continental united states army

listen to the pronunciation of continental united states army
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) Kıta Amerikası Ordusu
continental united states
(Askeri) abd anayurdu
united states army
(Askeri) abd ordusu
united states army
(Askeri) abd kara kuvvetleri
United States Army
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri
continental United States
(Askeri) ABD Kıtası, Kıta Amerikası
continental united states
(Askeri) (CONUS) ABD ANAYURDU: Kuzey Amerika kıtasında Kanada ile Meksika arasında kalan ve civar kara sularında içine alan Birleşik Devletler arazisi. Aynı zamanda CONUS olarak bilinmektedir
İngilizce - İngilizce

continental united states army teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

United States Army
The land-based branch of the United States armed forces. Abbreviated as U.S. Army and US Army, or, rarely, USA
continental United States
The portion of the United States which is located on the North American continent; the United States exclusive of Hawaii and other overseas territories
continental United States
The largest portion of the United States which is not separated by any ocean or non-U.S. land; the United States exclusive of Alaska, Hawaii, and other overseas territories
Continental United States
United States Army
Major branch of the U.S. military forces, charged with preserving peace and security and defending the nation. The first regular U.S. fighting force, the Continental Army, was organized by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1775, to supplement local militias in the American Revolution. It was placed under the control of a five-member civilian board, and U.S. military forces have remained in civilian control ever since. The U.S. Constitution named the president as commander in chief, and in 1789 the civilian Department of War was established to administer the armed forces. The Continental Army was officially disbanded in 1783, and a small regular army was established. Thereafter, the army's size increased during times of crisis, swelled by conscription, and decreased during peacetime. The Department of the Army is organized as a military section of the Department of Defense and is headed by the Secretary of the Army. The Army Staff gives advice and assistance to the secretary and administers civil functions, including the civil-works program of the Corps of Engineers. The army also administers the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In 2000 there were about 400,000 soldiers on active duty
United States Army
united states army
the army of the United States of America; organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare
continental united states army


    Con·ti·nen·tal u·ni·ted States ar·my

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    käntınentıl yunaytıd steyts ärmi


    /ˌkäntəˈnentəl yo͞oˈnītəd ˈstāts ˈärmē/ /ˌkɑːntəˈnɛntəl juːˈnaɪtəd ˈsteɪts ˈɑːrmiː/