
listen to the pronunciation of concrete
İngilizce - Türkçe

Yeni beton platformun çökmesi, dört işçiyi öldürdü. - The collapse of the new concrete platform killed four workers.

Ne yazık ki beton yanmaz. - It's a shame that concrete doesn't burn.


Fikrinizi somut bir biçimde ifade edin. - Express your idea concretely.

Nükleer reaktörün koruyucu somut tabakası kontrollü patlamalar kullanılarak imha edilecek. - The concrete layer of the nuclear reactor's shielding will be destroyed using controlled explosions.

{s} elle tutulur
{s} gerçekten var olan
somut,v.betonla: n.somut
{s} maddesel
{f} betonla kaplamak
{f} somutlaşmak
{f} katılaşmak
{f} somutlaştırmak
{i} somut varlık
{f} katılaştırmak
{f} bütünleşmek
çimento betonu
taş kesilmiş
beton betonlamak
{s} maddi
somut bir varlık
betona benzer herhangi bir karışım
betondan yapılmış
bir bütün haline getirmek
gerçekten varolan
reinforced concrete
concrete arch
beton kemer
concrete agent
beton katkısı
concrete agent
beton katkı maddesi
concrete base
(İnşaat) beton temel altlık
concrete boats
(İnşaat) beton tekneler
concrete brick
(İnşaat) beton tuğla
concrete cart
beton arabası
concrete class
beton mukavemet sınıfı
concrete class
beton sınıfı
concrete cover
(İnşaat) pas payı
concrete cover
(İnşaat) paspayı
concrete crack
beton çatlağı
concrete creep
(İnşaat) betonun akması
concrete cure
(İnşaat) beton kürü
concrete dam
(Çevre,İnşaat) beton baraj
concrete dams
(İnşaat) beton barajlar
concrete flaw
(İnşaat) beton kusuru
concrete flume
(İnşaat) betonarme kanalet
concrete form
(İnşaat,Teknik) beton kalıbı
concrete grout
(İnşaat) beton harcı
concrete gun
(İnşaat) beton tabancası
concrete insert
(İnşaat) dübel
concrete layer
(İnşaat) beton tabaka
concrete layer
(İnşaat) beton tabakası
concrete lift
(İnşaat) beton tabakası yüksekliği
concrete mason
(İnşaat) betoncu
concrete mass
kütle betonu
concrete mix
(İnşaat) beton karışımı
concrete mixer
(İnşaat,Teknik) betoniyer
concrete mixer
concrete nail
(İnşaat) beton çivisi
concrete paver
(İnşaat) beton serici
concrete paver
(İnşaat) betonlama makinesi
concrete pile
(Jeoloji) betonarme kazık
concrete pipe
(İnşaat) büz
concrete plant
(İnşaat,Teknik) beton tesisi
concrete plant
(İnşaat) beton santrali
concrete plug
(İnşaat) beton tıkaç
concrete pole
(İnşaat) beton direk
concrete pump
(İnşaat,Teknik) beton pompası
concrete pumps
(İnşaat) beton pompaları
concrete reason
somut gerekçe
concrete ring
(İnşaat) beton bilezik
concrete roads
(İnşaat) beton yollar
concrete sand
(İnşaat) beton kumu
concrete saw
(İnşaat) beton testeresi
concrete sewer
(İnşaat) beton pis su borusu
concrete shore
(İnşaat) beton takoz
concrete slabs
(İnşaat) beton levhalar
concrete tank
(İnşaat) betonarme tank
concrete tank
beton tank
concrete term
(Dilbilim) somut ad
concrete tie
(İnşaat) beton bağlantı
concrete tie
(İnşaat) beton gergi
concrete tile
(İnşaat) beton levha
concrete tile
(İnşaat) beton kiremit
concrete tiles
(İnşaat) beton kiremitler
concrete tower
beton kulesi
concrete tube
(İnşaat) beton tüp
concrete vault
(İnşaat) beton tonoz
concrete walls
beton duvarlar
concrete wedge
(İnşaat) beton takoz
concrete weir
beton eşik
concrete worker
concrete beam
beton kiriş
concrete bridge
beton köprü
concrete column
beton sütun
concrete culvert
beton menfez
concrete curb
beton kıyı taşı
concrete floor
beton döşeme
concrete footing
beton ayak
concrete foundation
beton temel
concrete mixer
beton karıştırıcı
concrete mixer
concrete mixer
concrete mixing machine
concrete noun
somut ad
concrete number
somut sayı
concrete paint
beton boyası
concrete pile
beton kazık
concrete pipe
beton boru
concrete road
beton yol
concrete roof
betonarme çatı
concrete runway
beton pist
concrete slab
beton levha
concrete slab
beton plaka
concrete spreader
beton serici
concrete step
somut adım
concrete system
somut sistem
concrete work
betonarme işi
concrete work
beton iş
Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
(İnşaat) Beton Santrali
concrete additive
beton katkı
concrete art
beton sanat
concrete beam
beton kırış
concrete box
1. Kutu şeklinde betonarme yapı2. (Mecazen) Dört duvar arası
concrete compaction
beton sıkıştırma
concrete compressive strength class
beton basınç dayanımı sınıfı
concrete cooling tower
beton soğutma kulesi
concrete cutting machine
Beton kesme makinası
concrete drilling
beton delme
concrete grade
beton sınıfı
concrete labour
(Ekonomi) “Türü, yoğunluğu ve becerisi ile bir mala özgün nitelikler kazandıran ve o malın kullanım değerini belirleyen emek.” Bu yabancı söz için TDK İktisat Terimleri Çalışma Grubunca somut emek karşılığı önerilmiştir
concrete mixer
beton mikser
concrete mixer
çimento arabası
concrete platform structure
beton platform yapısı
concrete pomp
(İnşaat) Beton pompası, beton pompalayan kamyon
concrete reinforced mould
betonarme kalıp
concrete restoration
beton onarımı
concrete review
(Kanun) Somut denetim

Europen system uses concrete review and abstract review.

concrete strength
beton dayanımı
concrete block
(Askeri) BETON BLOK: Çeşitli işlerde yapılan ve tanklara karşı engel olarak kullanılan beton blok
concrete curb
(İnşaat) beton bordur taşı
concrete jungle
{i} beton yığını
concrete jungle
(isim) beton yığını
concrete lining
beton kaplama
concrete pile
beton (arme) kazık
concrete pillar
(Askeri) BETON DİREK: Sütun şeklinde yapılan beton tank engeli
concrete shelter
(Askeri) Beton yığınak
concrete slab
(İnşaat,Teknik) beton plak
concrete system
(Bilgisayar) somut dizge
concrete tetrahedron
(Askeri) BETON PİRAMİT: Piramit şeklinde beton tank engeli
concrete wall
(İnşaat) beton perde
concrete work
(İnşaat,Teknik) beton işi
consistency of concrete
(İnşaat) betonun kıvamı
coarse concrete
kaba beton
coarse grained concrete
(İnşaat) kaba beton
columns, concrete
kolonlar, beton
Autoclaved Airated Concrete
(Araçlar) Gazbeton
somut bir şekilde
pour concrete
beton dökmek
cellular concrete
(İnşaat) gözenekli beton
fiziksel olarak
maddi olarak
designated concrete
(İnşaat) belirlenmiş beton
designed concrete
(İnşaat) tasarlanmış beton
durability of concrete
(Askeri) beton dayanımı
embedded in concrete
(İnşaat) betona gömülü
hollow concrete tube pile
(İnşaat) beton boru kazık
lean concrete
(İnşaat) zayıf beton
lean concrete
(İnşaat) düşük dozajlı beton
monolithic concrete
(İnşaat) yekpare beton
monolithic concrete
(İnşaat) monolitik beton
plain concrete
(İnşaat) donatısız beton
prestressed concrete
(Çevre) ön-gerilmeli beton
prestressed concrete
(Askeri) ön gerilimli beton
pumice concrete
(İnşaat) bimsbeton
ready mixed concrete
(İnşaat) hazır beton
refractory concrete
(İnşaat) refrakter beton
refractory concrete
(İnşaat) ateş betonu
reinforced concrete
(İnşaat) betonarme betonu
reinforced concrete
(Jeoloji) takviyeli beton
reinforced concrete
(Askeri) donatılı beton
reinforced concrete building
(İnşaat) betonarme bina
reinforced concrete column
(İnşaat,Teknik) betonarme kolon
reinforced concrete structure
(Çevre) betonarme yapı
shell concrete
kabuk betonu
structural concrete
(İnşaat) yapısal beton
vacuum concrete
(İnşaat) vakum betonu
admixture for concrete
beton katkı maddesi
air entrained concrete
hava kabarcıklı beton
armoured concrete
asphalt concrete
asfalt betonu
asphaltic concrete
asfalt betonu
barytes concrete
baryumlu beton
bituminous concrete
bitümlü beton
cinder concrete
cüruflu beton
clay concrete
kil betonu
cyclopean concrete
siklop betonu
mass concrete
kütle betonu
porous concrete
delikli beton
ready-mix concrete
karılmış hazır beton
reinforced concrete
demirli beton
reinforced concrete beam
betonarme kiriş
unset concrete
taze beton
blinding concrete
(Mimarlık) grobeton (mimari). blokaj üstüne uygulanan kaba beton
beton dökme
precast concrete
on dökümlü beton
pumped concrete
pompa ile iletilen beton
ready-mix concrete
hazır beton
reinforced concrete
(İnşaat) Güçlendirilmiş beton
reinforced concrete pile
betonarme kazık
İngilizce - İngilizce
Made of concrete building material

The office building had concrete flower boxes out front.

Particular, perceivable, real

Fuzzy videotapes and distorted sound recordings are not concrete evidence that bigfoot exists.

To solidify

Josie’s plans began concreting once she fixed a date for the wedding.

Not abstract

Once arrested, I realized that handcuffs are concrete, even if my concept of what is legal wasn’t.

To cover with or encase in concrete; often constructed as concrete over

I hate grass, so I concreted over my lawn.

A building material created by mixing Portland cement, water, and aggregate including gravel and sand

The road was made of concrete that had been poured in large slabs.

A concrete noun is a noun that refers to a physical object rather than to a quality or idea. abstract
{v} to unite or form into one mass
{a} composed of different matters
{n} a mass or body formed by concretion
form into a solid mass; coalesce
a mixture of sand, gravel, cement and water which hardens when dry
a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water form into a solid mass; coalesce cover with cement; "concrete the walls"
used for sidewalks, roadways, foundations, etc
A prepared perfume material extracted from non-resinous or low resinous natural raw material (almost exclusively of vegetable origin, e g bark, flower, herb, leaf, root, etc ) Concretes are extracted from previously live tissue, while resinoids are extracted from plant exudations (not tissue) Concretes are usually solid, waxy, non-crystalline masses Like absolutes, concretes can come from chassis and pommades
a mixture of aggregate, water, and a binder, usually portland cement, which hardens to a stone-like mass
A mixture of sand, stone, cement and water that sets and hardens
A mixture of sand, gravel, Portland cement and water that forms a very hard surface when dry It is one of the most common floor types found in buildings Other types of floors like vinyl and vinyl composition tile are often laid over the top of concrete
matrix - mixture of concrete strengthened with the addition of metal reinforcing rods This structure holds the thick pieces of glass together in the modern technique, Dalles de verre It was developed because traditional lead cames were not sufficient to hold the thick pieces of glass together
A composite material which consists essentially of a binding medium within which are embedded particles or fragments of aggregate; in portland cement concrete, the binder is a mixture of portland cement and water
A mixture of portland cement or any other hydraulic cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, with or without admixtures Approximate weight is 150 pcf
If a plan or idea is set in concrete or embedded in concrete, it is fixed and cannot be changed. As Mr Blunkett emphasised, nothing is yet set in concrete. Artificial stone made of a mixture of cement, aggregate (hard material), and water. In addition to its potential for immense compressive strength and its ability, when poured, to adapt to virtually any form, concrete is fire-resistant and has become one of the most common building materials in the world. The binder usually used today is portland cement. The aggregate is usually sand and gravel. Additives called admixtures may be used to accelerate the curing (hardening) process in low temperature conditions. Other admixtures trap air in the concrete or slow shrinkage and increase strength. See also precast concrete, prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete. precast concrete prestressed concrete reinforced concrete
A hard compact building material formed when a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and water undergoes hydration
A conglomerate of gravel, pebbles, sand, broken stone, blast-furnace slag or cinders, embedded in a matrix of either mortar or cement
Cement mixed with coarse and fine aggregate (pebbles, crushed stone, brick), sand and water in specific proportions There are three types of concrete: precast, reinforced and prestressed
any method or class which is not abstract (Inheritance - Slide 13)
{s} tangible, real, substantial
cover with cement; "concrete the walls"
Used to describe a class which implements the behaviour defined by an abstract class
a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water
Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass
Concrete is a substance used for building which is made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water. The posts have to be set in concrete They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor
A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term
A common construction material often used for foundations, ground level floors, and sidewalks Most concrete is made out of (1) Portland cement, (2) sand, and (3) gravel or aggregate It is commonly reinforced with steel rods (rebar) or wire screening (mesh)
See Abstract, 3
A structural material produced by mixing predetermined amounts of Portland cement, aggregates, and water, and allowing this mixture to cure under controlled conditions
Waxy, solid or semi-solid perfume material prepared from previously live plant matter, usually using a hydrocarbon type of solvent, which yields, after solvent removal, a waxy, solid or semi-solid concentrate
{i} stonelike building material (containing cement, gravel, water, etc.); something tangible (idea, object, etc.)
A compound or mass formed by concretion, spontaneous union, or coalescence of separate particles of matter in one body
for submarine structures
A concrete object is a real, physical object. using concrete objects to teach addition and subtraction
capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary; "concrete objects such as trees"
A mixture of cement, aggregate (usually sand and gravel), and water that hardens and attains great compressive strength When used structurally it is usually reinforced by being poured around steel rods or mesh to give it tensile strength as well Concrete may be poured into forms (usually wood) directly in place in a structure, or it may be precast away from the site and then placed into position Concrete blocks are precast and used as building blocks
a composite material consisting of aggregate particles bound together in a solid body by a cement
Building material formed by combining cement, water, and aggregate
A mixture of gravel, pebbles, or broken stone with cement or with tar, etc
An artificial stone made by mixing cement and sand with gravel, broken stone, or other aggregate These materials must be mixed with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the entire mass
Standing for an object as it exists in nature, invested with all its qualities, as distinguished from standing for an attribute of an object; opposed to abstract
To cover with, or form of, concrete, as a pavement
The mixture of Portland cement, sand, gravel, and water Used to make garage and basement floors, sidewalks, patios, foundation walls, etc It is commonly reinforced with steel rods (rebar) or wire screening (mesh)
formed by the coalescence of particles
Extraction of fresh natural plant materials, usually with non-polar organic solvents (e g hexane) which yield, after removal of the solvent by vacuum distillation, a semi-solid wax They represent the closest odor duplication of the flower, bark, leaves etc
A waxy semi-solid or solid material derived from plant material by a solvent
To form into a mass, as by the cohesion or coalescence of separate particles
and esp
Applied to a specific object; special; particular; opposed to general
A mixture of sand, gravel, water and portland cement which hardens to a stonelike condition when dry, capable of bearing significant load
When you concrete something such as a path, you cover it with concrete. He merely cleared and concreted the floors
You use concrete to indicate that something is definite and specific. He had no concrete evidence I must have something to tell him. Something concrete. + concretely con·crete·ly by way of making their point more concretely
United in growth; hence, formed by coalition of separate particles into one mass; united in a solid form
a building material made from portland cement
{f} solidify; set or cover in concrete
To unite or coalesce, as separate particles, into a mass or solid body
concrete canyon
A space or street surrounded by skyscrapers

Take the metro to Háje at the end of line C for a stroll among the concrete canyons.

concrete jungle
An urban or other populated area containing a high density of buildings constructed of concrete or similar materials, especially one which lacks greenery and which seems unattractive, harsh, or unsafe
concrete noun
A noun that denotes something tangible or material, such as a person or place
concrete nouns
plural form of concrete noun
concrete term
A term which expresses material facts, actions and events in the physical reality regarding to possible causes and means
concrete verb
Concrete verb refers to a verbal aspect in verbs of motion that is unidirectional (as opposed to multidirectional), a definitely directed motion, or a single, completed action (instead of a repeated action or series of actions). Concrete verbs may be either imperfective or perfective

abstract I like to fly. (repeated action).

concrete verbs
plural form of concrete verb
concrete cover
(İnşaat) Concrete cover is the region between the exposed concrete surface and the nearest surface of the reinforcing bar, in reinforced concrete members
concrete labour
(Ekonomi) Concrete labour is the labour different in kind, skill and intensity in every case, which gives to a commodity its specific qualities by which it satisfies human needs
concrete and iron construction
built with iron and concrete
concrete art
art containing graphic realist detail (often intended to startle)
concrete fact
undisputable fact, fact which is not open to debate
concrete jungle
{i} region in a city that has a large modern building which is considered dangerous and not pleasant
concrete jungle
an area in a city with large modern building that is perceived as dangerous and unpleasant
concrete jungle
disapproval If you refer to a city or area as a concrete jungle, you mean that it has a lot of modern buildings and you think it is ugly or unpleasant to live in. an unpleasant area in a city that is full of big ugly buildings and has no open spaces
concrete mixer
a machine with a large revolving drum in which cement is mixed with other materials to make concrete
concrete mixer
a cement mixer
concrete mixer
{i} large truck with a rotating canister used to store and mix concrete
concrete music
musical composition consisting of everyday sounds which have been recorded and electronically modified
concrete noun
noun which denotes a material object (Grammar)
concrete noun
A noun, such as flower or rain, that denotes a material or tangible object or phenomenon
concrete number
number which relates to a particular object or thing (Mathematics)
concrete offer
material offer, offer which is not abstract
concrete pillars
columns made of concrete
concrete poet
writer of concrete poetry, one who writes poems in which meaning is conveyed through the physical arrangement of the words on the page
concrete poetry
poetry in which meaning is conveyed through the physical arrangement of the words on the page
concrete poetry
Poetry that visually conveys the poet's meaning through the graphic arrangement of letters, words, or symbols on the page
concrete pump
machine that pumps concrete from the concrete mixer to the area being cemented
concrete reason
reason which is not abstract, material reason
concrete wall
wall made from dried cement
Cascade concrete
Wet, heavy and often sticky snow. Cascade concrete gets its name because it is characteristic of the Cascades of the Northwestern United States, in particular the lower-elevation regions of Washington State, such as Snoqualmie Pass. Cascade concrete makes skiing and snowboarding difficult, and requires much more strength to handle than the fluffy stuff of, say, Colorado
asphalt concrete
A material often used for road surfacing, composed of a hard, granular material such as crushed stone combined with asphalt as a binder. (Often abbreviated as asphalt.)
The result of being concrete
the state of being concrete
musique concrète
A genre of music created by the electronic manipulation of sounds that occur naturally
prestressed concrete
concrete with stresses induced in it before use so as to counteract stresses that will be produced by load; often contains stretched steel bars or wires called tendons
reinforced concrete
A building material made from Portland cement concrete with a matrix of steel bars or wires (rebars) to increase its tensile strength
roman concrete
Roman concrete (also called Opus caementicium) was a material used in construction during the late Roman Republic through the whole history of the Roman Empire. Roman concrete was based on a hydraulic-setting cement with many material qualities similar to modern Portland cement
{a} in a concrete manner
{n} a state of being concrete
blinding concrete
(Mimarlık) A layer of dry lean concrete about 50mm thick covering the bottom of an excavation, either over hardcore or directly on the foundation, to seal the underlying material and prevent mud from dirtying the reinforcement bars or intruding into the concrete of footings
in-situ concrete
(İnşaat) The concrete made by pouring the liquid cement material into forms at the building site
precast concrete
(İnşaat) The concrete in which building components are manufactured in a central plant and later brought to the building site for assembly
past of concrete
In a concrete manner, physically, definitely
in concrete terms; "concretely, this meant that he was broke
in concrete terms; "concretely, this meant that he was broke"
tangibly, palpably, physically
The quality of being concrete
{i} tangibility, palpability, substantiality
the quality of being concrete (not abstract)
third-person singular of concrete
present participle of concrete
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Mimarlık) aerated concrete