
listen to the pronunciation of correction
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bazı düzeltmeler yaptım. - I made some corrections.

O, birkaç düzeltme yaptı. - He made several corrections.

(Askeri) DÜZELTME: Bilgideki bir hatanın duyurulmuş olduğunu ve düzeltilmiş bilginin bunu takip edeceğini belirtmek üzere kullanılan bir muhabere ön kelimesi
{i} tashih
{i} doğrulama

Öyleyse, birisinin hatasını düzeltmekte geç kalmak diye bir şey yoktur. - Well, there's no such thing as being too late to correct one's faults.

Shishir son zamanlarda bir sürü cümle düzeltmektedir. - Shishir has been correcting a lot of sentences lately.

{s} doğru

Miktarı göz önünde bulundurmaksızın,Brian gelecek haftaya kadar doğru,tam miktar istiyor. - Regardless of the amount, Brian wants the correct, entire amount by next week.

Doğru olan cümleleri değiştirmeyin. Yerine doğal görünen alternatif çeviriler ekleyebilirsiniz. - Don't change sentences that are correct. You can, instead, submit natural-sounding alternative translations.

correction of age
(Kanun) yaş tashihi
correction fluid
correction officer
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
correction official
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
correction, reformation
düzeltme, reformasyon
correction coefficient
tashih katsayısı
correction declaration
düzeltme beyannamesi
correction for guessing
(Dilbilim) kestirim düzeltmesi
correction for nonrigidity
(Askeri) ihtimali değişme düzeltmesi
correction for nonrioidity
(Askeri) İHTİMALİ DEĞİŞME DÜZELTMESİ: Mermi yolunun değişmezliğini tahminde yapılmış hatayı gidermek için bir düzeltme
correction house
(Kanun) ıslah evi
correction of decision
karar düzeltmesi
correction of decision
(Kanun) karar düzeltilmesi
correction of decision
(Kanun) kararın düzeltilmesi
correction period
düzeltme süreci
correction range
duzeltme erimi
correction signal
duzeltme sinyali
correction value
(Ticaret) düzeltme değeri
correction voucher
(Ticaret) düzeltim formu
colour correction
renk düzeltme
course correction
rota düzeltmesi
{f} haddini bildirmek
{s} uygun

Tatoeba külliyatındaki tüm cümleleri, dil eğitimi için doğru ve uygun saymak tehlikelidir. - It's dangerous to assume that all of the sentences in the Tatoeba Corpus are correct and suitable for language study.


Tom'un hatasız olduğuna inanıyorum. - I believe Tom is correct.

Bu cümle saçma ama hatasız. - The sentence is senseless, but correct.

{f} doğrulamak
{s} kusursuz

Ne Tom ne de Mary kusursuz. - Neither Tom nor Mary is correct.

O kesinlikle kusursuzdur. - She's correct for sure.

{f} cezalandırmak
{f} düzelt

Akıllı insanlar başkalarının hatalarıyla kendi hatalarını düzeltirler. - By other's faults wise men correct their own.

Eğer bir yanlış görürsen sonra lütfen düzelt. - If you see a mistake, then please correct it.

{s} tam

Lütfen bana tam saati söyle. - Please tell me the correct time.

Bu tam olarak doğru değil. - That's not entirely correct.

adjustment correction
(Askeri) tanzim düzeltmesi

Politik doğrulukları savunmaya korkmayan güçlü liderlere ihtiyacımız var. - We need strong leaders who are not afraid to stand up to political correctness.

Biz politik doğruluktan korkmuyoruz. - We're not afraid of political correctness.

yanlışı doğruya çevirmek

Fiilin doğru şekli ile tamamlayın. - Complete with the correct form of the verb.

Alıştırmaları düzeltmeyi tamamladı. - She has finished correcting the exercises.

(Dilbilim) doğrudoğru
defect correction
kusur düzeltme
prediction correction method
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öngörme düzeltme yöntemi
automatic error correction
otomatik hata düzeltme
barometer correction
barometre düzeltmesi
capillary correction
kılcal düzeltme
deflection correction
yan düzeltmesi
error correction
hata düzeltme
house of correction
house of correction
ıslah evi
address correction requested
adres düzeltme talep
altitude correction
rakım düzeltme
otomatik düzeltme
(Fotoğrafçılık) (Görüntü işlemede) Bombe şekli düzeltme
gamma correction
gama düzeltmesi
make correction
düzeltme yapmak
temperature correction
sıcaklık düzeltmesi
acoustic correction
(Askeri) SES DÜZELTMESİ: Bir dinleme aletinden kaydedilen bilgilerde, hava durumu ve sesin kaynaktan dinleme aletine gelinceye kadar geçen süre için yapılan düzeltme
adjustment correction
(Askeri) TANZİM DÜZELTMESİ: Bak. "arbitrary correction"
aircraft speed correction factor
(Askeri) hava aracı hız düzeltme faktörü
aspect ratio correction
Görünüm Oranı Düzeltmesi
ballistic correction
(Askeri) BALİSTİK DÜZELTMESİ: Merminin uçuşuna tesir eden şartlar dikkate alınarak, atış esaslarında yapılacak düzeltme. Bu düzeltmede; rüzgar, sıcaklık vesaire gibi faktörler dikkate alınır; atışın gözetlenmesine dayanan düzeltmeler buna dahil değildir
bearing correction
kerteriz duzeltme
behavior correction
davranış düzeltme
bouguer correction
bouger (boger) düzeltmesi/indirgemesi
bracketing correction
(Askeri) ÇATAL DÜZELTMESİ: Hedefe nazaran kısa ve uzun düşen atımların sayılarını eşit kılmak üzere bir veya birden çok topla yapılan tanzim düzeltmesi
calibration correction
(Askeri) ESAS KADEME DÜZELTMESİ: Bak. "calibration"
calibration correction
(Askeri) esas kademe düzeltmesi
cell correction factor
(Nükleer Bilimler) hücre düzeltme çarpanı
{f} düzeltmek, doğrultmak, tashih etmek, ıslah etmek

Tom hatalarını düzeltmeye isteksiz görünüyor. - Tom seems to be unwilling to correct his mistakes.

O, birkaç düzeltme yaptı. - He made several corrections.

{s} doğru, yerinde
tashih etmek ıslah etmek
kurala uygun
correction fluid korektör house of correc
ayar etme
düzeltmek doğrultmak
{s} ıslah
{s} düzeltici
disiplin yolları
dancoff correction
(Nükleer Bilimler) dancoff düzeltmesi
deflection correction
(Askeri) YAN DÜZELTMESİ: Bir atış planı üzerinde ölçülen yan kıymete, atış hattının hedeften geçmesi için tatbik edilmesi gereken düzeltme
elasticity correction
(Askeri) ISI DÜZELTMESİ, SÜKUNET DÜZELTMESİ: Normal atış esaslarında, ısı değişikliklerinin mesafe üzerindeki tesirini gidermek için yapılan düzeltmeler
fatigue correction factor
(Askeri) perakende hizmet düzeltme faktörü
feedback correction
(Otomotiv) geri besleme düzeltmesi
fighter wing; weather correction factor
(Askeri) av filosu/muharip filo; hava durumu düzeltme faktörü
forward error correction
(Askeri) ileri hata düzeltme
free-air correction
serbest-hava düzeltmesi (bir p noktasında gözlenen gravite değerinden serbest-hava gravite düzeltmesi ve eş-potansiyel elipsoidi üzerindeki normal gravite değerinin çıkartılması ile elde edilen miktar)
gravity correction
(Meteoroloji) yerçekimi düzeltmesi
gun displacement correction deflection
(Askeri) YANCA KADEMELENME DÜZELTMESİ: Kademelenmeden dolayı yanca yapılan düzeltme
gun displacement correction range
(Askeri) MESAFE KADEMELENME DÜZELTMESİ: Kademelenmeden dolayı mesafece yapılan düzeltme
horizontal parallax correction
(Askeri) YATAY TOPLAMA AÇI DÜZELTMESİ: Bak. "angle of convergence"
metro correction
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİ RAPORU DÜZELTMESİ: Merminin uçuşuna tesir eden rüzgar, hava basıncı vesaire gibi şeyleri hesaba katmak için atış esnasında yapılan düzeltme
metro correction
(Askeri) meteoroloji raporu düzeltmesi
parallax correction
(Askeri) MEVKİ FARKI DÜZELTMESİ: Bir hedefin; toptan ölçülen mevki ile gözetleyici mevziinden ölçülen mevkii arasındaki fark için hesaplanmış düzeltme
position correction
(Askeri) MEVZİ DÜZELTMESİ: Bir bataryadaki münferit toplar arasında mevcut yer ve rakım farkını gidermek üzere, atış esaslarında uygulanan düzeltme
position correction grid
(Askeri) MEVZİ DÜZELTME LEVHASI: Arzu edilen demet şeklini elde etmek üzere, batarya dahilindeki münferit mesafe ve yan düzeltmelerini tespite yarayan cihaz. Bak. "plotting board M10"
prediction correction  method
ongorme duzeltme yontemi
q correction
(Askeri) Q DÜZELTMESİ: Enlemler alınırken, yüzey gök kutbuna nazaran yer değişikliğini karşılamak üzere, kutup yıldızı irtifa gözlemlerine uygulanan düzeltme
quenching correction curue
(Denizbilim) sönü düzeltim eğrisi
quenching correction curve
(Biyokimya) sönü düzeltim eğrisi
range correction
(Askeri) MESAFE DÜZELTMESİ: Hava şartları cephane ve diğer anormal sebeplerden ileri gelen mesafe sapmalarını dikkate olmak üzere atış esaslarında yapılması gerekli değişiklikler
range correction board
(Askeri) MESAFE DÜZELTME LEVHASI: Bir topa uygulanacak düzeltme miktarlarını mekanik olarak hesaplamaya yarayan alet. Bu aletle elde edilen düzeltme, hava ve cephane değişiklikleri gibi bütün anormal şartları dikkate alır ve (ballistic correction) olarak bilinir
time correction
(Askeri) TAPA DÜZELTMESİ, TAPA SANİYESİ DÜZELTMESİ: Belirli bir yatay mesafe için tanzimle elde edilmiş sıfır paralanma yüksekliği tapa saniyesi ile, aynı mesafe için atış cetvelinde gösterilen tapa saniyesi arasındaki fark
trial shot correction
(Askeri) kontrol atımı düzeltmesi
trial shot correction
(Askeri) DENEME ATIMI DÜZELTMESİ, KONTROL ATIMI DÜZELTMESİ: Deneme atışı sonucu elde edilen ve tesir atışına hazırlanmada kullanılan tanzim düzeltmesi
trial shot correction
(Askeri) deneme atımı düzeltmesi
vacuum correction
(Meteoroloji) boşluk düzeltmesi
weathering correction
ayrışma düzeltmesi
wind correction
(Askeri) RÜZGAR DÜZELTMESİ: Rüzgar tesirini gidermek için yapılması icap eden herhangi bir ayar, özellikle uçuş halinde bulunan bir mermi, ses ölçme aletleri tarafından alınan bir ses ve hesabi seyrüsefer ile uçuş yapan bir uçak üzerindeki rüzgar tesirlerinin düzeltilmesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
A decline in a stock market price after a large rise
An amount or quantity of something added or subtracted so as to correct
A substitution for an error or mistake
Punishment that is intended to rehabilitate an offender
The act of correcting
{n} punishment, reproof, amendment
The difference between the true value and the indication of the measured value
A downward movement in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, index or the stock market as a whole
A sharp drop in the price of a security or an index
a rebuke for making a mistake
Reverse movement in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity or index after any long-term move Can be a movement up or down, but usually refers to a fall in the price
Corrections are marks or comments made on a piece of work, especially school work, which indicate where there are mistakes and what are the right answers
something substituted for an error a rebuke for making a mistake a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
A downward movement in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, index or the stock market as a whole BACK TO TOP
a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
A temporary change in the direction of a trend
A relatively short-term drop in stock prices Bringing the market back to what investment professionals consider appropriate stock market values
A decline in stock prices in reaction to a previous gain in prices
A reverse movement, usually downward, in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, index, or the stock market as a whole
the act of punishing; "the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received"
Correctional activities other than Federal and state residential institutions or facilities described under Correctional Institutions, local government correctional activities (residential or other), and intergovernmental expenditure for corrections Source: U S Census Bureau Government Finance and Employment Classification Manual
A short-term reversal, usually downward, in the prices of stocks, bonds, or commodities, bringing them more in line with their underlying fundamental values
That which is substituted in the place of what is wrong; an emendation; as, the corrections on a proof sheet should be set in the margin
Correction is the punishment of criminals. jails and other parts of the correction system. see also correct
Any temporary reversal or retracement in price movement in the opposite direction of the price movement that just occurred Normally used when referring to a price movement not in the direction of the primary trend A correction can develop into a change in the trend, but this can only be determined retrospectively
The act of correcting, or making that right which was wrong; change for the better; amendment; rectification, as of an erroneous statement
It contains all the objects that a developer has changed or created It also controls customizing that has been maintained
a move down in the DIJA of more than 10% which can be over a short period of time (a week or two) or all in one day
the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right treatment of a specific defect; "the correction of his vision with eye glasses"
something substituted for an error
The act of reproving or punishing, or that which is intended to rectify or to cure faults; punishment; discipline; chastisement
A sudden momentary decline in stock or bond prices after a time of market strength
Abatement of noxious qualities; the counteraction of what is inconvenient or hurtful in its effects; as, the correction of acidity in the stomach
A temporary movement in price in the opposite direction to the primary trend Some analysts require a specific percentage movement prior to classifying a move as a correction For example, a 10% pullback in the value of the Dow is often said to signify that the market has undergone a correction
{i} amendment, making right; punishment, discipline
A short-term drop in stock market prices The term "correction" comes from the notion that, when this happens, an overpriced individual stock, market segment, or stocks in general are returning back to their "correct" values The term, for reasons that elude us, is never used when a stock or the stock market returns to a higher level after momentarily visiting a lower level
when a currency or share or market as a whole comes back down to its fundamental value, having been out of line for a while Less severe than a crash
The process whereby a user selects a suggested alternate for written or spoken input See alternate Also see dictionary, factoid, grammar set
Reverse movement, usually downward, in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, or index If prices have been rising on the market as a whole, and then fall dramatically, this is know as a correction within an upward trend Antithesis of a technical rally See: Dip
A market correction is usually a sudden temporary decline in stock or bond prices after a period of market strength
a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases; "market runups are invariably followed by a correction"
Reverse movement in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, or index after any long-term move Can be a movement up or down, but usually refers to a fall in the price
An allowance made for inaccuracy in an instrument; as, chronometer correction; compass correction
the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
A negative price reaction of at least 10% for a stock, bond, commodity, or index
treatment of a specific defect; "the correction of his vision with eye glasses"
The production (possibly by excision and repair) of a properly paired nucleotide pair from a sequence of hybrid DNA that contains a mismatched base pair See mismatch repair
{n} chastisement
correction fluid
A white, opaque fluid, applied to paper to mask textual errors; used especially to mask errors in typing so that corrections may be overtyped
correction fluids
plural form of correction fluid
correction officer
Alternative form of corrections officer
correction fluid
Correction fluid is an opaque, white fluid applied to paper to mask errors in text. Once dried, it can be written over. It is typically packaged in small bottles, and the lid has an attached brush (or a triangular piece of foam) which dips into the bottle. The brush is used to apply the fluid onto the paper
correction fluid
An opaque liquid that may be painted over a typed or written error
correction officer
A prison officer
correction officer
A correction officer, correction official, corrections officer, corrections official, prison officer, detention officer, prison guard or prison warder is a person charged with the responsibility of the supervision, safety and security of prisoners in a prison or jail
correction official
A prison officer
correction official
A correction officer, correction official, corrections officer, corrections official, prison officer, detention officer, prison guard or prison warder is a person charged with the responsibility of the supervision, safety and security of prisoners in a prison or jail
correction tape
Correction tape is an alternative to correction fluid used to correct mistakes during typing, or, in some forms, handwriting. One side of the tape, which is placed against the error, is coated in a white, opaque masking material. Pressure applied to the other side of the tape transfers this material to the paper
correction fluid
a special white liquid used for covering mistakes made when writing something
correction of a mistake
fixing an error
correction of error
fixing of a mistake
bolometric correction
The difference between the bolometric magnitude and visual magnitude of a star
Free from error; true; the state of having an affirmed truth
To inform (someone) of the latter's error

It's rude to correct your parents.

To grade (examination papers)
Of or pertaining to the imprisonment or rehabilitation of convicted criminals

correctional officer, correctional policy, correctional services.

Of, pertaining to, or intended for correction
house of correction
A residential penitentiary facility, an institution where criminals or wayward people (notably youth) are sent to have their ways 'corrected' trough a penal regime officially intended to reeducate them
houses of correction
plural form of house of correction
go down in value; "the stock market corrected"; "prices slumped"
{v} to punish, mend faults, temper
{a} exact, revised with exactness
{a} pertaining to correction
adjust or make up for; "engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"
make reparations or amends for; "right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"
correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right"
alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels"
in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters"
Hie'teenglish | adronato
punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience; "The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"
censure severely; "She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"
adjust the contract to a different strain, having been offered a choice by partner [Example: "Correcting" is often equivalent to "taking a preference" between two indicated suits, as in the partnership sequence one spade -- one notrump -- two diamonds "Correct" is often used instead of "prefer" when the choice is offered implicitly rather than explicitly; for example, if opener bids two diamonds, showing a weak two-bid in either spade or hearts, a response of two hearts asks opener to pass with hearts or to correct to spades ]
adj [right/not wrong] betul 2 adj [true] benar
Error Correction Code
code that checks identifies and corrects data errors in a computer (by joining it to each unit of data that is stored in memory and checking the data again on repeat reads), ECC
border correction
changing of a boundary, correction of a boundary
treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"
To bring back, or attempt to bring back, to propriety in morals; to reprove or punish for faults or deviations from moral rectitude; to chastise; to discipline; as, a child should be corrected for lying
If you correct someone, you say something which you think is more accurate or appropriate than what they have just said. `Actually, that isn't what happened,' George corrects me I must correct him on a minor point
{f} make right; amend, rectify, emend; fix something that is wrong; punish, castigate
If something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes. The correct answers can be found at the bottom of page 8 The following information was correct at time of going to press = right incorrect + correctly cor·rect·ly Did I pronounce your name correctly? + correctness cor·rect·ness Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written. = accuracy
To make something that was not valid become right. To remove error
If you correct a problem, mistake, or fault, you do something which puts it right. He has criticised the government for inefficiency and delays in correcting past mistakes. = rectify + correction corrections cor·rec·tion legislation to require the correction of factual errors We will then make the necessary corrections
If a person or their behaviour is correct, their behaviour is in accordance with social or other rules. I think English men are very polite and very correct = proper + correctly cor·rect·ly The High Court of Parliament began very correctly with a prayer for the Queen. + correctness cor·rect·ness his stiff-legged gait and formal correctness
If someone is correct, what they have said or thought is true. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree If Casey is correct, the total cost of the cleanup would come to $110 billion. = right wrong
With good manners; well behaved; conforming with accepted standards of behaviour
The correct thing or method is the thing or method that is required or is most suitable in a particular situation. The use of the correct materials was crucial the correct way to produce a crop of tomato plants. = right + correctly cor·rect·ly If correctly executed, this shot will give them a better chance of getting the ball close to the hole. = properly
Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; not faulty or imperfect; free from error; as, correct behavior; correct views
If you say that someone is correct in doing something, you approve of their action. You are perfectly correct in trying to steer your mother towards increased independence I think the president was correct to reject the offer. = right + correctly cor·rect·ly When an accident happens, quite correctly questions are asked
in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters
socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior"
treat a defect; "The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia" make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation" free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision" socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior" in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters
To remove or retrench the faults or errors of; to amend; to set right; as, to correct the proof (that is, to mark upon the margin the changes to be made, or to make in the type the changes so marked)
To make right; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; to rectify; as, to correct manners or principles
make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
To counteract the qualities of one thing by those of another; said of whatever is wrong or injurious; as, to correct the acidity of the stomach by alkaline preparations
free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision"
{s} right; accurate, exact; proper
When someone corrects a piece of writing, they look at it and mark the mistakes in it. It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students' work
concerned with or providing correction; "a correctional institution"
{s} serving to fix or put right; serving to punish, disciplinary
Correctional means related to prisons. He is currently being held in a metropolitan correctional center. relating to the punishment of criminals correctional facility/institution/centre (=a prison)
Tending to, or intended for, correction; used for correction; as, a correctional institution
Of, pertaining to or intended for correction
concerned with or providing correction; "a correctional institution
the social control of offenders through a system of imprisonment and rehabilitation and probation and parole
plural of correction
the department of local government that is responsible for managing the treatment of convicted offenders; "for a career in corrections turn to the web site of the New Jersey Department of Corrections"
the social control of offenders through a system of imprisonment and rehabilitation and probation and parole the department of local government that is responsible for managing the treatment of convicted offenders; "for a career in corrections turn to the web site of the New Jersey Department of Corrections
changes to class numbers which are issued by GPO via the Administrative Notes
Fixing mistakes, as in correcting transcriptions
Revisions to data provided on the FAFSA Corrections can usually be brought or sent to the college financial aid office, where they will be posted to the student's financial aid record and transmitted to the Federal Processor, if necessary Corrections can also be mailed directly back to the Federal Processor All corrections must be signed and many colleges require corroborating documentation
error correction
transfer of data which includes a mechanism for correcting transmission errors
error correction code
(telecommunication) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors
gamma correction
A correction to the contrast of images and displays, performed by either software or hardware, and designed to correct for the fact that the intensity displayed on a cathode-ray tube is not linearly related to the input voltage
house of correction
(formerly) a jail or other place of detention for persons convicted of minor offences
house of correction
institution for the confinement and reform of persons convicted of minor offenses
house of correction
An institution for the confinement of persons convicted of minor criminal offenses