonu, gerilimli yenim
stress corrosion cracking
gerilim korozyonu çatlaması, gerilimli yenim çatlaması
caustic corrosion
kostik paslanma
chemical corrosion
kimyasal paslanma
crevice corrosion
çatlak yenimi
filiform corrosion
(Havacılık) helezon şeklinde korozyon
fretting corrosion
(Havacılık) aşındırma korozyonu
inter crystalline corrosion
(Otomotiv) hücrelerarası paslanma
inter crystalline corrosion
(Otomotiv) kristalleşerek paslanma
pitting corrosion
çukur yenim
pitting corrosion
çukur korozyon
reinforcement corrosion
(İnşaat) donatı paslanımı
stress corrosion cracking
(Nükleer Bilimler) gerilim korozyon çatlağı
volumetric corrosion
(Fizik) hacimsel aşınma
İngilizce - İngilizce
Erosion by chemical action, especially oxidation
The gradual destruction or undermining of something
The act of corroding or the condition so produced
A substance (such as rust) so formed
gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration
{n} the act of eating or wearing away
Chemical action which causes destruction of the surface of a metal by oxidation or chemical combination Also caused by reduction or chemical combination Also caused by reduction of the electrical efficiency between the metal and a contiguous substance or to the disintegrating effect of strong electrical currents or ground return currents in electrical systems The latter is known as electrolytic corrosion
The deterioration of metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction resulting from exposure to weathering, moisture, chemicals or other agents or media
Degradation of the metal substrate by oxidation That is the formation of an oxide layer on the metal surface This process requires that the metal surface be exposed to oxygen, and is favoured in the presence of water In the case of iron and steel, corrosion is often referred to as rusting
The action or effect of corrosive agents, or the process of corrosive change; as, the rusting of iron is a variety of corrosion
The deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment
erosion by chemical action
The gradual destruction or alteration of a metal or alloy caused by direct chemical attack or by electromechanical reaction
The deterioration of a material by chemical reaction or galvanic action
chemical action which causes destruction of the surface of a a material by oxidation or chemical combination Also caused by reduction of the electrical efficiency between a metal and a contiguous substance or to the disintegrating effects of strong electrical currents or ground return currents in electrical systems The latter is known as electrolytic corrosion
A process in which a metal is destroyed by a chemical reaction
To eat away by chemical action An oxidation process such as rust on steel
a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action
(1) Gradual solution or oxidation of a metal (2) Solution of anode metal by the electrochemical action in an the plating cell
A dissolving and wearing away of metal caused by a chemical reaction, usually between water and metal pipes, or between two different metals In a water system, corrosion can cause structural failure, leaks, loss of capacity, and deterioration of chemical and microbiological water quality
Deteriorative loss of a metal as a result of dissolution environmental reactions
Gradual chemical or electrochemical attack on a metal by atmospheric moisture or other agents
erosion by chemical action a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action
A surface electrochemical phenomenon common to all base metals in aqueous or humid environments whereby metal ions are developed at a cathodic site and the electrons associated with this dissolution accepted at an anodic site
Deterioration of materials from chemical action
A surface electrochemical phenomenon common to all base metals in aqueous or humid environments whereby metal ions are developed at an anodic site and the electrons associated with this dissolution accepted at a cathodic site
A process in which a metal is destroyed by a chemical reaction When the metal is iron, the process is called rusting
The deterioration of metal by chemical or electrochemical reactions with substances in its environment
A chemical action that causes the gradual deterioration of the surface of a metal by oxidation or chemical reaction
A complex chemical or electrochemical process by which metal is destroyed through reaction with its environment, For example, rust is corrosion
Deteriorative loss of a metal as a result of environmental reactions
Corrosion is the damage that is caused when something is corroded. Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion. the gradual destruction of metal by the effect of water, chemicals etc or a substance such as rust produced by this process (corrosio, from corrodere; CORRODE). Wearing away due to chemical reactions, mainly oxidation (see oxidation-reduction, oxide). It occurs whenever a gas or liquid chemically attacks an exposed surface, often a metal, and is accelerated by warm temperatures and by acids and salts. Normally, corrosion products (e.g., rust, patina) stay on the surface and protect it. Removing these deposits reexposes the surface, and corrosion continues. Some materials resist corrosion naturally; others can be treated to protect them (e.g., by coating, painting, galvanizing, or anodizing)
Destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its' environment
Gradual chemical or electrochemical attack on a metal by atmosphere, moisture or other agents
{i} wear, deterioration; rust, oxidation
The electrochemical degradation of metals/alloys or chemical degradation of materials (glass, concrete, etc ) due to a reaction with their environment; usually accelerated by the presence of acids or bases
The destructive disintegration of a metal by electrochemical means
pitting corrosion
a form of extremely localized corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal
fretting corrosion
Fretting (or fretting corrosion) refers to corrosion damage at the asperities of contact surfaces. This damage is induced under load and in the presence of repeated relative surface motion, as induced for example by vibration. The ASM Handbook on Fatigue and Fracture defines fretting as: "A special wear process that occurs at the contact area between two materials under load and subject to minute relative motion by vibration or some other force."
pitting corrosion
(Mühendislik) Pitting corrosion, or pitting, is a form of extremely localized corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal