(Askeri) SİVİL SAVUNMA: Aşağıdaki hususları temin maksadıyla girişilen bütün faaliyetler ve alınan tedbirler: 1. ABD'ne karşı vaki bir düşman taarruzunun sivil halk üzerinde sebep olduğu veya olabileceği etkileri azaltmak. 2. Böyle bir taarruzun yaratacağı yakın tehlike koşullarını yoluna koymak. 3. Böyle bir taarruzla tahrip edilmiş veya hasar görmüş sıhhi tesisler ve diğer sıhhi tesislerde acil onarım yapmak veya bunların süratle ıslahı yoluna gitmek
(Askeri) (NATO) SİVİL SAVUNMA: Sivil hayatın bütün yönleri üzerinde düşman taarruzu tesirlerini pasif tedbirlerle azaltmak maksadıyla sivil halkın seferber edilmesi teşkilatlanması ve idaresi
civil defense teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
forces which protect and provide security during natural disasters and other crises
activities organized by civilians for their own protection in time of war or disaster
A range of emergency measures to be taken by an organized body of civilian volunteers for the protection of life and property in the event of natural disaster or enemy attack. All nonmilitary actions taken to reduce loss of life and property resulting from enemy action. The threat of aerial attack on cities led to organized civil-defense planning in World War II. The British government provided its people with gas masks, and nearly all countries trained citizens in fire fighting, rescue, and first aid. Blackouts reduced the glow from city lights that could guide enemy pilots; sirens warned of bombing attacks, and citizens took cover in air-raid shelters, basements, and subways. The postwar threat of nuclear attack prompted civil authorities to mark buildings that offered the best shelter from fallout. By the 1970s the West had largely abandoned civil-defense preparations as it became clear that surviving a direct nuclear attack was unlikely
civ·il de·fence in AM, use civil defense Civil defence is the organization and training of the ordinary people in a country so that they can help the armed forces, medical services, or police force, for example if the country is attacked by an enemy. a civil defence exercise. civil defense the organization of ordinary rather than military people to help defend their country from military attack