civil servants and persons who are treated as such

listen to the pronunciation of civil servants and persons who are treated as such
İngilizce - Almanca
Beamte und ihnen gleichgestellte Personen
civil servants and persons who are treated as such


    ci·vil servants and persons who are treated as such

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    sîvıl sırvınts ınd pırsınz hu ır tritıd äz sʌç


    /ˈsəvəl ˈsərvənts ənd ˈpərsənz ˈho͞o ər ˈtrētəd ˈaz ˈsəʧ/ /ˈsɪvəl ˈsɜrvənts ənd ˈpɜrsənz ˈhuː ɜr ˈtriːtəd ˈæz ˈsʌʧ/