cihaz malı

listen to the pronunciation of cihaz malı
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Latin) dos
Disk Operating System (STD)
Disk Operating System - The first widely-installed operating system for personal computers DOS is a non-graphical, line-oriented, command-driven operating system Versions include MSDOS and PCDOS
Disk Operating System In modern usage normally applies to the text based operating system first using on Personal Computers from IBM (PCDOS) and Microsoft (MSDOS) Emulations of this operating system can be found in Windows
Disk Operating System A personal computer operating system used to manage a computer's internal and external hardware
Disk operating system (from Microsoft)
Disk Operating System An operating system (the OS in DOS) is the interface between human and microprocessor (or "chip") It translates the commands you type in into the machine language the microprocessor speaks DOS was developed by Microsoft in the early 1980s for the Intel processor Today, such popular graphic "shells" like Microsoft's Windows and IBM's OS/2 run on top of DOS
"Disk Operating System" Usually refers to MS-DOS (Microsoft DOS), which was for years the standard operating system for IBM-compatible personal computers See also: DOS (Webopedia)
Disk Operating System Text based operating system layer that sits below Windows 95/98 on a PC see also 'MS-DOS'
Disk Operating System Section of the operating system software that controls the disk and file access
Upper-case The short form for Disk Operating System The term DOS can refer to any operating system, but it is most often used as a shorthand for MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system) Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs, called application programs (such as WordPerfect and Microsoft Word), can run
Disk Operating System This set of "control" programs correlates all the operations of a computer, and keeps track of how information is stored on disks PC-DOS refers to the DOS in IBM computers MS-DOS is used by all "clones " They were both written by Microsoft, and are essentially identical WINDOWS is a graphic user interface to make DOS easier to use Windows98 does not use DOS, but makes it available so you can run DOS-based programs
Digital Operating System (A commonly-used computer operating system DOS may be used alone, or as the underlying platform for the Windows ® operating system )
Disk Operating System A very old operating system for PCs, DOS is still the basis for Microsoft Windows
Disk Operating System The operating system used on IBM personal computers and compatible machines
an operating system that is on a disk
Acronym for Disk Operating System Literally, the term refers that portion of an operating system that controls writing, storage, and retrieval of data from storage media, usually spinning disks of various types In common usage, the term refers to MS DOS, the complete operating system developed by Microsoft for IBM-compatible personal computers in text (non-Windows) modes
The acronym for the basic operating system: Disk Operating System (Microsoft/IBM term)
Disk Operating System DOS refers to any Disk Operating System such as MS-DOS and PC-DOS
Disk Operating System This is a standard operating system, created by Microsoft before the dawn of Windows DOS manages how files are stored on your computer It is controlled through commands typed at the command prompt Even Windows 95 and Windows 98 are still fundamentally dependent on DOS
Disk Operating System