Ability of a pigment in inks, dyes, stains, coatings and plastics to retain its original hue, chroma and value under conditions of storage and use Generally refers to action by light, but when modified the term may refer to other agents, e g , colorfastness to alkali, to acid, to ultraviolet light, etc
{i} quality of being fadeless, quality of retaining the original hue (pertaining to a color)
Resistance to fading, the ability of a dyed material to retain its color when exposed to light, atmospheric gases or washing which can destroy its color Degree of colorfastness is tested by standardized procedures, depending on the end-use of the material
A term used to describe a dyed fabric's ability to resist fading due to washing, exposure to sunlight, and other environmental conditions
A pigment or dye that is resistant to environmental exposure, such as light, acid, heat and other atmospheric conditions Scrapbookers use colorfast pens to preserve the journaling and other writing that they add to their albums
A term used to describe fabrics of sufficient color retention so that no noticeable changes in shed takes place during the normal life of the garment