
listen to the pronunciation of collection
İngilizce - Türkçe

Ben sonradan bana R. Burton 'ın Tarihi Koleksiyonlarını satın almamı sağlaması için onları sattım. - I afterward sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections.

Pul koleksiyonuna bir göz atmak istiyorum. - I'd like to have a look at your stamp collection.

{i} toplama

Dan'ın toplama arabalarla dolu bir garajı vardı. - Dan had a garage full of collection cars.

Bu evin yağmur suyu toplama sistemi var. - This house has a rainwater collection system.

{i} tahsilât
{i} toplanma

Oy pusulalarının toplanması on dakika sürdü. - The collection of the ballots took ten minutes.

{i} toplanmış yardım
{i} para toplama
{i} derleme

O iki tane kısa öykü derlemesi yayınladı. - She published two collections of short stories.

(Politika, Siyaset) bir araya getirme
(Askeri) bilgi toplama
(Askeri) haber toplama
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) derlem

O iki tane kısa öykü derlemesi yayınladı. - She published two collections of short stories.

Wilhelm Friedrich Radloff, Türk halklarının tarihini ve folklorunu inceleyen ünlü Alman bilim adamıdır ve Tatar halk dastanlarının ilk koleksiyonunu derlemiştir. - Wilhelm Friedrich Radloff is the famous German scientist who have studied the history and folklore of Turkic peoples and compiled the first collection of Tatar folk dastans.

toplanan para
posta kutusunu boşaltma
{i} (kilisede toplanan) para, iane
(Askeri) Bak. "intelligence cycle"
{i} tabaka
(Ticaret) para alma
(Ticaret) tahsil etme
(Ticaret) senet tahsili

Büyük bir pul kolleksiyonum var. - I have a large collection of stamps.

Tom'un büyük bir bıçak kolleksiyonu var. - Tom has a huge collection of knives.


Tom'un hobileri arasında satranç oynamak ve pul biriktirmek var. - Tom's hobbies include playing chess and collecting stamps.


Bilgi toplamak için aşağıdaki dergileri inceledik. - We examined the following magazines to collect the data.

Tom'un hobisi araba fotoğrafları toplamaktır. - Tom's hobby is collecting photos of cars.

collection of poems
(Fotoğrafçılık) şiir derlemesi
collection agency
(Askeri) toplama teşkilatı
collection clerk
tahsilat memuru
collection ditch
drenaj hendeği
collection manager
tahsilat müdürü
collection correspondent
tahsilat muhabiri
collection of
collection of dues
aidatın tahsili
collection of duties
gümrük resminin tahsili
collection of laws (of a frankish ruler)
Bir Frenk cetvel kanunları (toplama)
collection of payments
ödemelerin tahsili
collection of related data within a database
bir veritabanı içinde ilgili verilerin toplanması
collection of taxes
vergilerin tahsili
collection percentage
tahsil edilen miktar
collection period
tahsilat dönemi
collection plate
toplama plaka
collection plate
(Din) Kilisede gezdirilerek bağış toplanan kap
collection point
toplama noktasına
collection price
tahsilat ücreti
collection procedure
tahsil usulü
collection teller
tahsilat veznedarı
collection agency
(Askeri) TOPLAMA TEŞKİLATI: Bilgi kaynaklarına nüfuz etme ve bunlardan bilgi toplama imkanı ve kabiliyeti olan her türlü şahıs, teşkilat veya birim. Ayrıca bakınız: "agency"
collection and delivery
(Ticaret) senet tahsili ve teslim
collection and preservation
kolleksiyon ve koruma
collection assistant
(Ticaret) idari takip asistanı
collection at source
(Kanun) kaynakta tahsil
collection charges
(Ticaret) tahsil komisyon ve masraflar
collection coordination facility
(Askeri) toplama koordinasyon tesisi
collection development
koleksiyon geliştirme
collection float
(Ticaret) tahsil sürecindeki çekler
collection ledger
(Ticaret) tahsilat defteri
collection management authority
(Askeri) toplama yönetimi makamı
collection manager
(Ticaret) idari takip müdürü
collection name
(Bilgisayar) koleksiyon adı
collection name
(Bilgisayar) toplama adı
collection network
(Çevre) toplama şebekesi
collection of checks
(Ticaret) çeklerin tahsili
collection of checks
(Ticaret) çeklerin takas edilmesi
collection of evidence
(Kanun) delillerin toplanması
collection of invoice
fatura tahsilatı
collection of public claims
(Kanun) amme alacaklarının tahsili
collection plan
(Askeri) TOPLAMA PLANI: İstihbarat gereksinimlerini karşılamak ve bu gereksinimleri uygun teşkilatlar için emir ve talepler haline dönüştürmek amacıyla mevcut tüm kaynaklardan bilgi toplama için yapılan plan
collection plate
toplama plakası
collection requirements management; crew resource management
(Askeri) toplama ihtiyaçları yönetimi; mürettebat kaynak yönetimi
collection station
(Askeri) HEK MALZEME TOPLAMA YERİ: HEK malzemenin toplanıp ayıklandığı ileri sahadaki yer
collection station
(Askeri) hasta ve yaralı toplama yeri
collection supervisor
(Ticaret) idari takip sorumlusu
collection tasks
(Askeri) Toplama görevleri için vasıtaların seçimi
collection voucher
(Askeri) tahsilat belgesi
collection voucher
(Askeri) TAHSİLAT BELGESİ: Bak. "voucher"
cost of collection
(Ticaret) tahsil masrafı
cost of collection
(Ticaret) cibayet masrafı
{f} almak

Dünyanın en güzel sanat koleksiyonlarından biri Louvre'da yer almaktadır. - One of the most beautiful art collections in the world is at the Louvre.

Ona o doğum günü hediyesini almak için biraz para toplayalım. - Let's collect some money to buy her that birthday present.

{f} bir araya getirmek
tax collection
(Bilim, İlim) Vergi toplama, vergi tahsilatı
tahsil etmek
{i} ayinlerde okunan kısa dua
bills for collection
(Ticaret) tahsile verilen senetler
vergi almak
(Arılık) bal toplamak
(Askeri) haber toplamak
istif etmek
toplamak (para)
documentary collection
(Ticaret) vesikalı tahsil
expense of collection
(Ticaret) vergide tahsil masrafları
garbage collection
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kötü girdileri temizleme
intelligence collection
(Askeri) haber toplama
refuse collection vehicle
çöp kamyonu
refuse collection vehicle
çöp toplama aracı
seed collection
(Askeri) tohum toplama
seed collection reef
(Askeri) tohum toplama resifi
uğrayıp almak

Düşündüklerimi biriktiremem. - I can't collect my thoughts.

Onların hepsini biriktirdin mi? - Did you collect them all?

daily collection
günlük tahsilat
data collection
veri toplama
data collection terminal
veri toplama uçbirimi
garbage collection
artıkları toplama
garbage collection
çöp toplama
art collection
sanat koleksiyonu
bills for collection
tahsil senedi

Bu eksantrik milyarder dünyanın en büyük sanat koleksiyonlarından birini topladı. - This eccentric billionaire has amassed one of the world's largest art collections.

Ben sonradan bana R. Burton 'ın Tarihi Koleksiyonlarını satın almamı sağlaması için onları sattım. - I afterward sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections.

data collection
bilgi toplama
debt collection office
icra dairesi
expenses of collection
tahsil masrafları
fate of a collection
tahsilin akıbeti
home collection
ev koleksiyonu
installment sale collection
taksitli satış tahsilâtı
lending collection
kredi toplama
open access collection
açık erişim toplama
price collection
fiyat toplama
reference collection
referans koleksiyonu
sewage collection
Yerleşim yerlerindeki lağımların belli bir yere toplanması işlemi
take up a collection
para biriktirmek
third party collection
üçüncü toplama
topical collection
topikal toplama
waste collection
atık toplama
Chairman's memorandum; collection manager; configuration management; consequence
(Askeri) Başkanın muhtırası; toplama müdürü; Konfigürasyon yönetimi; sonuç yönetimi; kontrol modemi; mayın tahribi, mayın tahrip mayını
Intelligence Collection Requirements
(Askeri) İstihbarat Toplama İhtiyaçları
Waste collection station
(Tekstil) Emiş dolabı
a collection
assessment and collection
(Ticaret) tahakkuk ve tahsil
casualty collection point
(Askeri) zayiat toplama noktası
casualty collection point; consolidated cryptologic program ; consolidation and
(Askeri) yaralı toplama yeri; birleştirilmiş kripto programı; birleştirme ve konteynerleme noktası
charity collection
yardım toplama
check point; collection point; command post; contact point; control point; count
(Askeri) kontrol noktası; toplama noktası; komuta yeri; temas noktası; kontrol noktası; yayılmaya Karşı Koyma
chief of mission; collection operations management; commander
(Askeri) görev şefi; toplama harekatları yönetimi; komutan
almak kendine gelmek
{f} toplanmak
{f} koleksiyon yapmak
(sıfat) ödemeli
koleksiyon haline gelmek

Japonya'ya ödemeli bir arama yapmak istiyorum. - I'd like to make a collect call to Japan.

Japonya'ya bir ödemeli arama yapmak istiyorum. - I want to make a collect call to Japan.

(Askeri) TOPLAMAK, HABER TOPLAMAK: Muhtelif vasıtalarla, çeşitli kaynaklardan haber ve bilgi elde etmek
(isim) ayinlerde okunan kısa dua
toplamak; biriktirmek; derlemek; toparlamak; devşirmek; toplanmak; birikmek: He collects stamps. Pul biriktiriyor. They don't collect
colleet call ödemeli telefon konuşması
{f} 1. toplamak; biriktirmek; derlemek; toparlamak; devşirmek; toplanmak; birikmek: He collects stamps. Pul biriktiriyor. They don't collect
{i} dönem sınavları
data collection device
(Askeri) veri toplama aracı
defense collection coordination center
(Askeri) savunma toplama faaliyetleri koordinasyon merkezi
deluge collection pond
(Askeri) su toplama çukuru
deluge collection pond
(Askeri) SU TOPLAMA ÇUKURU (HV.): Bir füze ateş mevziinde; özellikle alev saptırıcıyı {flame deflector) soğutmak için kullanılan suyun, roket yükselmeye başlarken akıp toplandığı bir yer. buna "skinner basin" de denir
deposit collection
(Askeri) EMANET KİTAP KOLEKSİYONU: Devamlı bir kütüphaneye sahip olmayacak kadar küçük birliklere kitap temini maksadıyla, bir özel hizmetler kütüphanesi veya kitap deposundan dağıtılan kitap koleksiyonu
detainee collection point
(Askeri) TUTSAK TOPLAMA NOKTASI: Tutsakların, tutsak işlem istasyonuna gönderilmeden önce toplandıkları tesis veya diğer bir mahal
endorsement for collection
(Ticaret) tahsil cirosu
evaluation and data collection plan
(Askeri) değerlendirme ve veri toplama planı
garbage collection
çöp toplanması
gravel collection law
(Askeri) tane toplama yasası
improved conventional munitions; integrated collection management
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş konvansiyonel mühimmat; birleştirilmiş toplama yönetimi
indorsement for collection
(Ticaret) tahsil cirosu
intelligence collection
(Askeri) HABER TOPLAMA: İstihbaratta; haber kaynaklarının toplama unsurları tarafından, sistematik olarak çalıştırılması ve bu suretle elde edilen bilgi ve haberlerin ilgili istihbarat kısmına verilmesi
intelligence collection and production agencies
intelligence collection plan
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT TOPLAMA PLANI: Bir istihbarat ihtiyacını karşılamak maksadıyla mevcut bütün kaynaklardan bilgi toplanması ile ilgili bir plan. Bu plan, özellikle, esas bilgi unsurlarını gerekli süre içinde bilgi toplama kaynaklarına verilecek emir veya bunlardan yapılacak istek haline intikal ettiren mantıki bir hazırlıktır. Bak. "intelligence cycle", "intelligence process"
joint casualty collection point
(Askeri) müşterek zayiat toplama noktası
joint collection management board
(Askeri) müşterek toplama yönetim kurulu
joint collection management tools
(Askeri) müşterek toplama yönetim araçları
late fee collection
(Ticaret) munzam vergi toplama
mechanical collection
(Çevre) mekanik toplama
methods of tax collection
(Ticaret) vergi tahsil yolları
mode of collection
(Avrupa Birliği) tahsil usülleri
mortuary affairs collection point
(Askeri) cenaze işleri toplama noktası
mortuary affairs decontamination collection point
(Askeri) cenaze işleri bulaşıcı madde temizleme toplama noktası
motley collection
acayip karıışım
nuclear, biological chemical collection center
(Askeri) NÜKLEER, BİYOLOJİK, KİMYASAL TOPLANMA MERKEZİ: Nükleer, biyolojik, kimyasal gözetleme sahası dahilindeki nükleer infilaklara, biyolojik ve kimya taarruzlarına ve bunların sebep olduğu kirlenmelere ait raporları almak, değerlendirmek ve münasip rapor ve uyarılar hazırlayıp ilgili yerlere yayınlamaktan sorumlu makam. Aynı görevleri gözetleme sahasının yalnız bir kısmı için yerine getiren makamlara tali toplama merkezleri (subcollection centers) denir
send for collection
(Ticaret) tahsilata göndermek
send for collection
(Ticaret) tahsile göndermek
specific intelligence collection requirement
(Askeri) özel istihbarat toplama ihtiyacı
specific intelligence collection requirement
(Askeri) BELİRLİ ÖZEL İSTİHBARAT TOPLAMA İHTİYACI: Yalnızca toplama işlemiyle giderilebilen ve ilgili ihtiyaç kontrol makamı tarafından geçerli kılınan istihbarat bilgilerindeki belirlenen gedikler. Genelde SICR olarak bilinir
where can i find a collection of stories
hikaye kitaplarını nerede bulabilirim
İngilizce - İngilizce
A set of items or objects procured or gathered together by a person, group, or other agent

Secondly, I continue to base my concepts on intensive study of a limited suite of collections, rather than superficial study of every packet that comes to hand.

The activity of collecting

Collection of trash will occur every Thursday.

A set of sets
Multiple related objects associated as a group

He has a superb coin collection.

{n} the act of collecting, money or things collected, an assembly, an inference
A collection of things is a group of similar things that you have deliberately acquired, usually over a period of time. The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend
The efforts used to make a delinquent mortgage current and to file the notices needed to proceed with foreclosure
Trading method in which the banking system acts on behalf of the seller, presenting documents to the buyer and only releasing them upon payment (or upon acceptance of a term bill)
The act or process of collecting or of gathering; as, the collection of specimens
A group of objects of the same class that are contained within another object Collections are named as the plural of their object class
An artificial accumulation of documents of any provenance brought together on the basis of some common characteristic, e g , way of acquisition, subject, language, medium, type of document, name of collector, to be treated for description purposes as a descriptive unit under a common title Collectors may be those outside the archives who assembled the material, or may in some cases be an archival repository itself
A collection of stories, poems, or articles is a number of them published in one book. The Brookings Institution has assembled a collection of essays from foreign affairs experts
The series of steps a lender takes to bring a delinquent mortgage up to date
If you organize a collection for charity, you collect money from people to give to charity. I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity
An aggregate data structure such as a list, a table, or an array A collection is an instance of <collection>
A Collection is a Tamino construct for the grouping of Doctypes for the purpose of cross-doctype operation, for example, composing XML documents with information from more than one Doctype In database terms, a Collection can thus be likened to a database Of course, a Tamino database can contain multiple Collections
Any effort to bring a delinquent mortgage current and to file the necessary notices to proceed with foreclosure if necessary
[M206] A collection consists of a number of, possibly zero, objects Objects within a collection are referred to as elements The elements of a collection can be simple or complex objects, and they need not be of the same class A collection whose number of elements is fixed on creation Such a collection can neither grow nor shrink
Can refer to the entire British Library Collection or the private collection of an individual or organisation, that has been purchased or donated to us
A past due debt which a creditor will attempt to collect from a borrower Collections result from debts such as unpaid medical, credit card, or utility (telephone, electric, or cable) bills Collections are shown on a borrower's credit report and often must be paid before other lenders can approve a borrower for a loan
Collection is the act of collecting something from a place or from people. Money can be sent to any one of 22,000 agents worldwide for collection. computer systems to speed up collection of information
Generically, this means a group of metadata records that are organized around a theme, organization or some criteria For specific types of collections within DLESE, please see the individual entries for Broad Collection, Reviewed Collection, formal collection and informal collection
Like a directory on a computer except that the files in the collection may be stored on resources scattered throughout the SRB space
An object that contains a set of related objects An object's position in the collection can change whenever a change occurs in the collection; therefore, the position of any specific object in the collection may vary
In CycL, collections are denoted by certain constants which are called "collection-denoting" constants These are often referred to as "CycL collections" or just "collections" in casual usage CycL collections are constants that denote collections of objects, rather than individual objects For example, the constant #$Dog denotes the collection of all dogs, while the individual-denoting constant #$Snoopy denotes a specific dog For more on this topic, see the constants #$Collection and #$Individual
1 An artificial accumulation of documents brought together on the basis of some common characteristic (e g means of acquisition, creator, subject, language, medium, form, name of collector) without regard to the origin of the documents 2 A grouping of records created by a private individual and organization (SAA)
An artificial accumulation of materials devoted to a single theme, person, event, or type of document acquired from a variety of sources A general term used to describe groupings of archival or manuscripts materials
That which is obtained in payment of demands
A set of items or objects procured by an individual
several things grouped together or considered as a whole
request for a sum of money; "an appeal to raise money for starving children"
A group of objects that have something in common, such as the owner or donor (such as the Point Ellice House collection of household Victoriana), type of object (for example, a Clothing collection), or a regional or geographic location (such as a Chinese Collection or Skeena Fishing Collection)
The efforts used to bring a delinquent mortgage current and to file the necessary notices to proceed with foreclosure when necessary
the act of gathering something together a publication containing a variety of works several things grouped together or considered as a whole
the process of picking up wastes from residences, businesses, or a collection point, loading them into a vehicle, and transporting them to a processing, transfer, or disposal site
A Multics boot tape contains three logical groups of segments called collections Each collection is read in and then run, to bootstrap a more complex environment for loading and executing the next collection
A collection of things is a group of things. Wye Lea is a collection of farm buildings that have been converted into an attractive complex
A collection is money that is given by people in church during some Christian services
a publication containing a variety of works
The process of bringing a delinquent debt current and the filing of the necessary notices to proceed with repossession or foreclosure when necessary
The act of inferring or concluding from premises or observed facts; also, that which is inferred
the act of gathering something together
The jurisdiction of a collector of excise
ISAD(G) An artificial assemblage of documents accumulated on the basis of some common characteristic without regard to the provenance of those documents Not to be confused with an archival fonds
{i} group of objects that have been collected; money collected from people; accumulation
An accumulation of any substance
An aggregation of two or more other objects, where those objects can be any combination of Information Objects and/or Collections Each Collection is considered to be suitable for being adequately documented for preservation, distribution and independent usage
That which is collected A gathering or assemblage of objects or of persons
A fashion designer's new collection consists of the new clothes they have designed for the next season
A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes, as by passing a contribution box for freewill offerings
collection plate
A plate or other container passed among the worshipers attending a Christian church service, into which donations of money are placed

Elder Frewen, a tall, pale man, with long, sandy side-whiskers, appeared at the door of our pew with the collection plate.

collection society
Any organisation which manages or administers copyright or rights related to copyright as its sole purpose or as one of its main purposes
Alternative spelling of collection plate
collection plate
(Din) A collection plate is often used near the end of some Protestant worship services to gather the gifts of the faithful for the support of the church and for charity. Members of other assemblies, including some Lutheran churches, do not use a collection plate, but simply make arrangements to support their church without the temptation of using the collection plate for a public show of piety
collection activity
gathering of money owed
collection agency
Individual who assumes responsibility for a loan if the borrower fails to repay Default Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Stafford, Direct Loan, Federal SLS, Federal PLUS, or
collection agency
A business organization that accepts, from schools and lenders, loan accounts that have become delinquent or are in default, and attempts to collect on those accounts A fee is charged for the service
collection agency
A company that is contacted by the original lender to collect past due and defaulted accounts
collection agency
intelligence division continuously and systematically collecting information; agency that collects payments on unpaid bills, firm that collects payments on delinquent loans, business that collects unpaid bills for other companies
collection agency
If you fail to pay a credit or charge card bill, the card issuer may send your overdue bill to a collection agency, a company that will attempt to obtain payment from you If this happens, your account may be listed as a "collection account" on your credit report If you do not pay your bill and your card issuer has to go to a collection agency to attempt to obtain payment from you, you may be liable for the cost of the collection agency's services Check your cardholder agreement to see if your card includes this potential fee
collection agency
Third-party business who acts on behalf of one of your creditors in order to retrieve late payments on an existing debt
collection agency
-A company hired by a creditor to attempt to get the balance of an account paid off
collection agency
A company that will attempt to obtain payment from you If this happens, your account may be listed as a "collection account" on your credit report If you do not pay your bill and your card issuer has to go to a collection agency to attempt to obtain payment from you, you may be liable for the cost of the collection agency's services Check your cardholder agreement to see if your card includes this potential fee
collection agency
A business organization that accepts, from lenders, loan accounts that have become delinquent or are in default, and attempts to collect on those accounts A fee is charged for the service
collection agency
A business which acts as an agent for an entity to be the collector of debts, usually for a percentage of the amount collected Can also refer to a collection unit within a state agency
collection agency
A company which specializes in recovering past due payments on delinquent or defaulted loans
collection agency
– A company that attempts to collect delinquent or defaulted loans
collection agency
Firm that specializes in collecting past due accounts receivables and loan payments
collection box
A collection box is a box or tin that is used to collect money for charity. a container with a small hole in the top, that people put money for charity into
collection commission
{i} percentage received for collecting a debt for another party
collection cycle
time transpiring between payments on a debt
collection fee
payment received for collecting a debt for another party
collection letter
A collection is the procedure whereby the exporter entrusts the movement of his commercial documents to a remitting bank for further processing through a collection bank for settlement from the buyer A Collection Letter is the document used by the remitting bank to relay complete and precise instructions to the collecting bank
collection letter
A letter sent to a debtor requesting payment of an amount that was previously billed and is now past due
collection letter
Letter which accompanies a draft and/or documents giving instructions for presentation, payment, collection of charges, interest, and contingency plans
collection of articles
compilation essays or papers, compilation of articles
collection percentage
relation between debts which have been paid during a specific period to the sum of the debts owed at the beginning of that period
collection plate
a large, almost flat dish that you put money into during some religious services
collection plate
plate: a shallow receptacle for collection in church
collection point
protected place relatively closed to the combat zone where troops and weapons are concentrated
collection reminder
payment reminder, reminder that a payment date is approaching or has already passed
collection system
a continuous connection of pipelines, conduits, pumping stations and other related constructions or devices used to conduct wastewater to a water pollution control system
collection system
The Collections System, a part of Customs' Automated Commercial System, controls and accounts for the billions of dollars in payments collected by Customs each year and the millions in refunds processed each year Daily statements are prepared for the automated brokers who select this service The Collections System permits electronic payments of the related duties and taxes through the Automated Clearinghouse capability Automated collections also meet the needs of the importing community through acceptance of electronic funds transfers for deferred tax bills and receipt of electronic payments from lockbox operations for Customs bills and fees » Back to top of screen
collection system
A system of collector and/or interceptor sewers collecting wastewater from a community
collection system
The established procedure used by retailers to encourage customers to pay debts, especially delinquent accounts The procedure includes several levels of increasing intensity, such as impersonal routine billing, impersonal appeals, personalized appeals, and drastic legal action
collection system
a network of sewer pipes used to collect wastewater and/or storm water and transport it to a wastewater treatment plant or sewer outfall
collection time
fixed time at which letters are collected from a mailbox
coin collection
a collection of coins
art collection
A collection of works of art housed together
To accumulate similar items or items belonging to a particular theme, particularly for a hobby or recreation

John Henry collects stamps.

To get; particularly, get from someone

A mortgage company collects a monthly payment on a house.

To form a conclusion; to deduce, infer. (Compare gather, get.)

the riot is so great that it is very difficult to collect what is being said.

To gather together; amass items

Suzanne collected all the papers she had laid out.

A state being beyond merely past due

We have sent your account to collections.

plural form of collection
fog collection
The collection of water from fog, using a canvas to pick up the water particles
garbage collection
A service, generally run by local government, for transporting household garbage to the appropriate facility
garbage collection
A mechanism which ensures that resources no longer in use are made available for reuse

Automatic garbage collection isn’t foolproof, but it eliminates large classes of memory errors.

garbage collection
Automatic garbage collection
type collection
A collection from which the original concept of a taxonomic group was described
{n} a short comprehensive prayer
{v} to gather, get, recover, infer
blood collection tube
(Tıp, İlaç) A Vacutainer® blood collection tube is a sterile glass or plastic tube with a closure that is evacuated to create a vacuum inside the tube facilitating the draw of a predetermined volume of liquid
The Ultimate Collection Of Winsock Software
{i} TUCOWS, popular freeware download website created in Michigan (USA) in 1993 and based in Toronto (Canada) wherein hundreds of shareware and packages of demo software can be downloaded
art collection
Works of art accumulated by an individual or institution. Such collections were made in the earliest civilizations; precious objects were stored in temples, tombs, sanctuaries, and palaces. A taste for collecting per se developed in Greece (4th-1st century BC). The great art collections of the world grew out of private collections formed by royalty, aristocracy, and the wealthy. By the 18th century, collectors were donating their holdings to the public and constructing buildings to house them (e.g., the Louvre Museum, Uffizi Gallery). Wealthy industrialists in the U.S. played a prominent role in the 19th-20th century, and an unprecedented flow of masterpieces from Europe soon filled U.S. museums
art collection
a collection of art works
autumn collection
new fashion collection which is designed in time for fall
bills for collection
payments to be received or collected
bottle collection
collecting bottles for reuse the activity of collecting bottles; "bottle collection is a hobby of hers"
bottle collection
a collection of bottles; "her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window
casualties collection point
protected area relatively near a battlefield which is set up to receive and treat the wounded
checks collection
cashing of checks at a bank
A collect (pronounced CALL-ect) is a short prayer that summarizes a foregoing series of prayers or a worship service A collect is usually one sentence long and consists of three parts: an invocation, a petition, and a doxology The following is an example of a simple collect: O God, who gave your only Son to die for our sins, give us grateful hearts to live worthily before you; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord AMEN
If you collect for a charity or for a present for someone, you ask people to give you money for it. Are you collecting for charity? They collected donations for a fund to help military families
In interline moves, the amount of transportation and other charges are paid at the point of termination of the final rail carrier
When you collect someone or something, you go and get them from the place where they are waiting for you or have been left for you. David always collects Alistair from school on Wednesdays After collecting the cash, the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line. = pick up
make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect"
a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England
a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England get or bring together; "accumulate evidence" call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent" gather or collect; "You can get the results on Monday"; "She picked up the children at the day care center"; "They pick up our trash twice a week" payment due by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel" make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect
All charges incurred from door-to-door are paid by the consignee
{s} having the receiver pay the charges (for a phone call)
If a substance collects somewhere, or if something collects it, it keeps arriving over a period of time and is held in that place or thing. Methane gas does collect in the mines around here. water tanks which collect rainwater from the house roof
assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together"
Gather together; amass items
gather or collect; "You can get the results on Monday"; "She picked up the children at the day care center"; "They pick up our trash twice a week"
A collect call is a telephone call that is paid for by the person receiving it, not the person making it. She received a collect phone call from Alaska. If you call collect when you make a telephone call, the person who you are phoning pays the cost of the call and not you. Should you lose your ticket call collect on STA's helpline
A call that is paid for by the receiving/destination phone number Requires approval/authorization of the person being called
The jaw folder doubles the signatures up using the collect cylinder, so that the signatures leave the jaw folder with twice as many pages, but half as often See Straight
To gather or exact from a number of persons or sources
get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
If you collect things, such as stamps or books, as a hobby, you get a large number of them over a period of time because they interest you. One of Tony's hobbies was collecting rare birds. + collecting col·lect·ing hobbies like stamp collecting and fishing
payment due by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel"
Consignee is responsible for paying the shipping and other charges   If the consignee has a credit account with Integres it can be settled on account   If the consignee does not have credit then cashier, certified, traveler's or company check or a money order will be collected when the shipment is delivered (FCCOD is Freight Charges Collect On Delivery )
{i} short prayer
If you collect yourself or collect your thoughts, you make an effort to calm yourself or prepare yourself mentally. She paused for a moment to collect herself He was grateful for a chance to relax and collect his thoughts. = compose
Get; particularly, get from someone
{f} gather; take payments (of money); assemble
call for and obtain payment of; "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"
gather or amass
A short, comprehensive prayer, adapted to a particular day, occasion, or condition, and forming part of a liturgy
If you collect a number of things, you bring them together from several places or from several people. Two young girls were collecting firewood 1.5 million signatures have been collected. = gather
The prayer said before the reading of the epistle lesson, especially one found in a prayerbook, as with the Book of Common Prayer
The consignee pays the freight charges
Accumulate similar items or items belonging to a particular theme, particularly for a hobby or recreation
To gather into one body or place; to assemble or bring together; to obtain by gathering
get or bring together; "accumulate evidence"
From the Latin word collecta, meaning "assembly " The word is normally used to refer to the prayer near the beginning of the Eucharist that precedes the lessons The collect was supposedly designed to "collect" the thoughts of the lessons and bind the thoughts together, back in the days when only one lesson and a Gospel were read A collect is actually any short prayer that contains an invocation, a petition, and a pleading in Christ's Name (in that order)
To infer; to conclude
To infer from observed facts; to conclude from premises
To demand and obtain payment of, as an account, or other indebtedness; as, to collect taxes
collective(ly)past part past participle
Prayer which gathers people together around the theme for a particular liturgy
If something collects light, energy, or heat, it attracts it. Like a telescope it has a curved mirror to collect the sunlight
Frequently recited together at BPW meetings, the Collect was written by BPW member Mary Stewart of Colorado as a prayer to instill a sense of unity among women working together with wide interests and important goals
make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect
To assemble together; as, the people collected in a crowd; to accumulate; as, snow collects in banks
a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England get or bring together; "accumulate evidence"
Assemblages that are organized and curated by scientists
A department that attempts to collect on accounts that are beyond merely past due
plural of collection
All payments received by an agency as payment towards billings or receivables, including amounts received from collection agencies
Pages ( image )Pages (encoded ) Titles Records ImagesBytes Words
Home economics collections X 03
A term to describe all the collections in museum or holding institution
http: //www niso org/emetrics/current/section4 html Describes broad collection categories in all formats
College examinations held at the beginning of term to test work done the previous term or during the vacation Not to be confused with Rector's Collections [Oxford]
A group of library items on the same subject that are kept in the same area eg Antarctic Collection
Periodicals that a library owns which are grouped together This grouping allows a library to create a searchable collection of periodicals which specifically meet the needs and interests of their patrons Same as Local Collections
Bolivian Photographers The Bolivian Sea Coast Hall of Fame Poets of Bolivia Short Stories Collection The Outsiders
Amounts collected by guaranty agencies or the federal government from borrowers after default claims are paid to lenders
data collection
(Ticaret) The manual or automatic acquisition of individual data elements that does not include control or analysis functions
data collection systems
computer system designed for entering and rapid processing of data
debt collection
collecting of a debt, collecting of money owed
door to door collection
soliciting monetary contributions for a cause from private residences
garbage collection
the collection and removal of garbage
hours of collection
set hours in which mail is collected from mailboxes
loan collection
display which is borrowed
loan collection
a number of pictures loaned by their owners for exhibition
private collection
unique or expensive collection that belongs to a private individual (e.g. of wine, artwork, book, etc.)
rental collection
a collection of books that can be rented by readers in return for a small daily fee
spring collection
new fashion collection designed especially for the spring season
stamp collection
series of various postage stamps from different countries that were collected by a stamp-collector
stamp collection
a collection of stamps
stamp collection
philately: the collection and study of postage stamps
summer collection
new fashion collection designed especially for the summer season
tax collection
the collection of taxes
winter collection
new fashion collection designed especially for the winter season
Türkçe - İngilizce

collection teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

yamalı bohça motley collection, raggle-taggle group, haphazard and incongruous a
(of people or things)