Worthy or suitable for collecting on historical/financial grounds, or for meeting a personal aesthetic: collectible stamps, collectible china, collectible Beatles memorabilia
things considered to be worth collecting (not necessarily valuable or antique) subject to or requiring payment especially as specified; "a collectible bill"; "a note payable on demand"; "a check payable to John Doe
Property such as rare coins, artwork, and antiques that you collect as an investment Gains from the sale of collectibles do not qualify for the same new capital gain maximum tax rates as other investments, such as stocks
worthy or suitable for collection on historical/financial grounds, or for meeting a personal aesthetic: collectible stamps, collectible china, collectible Beatles memorabilia
While the word collectible can refer to many different things, in the Doll world a collectible is a doll that was made over 25 years ago butless than 75 years ago Current dolls, made within the last 25 years, are considered to be "modern" and, as we discussed in antiques, anything pre-1930is deemed to be an antique This is not a hard, fast rule, as we all think of our dolls as "collectible," but primarily the above rule applications are used