Albay Yuri A. Gagarin 9 Mart 1934'te Rusya'da Moskova'nın batısındaki bölgede bulunan bir kolektif çiftlikte doğdu.
- Colonel Yuri A. Gagarin was born on a collective farm in a region west of Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934.
Tom albaylığa terfi ettirildi.
- Tom was promoted to a colonel.
Kolezyum vadisi birkaç tepe ile çevrilidir.
- The valley of the Colosseum is enclosed by a number of hills.
Eğer dağda kar yağarsa, vadide hava soğuktur.
- If it snows on the mountain, it is cold in the valley.
Burada tüm sene boyunca hava soğuktur.
- It is cold all year here.
Burada tüm sene boyunca hava soğuktur.
- The weather is cold all year here.
Herkes yarbaydan korktu.
- Everybody feared the lieutenant colonel.
This month at 47, Colonel Polich retires after 20 years of service; as a reservist and an engineer, bird colonel is about the highest peacetime rank he can achieve.
In 1944, when many of his West Point classmates—including Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower—had won general's stars, Van Fleet was still a chicken colonel commanding a regiment.