is a relationship between two or more parties who jointly own interest(s) in the same property
Shared ownership, a method of purchasing property in partnership with a housing association, where the borrower purchases part of the property and rents the rest from the housing association The minimum purchase amount is 25% of the property value, and the rest may be bought in blocks of 25% This arrangement is ideal for those whose personal circumstances prevent them from being 100% homeowners
Co ownership occurs when the ownership of the whole property is divided (not necessarily on a pro-rated basis) between two or more persons Usually there is a written agreement between the co-owners in which the rights of each co-owner is described Each co-owner may sell his/her right of ownership or dispose of it as he/she wishes
Teams take on co-ownership characteristics when members realize that all tasks belong to the team and that their individual roles are in support of the team Team members actively take on responsibility and accountability for not only their tasks, but for the team itself
The state of two or more people sharing ownership of a property This can be an important issue in matters such as personal liability, or inheritance