a surrounding or nearby region; "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville"; "it is a rugged locality"; "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood"; "I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods"
Residential area within a governmental unit that has some distinct identity to its inhabitants and observers
means a geographic location designated in comprehensive plans, ordinances, or other local documents as a neighborhood, village, or similar geographical designation that is within the boundary but does not encompass the entire area of a unit of general local government; except that if the unit of general local government has a population under 25,000, the neighborhood may, but need not, encompass the entire area of a unit of general local government
The environment of a subject property that has a direct and immediate effect on value
people living near one another; "it is a friendly neighborhood"; "my neighborhood voted for Bush"
{i} group of houses which make up a distinct region; local area, surroundings (also neighbourhood)
A residential or commercial area with similar types of properties, buildings of similar value or age, predominant land-use activities, and natural or fabricated geographic boundaries, such as highways or rivers
A neighborhood is a geographic area whose boundaries coincide with observable changes in prevailing land uses, physical features, occupant characteristics, and economic influences
A group of neurons within a specified distance of a particular neuron The neighborhood is specified by the indices for all of the neurons that lie within a radius of the winning neuron
The quality or condition of being a neighbor; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity
A place near; vicinity; adjoining district; a region the inhabitants of which may be counted as neighbors; as, he lives in my neighborhood
the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of'); "it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job"; "the price is in the neighborhood of $100"
A district or locality characterized by similar or compatible land uses, often with a major street for shopping or restaurants
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