
listen to the pronunciation of concours
Fransızca - Türkçe
Fransızca - İngilizce
{n} bee
{n} show

They awarded her first prize at the flower show. - Ils lui remirent le premier prix au concours floral.

{n} combination
{n} game
{n} rencounter
{n} contest

She'll go in for the beauty contest. - Elle a l'intention d'aller à un concours de beauté.

He would like to take part in the contest. - Il voudrait participer au concours.

{n} competition

He participated in the horse dressage competition. - Il participa au concours de dressage hippique.

Tom won a prize in the spelling competition. - Tom a remporté un prix au concours d'orthographe.

{n} contest, competition
competitive examination


    [ (")kOn-"kur-"dA-lA- ] (noun.) 1950. French concours d'élégance, literally, competition of elegance.