
listen to the pronunciation of chief(a)
İngilizce - Türkçe

chief(a) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

önde gelen

Yunanların önde gelen tanrısı Zeus'u şereflendirmek için İsa'dan Önce 776'da ilk Olimpiyat oyunları Olimpos Dağının eteğinde düzenlendi. - In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus.

en mühim
chief advisor
(Politika, Siyaset) baş danışman
chief auditor
(Kanun) başdenetçi
chief commander
(Askeri) üst komutan
chief commander
chief cook
(Gıda) aşçıbaşı
chief engineer
(Askeri) başmakinist
chief engineer
(Askeri) baş çarkçı
chief executive officers
şef yöneticiler
chief expert
chief inspector
(Kanun) başkomiser
chief negotiator
chief nurse
(Askeri) başhemşire
chief of cabinet
(Askeri) özel kalem müdürü
chief of defence
(Askeri) genelkurmay başkanı
chief of staff
kurmay başkan
chief petty officer
(Askeri) astsubay kıdemli üstçavuş
chief pilot
kaptan pilot
chief pilot
chief rabbi
haham başı
chief specialist
chief supervisor
baş danışman
chief white eunuch
(Tarih) kapı ağası
Chief Constable
emniyet müdürü

Bölüm şefi öneriyi kabul etti. - The section chief accepted the proposal.

Nihayet, iki Kızılderili kabilenin şefleri savaş baltalarını gömmeye karar verdiler ve barış çubuğu tüttürdüler. - At long last, the two chiefs of the Indian tribes have decided to bury the hatchet and smoke the peace pipe.


Genelkurmay başkanı savaşın kaybedildiğini bildirdi. - The army chief reported that the war was lost.


Bu kuruluşta onların hepsi patron olduğu ve Hintli olmadığı için, herhangi bir karar alınması bir mucize. - Since in this organization they're all chiefs and no Indians, it's a wonder any decisions get made.


Baş katip çalışkan bir adam değil fakat üstlerine nasıl yaltaklanacağını bildiği için çabuk ilerliyor. - The chief clerk is not a hardworking man, but gets ahead rapidly because he knows how to curry favor with his superiors.

Kazanın başlıca nedeni öngörülemeyen havaydı. - The accident was caused chiefly by the unpredictable weather.

en önemli
chief assistant
baş asistant
chief clerk
büro şefi
chief clerk
mağaza şefi
chief engineer

Başmühendis, asistanı ile el ele araştırma yaptı. - The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant.

chief executive
chief judge
chief judge
mahkeme başkanı
chief justice
baş hakim
chief justice
chief of department
bölüm başkanı
chief of staff
genelkurmay başkanı
chief of state
devlet başkanı
chief of the army
kara kuvvetleri komutanı
chief of the protocol
protokol şefi
chief office
chief part
chief prosecutor
chief public prosecutor
cumhuriyet başsavcısı
chief surgeon
chief wrestler

Pirinç bu alanda başlıca üründür. - Rice is the chief crop in this area.

Ülkemizin başlıca ürünü pirinçtir. - The chief crop of our country is rice.

Chief Technology Officer
Teknoloji Şefi
Chief of General Staff
Genel kurmay başkanı
chief bodyguard
baş koruması
chief character
(edebiyat, film, tiyatro) Baş karakter
chief commander
(Askeri) Başkomutan, başkumandan
chief depot
merkez deposu
chief executive officer
CEO - İdari yönetim amiri
chief grip
(Film) Set amiri
chief knowledge officer
bilgi yönetim başkanı
chief master sergeant
başkanı master çavuş
chief medical officer
baş sağlık memuru
chief negotiator
Baş müzakereci
chief of army
(Askeri) Genel kurmay başkanı
chief of medicine
chief of naval operations
Deniz kuvvetleri harekat başkanı
chief pathologist
baş patolog
chief petty officer
baş astsubay
chief physician
chief pilot
baş pilot
chief suspect
Baş zanlı

Mr.Randof is the chief suspect at the moment.

chief technical officer
Baş teknik subay
Chief Executive
{i} baş yönetici
Chief of Defense Staff (Canada); container delivery system
(Askeri) Savunma Karargahı Başkanı (Kanada), Genelkurmay Başkanı (Bazı ülkelerde); Kutuyla Atma Sistemi
Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Harekat Başkanı Talimatı
Chief of Naval Operations; computer network operations
(Askeri) Deniz Harekat Başkanı; bilgisayar ağ harekatı
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
(Askeri) ABD Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı
Chief of Staff, United States Army; combat support agency; container stuffing ac
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı; muharebe destek dairesi; konteynere yük yükleme faaliyeti
Chief of the Army Reserve
(Askeri) Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatı Başkanı
Chief, Central Security Service
(Askeri) Merkezi Güvenlik Sistemi Başkanı
Chief, National Guard Bureau
(Askeri) Ulusal Güvenlik Daire / Büro Başkanı
en yüksek mevki
en çok

Bu kitap en çok pasif içiciliğin etkileriyle ilgilenmektedir. - This book is chiefly concerned with the effects of secondhand smoking.

chief justice başyargıç
başta olan
chiefly başlıca
in chief baş
{s} en üst rütbeli
en yüksek rütbede olan
{i} armanın en üst kısmı
{s} belli başlı
chief actor
(Kanun) asli fail
chief administrative officer; civil affairs operations; counterair operation
(Askeri) baş idari (muharebe) subay; sivil işler harekatı; mukabil hava harekatı
chief admission disposition clerk
chief assistant
en yardımsever
chief chemical officer
(Askeri) KİMYA DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Bak. "chief of chemical corps, the"
chief clerk
chief clerk
(Kanun) yazı işleri müdürü
chief clerk
baş katip
chief commander
(Askeri) ÜST KOMUTAN: Bak. "Legion of Merit"
chief complaint
(Tıp) en sık yakınma
chief complaint
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) temel şikayet
chief conductor
tren şefi
chief controller
(Askeri) baş kontrolör
chief controller
(Askeri) BAŞ KONTROLÖR (HV.): Hava trafik kontrol tesisinin her hususta murakabesinden sorumlu subay veya astsubay
chief controller
(Ticaret) başkontrolör
chief dietician
(Askeri) baş diyetisyen
chief dietitian
(Askeri) BAŞ DİYETÇİ: ABD de; Kadın Sağlık Uzmanları Sınıfı'na mensup bir subay. Bu subay, bir sağlık tesisinin başındaki subaya karşı sorumludur; kendisine danışmanlık eder; emrindeki diyetçilerin ve diğer personelin işlerine nezaret eder ve eğitim programlarının uygulanmasını sağlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "Women's Medical Specialist Corps"
chief draftsman
chief driver
kaptan şoför
chief electrician
(Sinema) başışıkçı
chief electrician
(Sinema) baş ışıkçı
chief electrician
(Tiyatro) ışıklama uzmanı
chief engineer
chief engineer
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM BAŞKANI: Bir harekat alanı komutanın karargah heyetinde bulunan üst rütbeli istihkam subayı
chief engineering
baş mühendislik
chief guard
chief house
(Ticaret) ana ticaretevi
chief information officer
(Askeri) enformasyon dairesi başkanı
chief interceptor controller
(Askeri) ÖNLEME KONTROL ŞEFİ: Bir kaç önleme kontrolunun çalışmasını murakabe ve koordineden sorumlu kıdemli önleme kontrolörü
chief intern
chief justice
huk. danıştay başkanı
chief justice
mahkeme başkanı
chief magistrate
başkan [amer.]
chief magistrate
belediye başkanı [amer.]
chief magistrate
eyalet başkanı
chief magistrate
vali [amer.]
chief military censor
(Askeri) ASKERİ SANSÜR ŞEFİ: Bir bölgedeki askeri sansür faaliyetlerine nezaret ve askeri sansür grubuna komuta etmek üzere, bölgedeki genel karargah istihbarat şube müdürü tarafından tayin edilen subay
chief mourner
en acılı kimse
chief naval operations, the
(Askeri) DENİZ HAREKAT BAŞKANI: Deniz kuvvetlerine ait konularda Cumhurbaşkanına, Milli Savunma Bakanına ve Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanına danışmanlık yapan deniz subayı. Bu subay, Deniz Kuvvetleri daire ve bürolarındaki faaliyetleri koordine eder
chief nurse
(Askeri) BAŞ HEMŞİRE: Orduya ait bir sağlık tesisinde vazife gören en kıdemli hemşire
chief occupational therapist
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ KISMI ŞEFİ: Kadın Sağlık Uzmanlar Sınıfı'na mensup bir kadın subay. Bu subay; fizik tedavi servisi şefine karşı, sağlık tesisindeki meşguliyetle tedavi kısmının idare ve kontrolundan sorumludur. Emrindeki personelin faaliyet ve eğitimini de kontrol ve koordine eder
chief of chaplain, the
(Askeri) ASKERİ DİYANET İŞLERİ BAŞKANI: Askeri din işleri sınıf ve teşkilatını idare eden subay
chief of chemical corps, the
(Askeri) KİMYA DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Kimya sınıfının idari ve teknik komutanlığını yapan subay. Buna "Chief of Chemical Officier" da denir
chief of engineer
(Askeri) istihkam dairesi başkanı
chief of engineer, the
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: İstihkam Sınıfının idari ve teknik komutanlığını yapan subay
chief of finance
(Askeri) maliye dairesi başkanı
chief of finance, the
(Askeri) MALİYE DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Ordu Maliye sınıfının başında bulunan subay
chief of information
chief of legislative liaison
chief of military history
chief of mission; collection operations management; commander
(Askeri) görev şefi; toplama harekatları yönetimi; komutan
chief of national guard bureau
chief of ordnance, the
(Askeri) ORDU DONATIM DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Ordu donatım sınıfının idari ve teknik başkanlığını yapan subay
chief of personnel
(Askeri) personel başkanı
chief of section
(Askeri) TOP ÇAVUŞU: Bir topun muharebeye hazırlanmasını, mevzie girmesini ve atış komutanlarının tatbikini idare eden astsubay
chief of staff
(Askeri) 1. Kurmay Başkanı. 2. Bir karargah heyetinin kıdemli veya en önemli üyesi veya başı, veya emir ve komuta yetkisine sahip bir şahsın, bir karargah heyetinin kapasitesindeki başlıca yardımcısı. 3. Bir karargah heyetinin bu heyete ait işleri koordine ile görevli başı veya kontrolör durumundaki üyesi. 4. Görev yeri olarak aslında bir komuta yetkisinin devri ile bir başkası adına sahip olunabilen bir mevki; a. Kara Kuvvetleri ile Deniz Piyade sınıfında bu terim yalnız tugay veya tümen kademesi ile daha üst kademelere uygulanır. Daha küçük kademelerde icra subayına tekabül eder. b. Deniz Kuvvetlerinde sadece, tuğamiral veya daha yüksek rütbeye sahip komutanın personeline uygulanır. Tuğamiralden daha düşük rütbedeki komutanın personelinde tekabül eden rütbe kıdemli karargah subayıdır ve tek bir geminin organizasyonunda icra subayına tekabül eder. c. Hava Kuvvetlerinde bu bir hava kuvveti kademesine ve bunun üstü kademelere uygulanır. CHIEF OF STAFF, UNITED STATES AIR FORCE, THE: ABD HAVA KUVVETLERİ KURMAY BAŞKANI: Cumhurbaşkanı ile Savunma Bakanı ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanının Hava Kuvvetlerine ait konularda, müşaviri hava subayı. Bu subay; Hava Kuvvetlerinin personel ve teşkillerinde nezaret ve bütün kuvvetlerine emir ve komuta eder. CHIEF OF STAFF, UNITED STATES ARMY: ABD KARA KUVVETLERİ KURMAY BAŞKANI/KARA KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANI
chief of staff
genel kurmay başkanı
chief of staff
kurmay başkanı
chief of staff; chief of station; critical occupational specialty
(Askeri) Kurmay Başkanı; istasyon şefi; kritik işgal kuvvetleri uzmanlığı/kritik işgal özelliği
chief of the crew
chief of the staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay başkanı
chief of the veterinary corps
(Askeri) VETERİNER DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Veteriner dairesinin idari ve teknik başkanlığını yapan subay
chief of transportation, the
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA DAİRESİ BAŞKANI: Ulaştırma Teşkilatının idari ve teknik başkanlığını yapan subay
chief petty officer
(Askeri) DENİZ ASTSUBAYI KIDEMLİ BAŞÇAVUŞU: Deniz kuvvetlerinde; gedikli subaydan ast derecede en yüksek rütbeli bir astsubay. Bir deniz astsubayı kıdemli başçavuşu, Ordu'da Başçavuşa haster sergeant} tekabül eder. Ayrıca bakınız: "petty officer"
chief petty officer; complete provisions only
(Askeri) deniz astsubay kıdemli başçavuş; sadece tamamlanmış hükümler
chief physical therapist
(Askeri) FİZİK TEDAVİ KISMI ŞEFİ: Kadın Sağlık Uzmanlar Sınıfı'na mensup kadın subay. Bu subay; bir sağlık tesisindeki Fizik Tedavi kısmının idare ve kontrolundan, Fizik Tedavi servisi şefine karşı sorumludur. Emrinde bulunan personelin faaliyetlerini de kontrol ve koordine eder
chief physician
chief physician
chief point
en mühim nokta
chief point
en önemli nokta
chief purpose
öncelikli amaç
chief rabbi
chief rabbinate
haham başılık makamı
chief referee
chief shop steward
(Ticaret) sendika temsilcisi
chief signal officer
(Askeri) MUHABERE BAŞKANI: Bir harekat alanı komutanlığı gibi büyük bir birliğin karargahında görevli, üst rütbeli muhabere subayı
chief surgeon
(Askeri) BAŞTABİP: Genel karargahlara veya yurtdışı seferi kuvvetlere atanan tabip subay
chief surgeon
(Askeri) baştabip
chief taster
chief technician
(Ticaret) teknik şef
chief technician
chief typesetter
chief typographer
chief warrant officer
chief’s mess
(Askeri) kıdemli astsubay salonu
İngilizce - İngilizce
most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets
Chief of Party
Provides leadership in the overall management of large projects or initiatives. One of the six major roles of the president of the United is Chief of Party. As Chief of Party, the President's job is to represent the view of his party as a whole, help get members of his party elected, and to represent his party in a positive light. The title is also used by international development organizations, most notably the United States Agency for International Development, in reference to the individual responsible for leading a project's technical direction and providing management oversight for project activities
An informal address to an equal

Hey, chief.

A head officer in a department, organization etc.; a boss

All firefighters report to the fire chief.

A leader or head of a group of people, organisation, etc

My father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, was a chief by both blood and custom.

The top part of a shield or escutcheon

When the Chief is Charged with any figure, in blazon it is said to be On a Chief.

Primary; principal

Negligence was the chief cause of the disaster.

chief constable
The chief of police of most territorial UK police forces, except the Metropolitan Police and City of London Police
chief constables
plural form of chief constable
chief cook and bottle washer
Chief executive; person in charge of all tasks
chief cook and bottle washers
plural form of chief cook and bottle washer
chief cook and bottle-washer
Alternative form of chief cook and bottle washer
chief cook and bottle-washers
plural form of chief cook and bottle-washer
chief cooks and bottle washers
plural form of chief cook and bottle washer
chief cooks and bottle-washers
plural form of chief cook and bottle-washer
chief executive
The president of the United States
chief executive
The governor of a U.S. state
chief executive
The head of government or head of state
chief executive
chief executive officer
chief executive officer
The highest-ranking corporate officer or executive officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis; CEO
chief executive officers
plural form of chief executive officer
chief executives
plural form of chief executive
chief financial officer
The executive who is in charge of financial affairs, notably as head of a financial department, typically directly under the chief executive officer and/or the board who lead the corporation or other organisation as a whole
chief god
The highest and mightiest of (all, in one polytheist system) gods, typically the patriarch of a pantheon

Jove was the chief god in Roman polytheism, like his Greek -equated- alterego Zeus ruled Mount Olympus.

chief legal officer
The highest-ranking corporate officer concerning legal affairs of a corporation, or agency
chief mate
The second in command following the Captain. Primary duties include managing maintenance and upkeep of the vessel
chief of staff
The senior officer of any of several services of the armed forces of several nations
chief of staff
The head of any of several political departments in several nations
chief of state
A head of state
chief operating officer
A corporate officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for executing decisions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) according to their decided schedule; often initialised as COO
chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer
chief petty officer
An warrant officer belonging to one of the two classes of chief petty officer: chief petty officer first class and chief petty officer second class
chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the Royal Navy, ranking above petty officer and below warrant officer class 2
chief petty officer first class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above chief petty officer second class
chief petty officer second class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above petty officer first class and below chief petty officer first class
chief petty officers
plural form of chief petty officer
chief petty officers first class
plural form of chief petty officer first class
chief petty officers second class
plural form of chief petty officer second class
chief scientist
A title and role in technology companies, generally focused on internal research
Chief Technology Officer
CTO, executive in a company or large organization who is in charge of issues related to technology
chief superintendent
A senior rank in police forces organised on the British model
{a} principal, eminent, capital
{n} a leader
chief financial officer
CFO; the corporate executive having financial authority to make appropriations and authorize expenditures for a firm
chief grip
(Film) The chief or key grip on the set. Like a foreman, the chief grip directs a crew of grips, some with specialized skills such as dolly grips, crane operators, camera car operators, etc
chief of medicine
A Chief Physician, also called Head Physician, Senior Consultant, Chief of Medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it's the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A Chief Physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including Consultants or Attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility
chief physician
A Chief Physician, also called Head Physician, Senior Consultant, Chief of Medicine, is a physician in a senior management position at a hospital or other institution. In many institutions, it's the title of the most senior physician, but it may also be used as the title of the most senior physician of a particular department within a larger institution. A Chief Physician generally is in charge of medical matters and often is the superior of other physicians (including Consultants or Attending physicians), but may also be in charge of other professional groups and areas of responsibility
chief technical officer
A chief technical officer or chief technology officer (abbreviated as CTO) is an executive position whose holder is focused on scientific and technical issues within a company
chief technology officer
A chief technical officer or chief technology officer (abbreviated as CTO) is an executive position whose holder is focused on scientific and technical issues within a company
Chief Constable
A Chief Constable is the officer who is in charge of the police force in a particular county or area in Britain. a police officer in charge of the police in a large area of Britain
Chief Executive
{i} the president of the United States; governor of a state in the United States
Chief Executive
the Chief Executive the President of the US
Chief Executive Officer
{i} CEO, head manager of a company or large organization, managing director
Chief Information Officer
{i} CIO, manager in charge of information technology inside an organization or company
Chief Joseph
the chief of a Native American tribe who fought against the US army in 1870. He was not successful, and his tribe was forced to leave their land and move to a reservation (?1840-1904). born 1840, Wallowa Valley, Ore.Terr. died Sept. 21, 1904, Colville Reservation, Wash., U.S. Nez Percé chief. In 1877 the U.S. attempted to force the Nez Percé to move to a reservation in Idaho. Chief Joseph at first agreed but later decided instead to lead his followers on a trek to Canada. During the three-month, 1,000-mile journey, he outmaneuvered and outfought federal troops, and his humane conduct won the admiration of many whites. His group was finally surrounded near the Canadian border and subsequently removed to Indian Territory (Oklahoma). In 1885 they were relocated to a reservation in Washington
Chief Justice
A Chief Justice is the most important judge of a court of law, especially a supreme court. The presiding judge of a high court having several judges, especially the U.S. Supreme Court. the most important judge in a court of law, especially the US Supreme Court. Presiding judicial officer within any multijudge court. It is the title of the highest judicial officer in any U.S. state, and of the leader of the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. chief justice, like the associate justices, is nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a lifetime tenure. The chief justices of some state supreme courts are subject to popular election and mandatory retirement ages. Chief justices are normally responsible for the administration of their own court and the preparation of the judiciary's budget
Chief Osceola
(1800-1838) leader of the Seminole Indian tribe of Florida, leader of the 1835 resistance to the resettlement of Indians by white settlers
Chief Rabbi
head Rabbi, chief Jewish religious leader
Chief Rabbi
the main leader of the Jewish religion in a country
Chief Rabbinate
supreme religious body of the Jewish religion in a State
Chief Tecumseh
(1768-1813) Shawnee Indian chief who fought for the British in the War of 1812, leader of an intertribal confederation to fight territorial expansion by white settlers
Chief Weatherford
(c1780-1824) American Indian Chief, leader of the Creek Indian tribe during the War of 1812 and the Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Chief Whip
the Chief Whip an important member of a British political party whose job is to make sure that members of the party elected to parliament obey party orders
Chief of General Staff
head of military operations, military general
Chief of Staff
{i} senior military officer of the U.S. Army or Air Force
Chief of Staff
The Chiefs of Staff are the highest-ranking officers of each service of the armed forces
The chief of an organization is the person who is in charge of it. a commission appointed by the police chief. Putin's chief of security
a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"
The top portion of a SHIELD or a FLAG
The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of functional sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration
{i} head, leader
The chief of a tribe is its leader. Sitting Bull, chief of the Sioux tribes of the Great Plains
Principal or most eminent in any quality or action; most distinguished; having most influence; taking the lead; most important; as, the chief topic of conversation; the chief interest of man
a person who exercises control over workers; "if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman"
Chief is used in the job titles of the most senior worker or workers of a particular kind in an organization. the chief test pilot. = head
One who is highest rank in traditional authority
Highest in office or rank; principal; head
The chief cause, part, or member of something is the most important one. Financial stress is well established as a chief reason for divorce The job went to one of his chief rivals. = main, principal
A leader or respected elder in a tribe
The head of an organization
The upper third part of the field
A horizontal band across the top of a shield
The head or leader of any body of men; a commander, as of an army; a head man, as of a tribe, clan, or family; a person in authority who directs the work of others; the principal actor or agent
The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of functional sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics and Finance
Leaps short buildings with a single bound Is more powerful than a ladder truck Is faster than a speeding bullet Walks on water Gives Policy to GOD
{s} main, principal
It is supposed to be composed of the dexter, sinister, and middle chiefs
most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"
Very intimate, near, or close
In Gaelic taoiseach, the head of a ruling kingroup, pronounced 'tee-shok' (the actual term taoiseach does not appear to have been widely used in Brehon Law tracts, and of course is most familiar today from its use to denote the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland)
n [person in charge] kepala
The principal part; the most valuable portion
chief Rabbi of the Ashkenazi communities
head of the Ashkenazi Jewish community
chief Rabbi of the Sepharadic communities
head of the Sephardic Jewish community
chief accountant
principal accountant or bookkeeper
chief armor officer
senior officer in charge of armored military forces
chief army chaplain
person responsible for religious needs of the military and counsels Major General on religious issues
chief artillery officer
senior officer in charge of artillery (heavy firearms)
chief baron
The presiding judge of the court of exchequer
chief clerk
head administrative official, lead clerk
chief clerk
A nonmember officer of the House of Representatives appointed by the House to perform and direct the parliamentary and clerical functions of the House
chief clerk
An Assembly employee elected by Assembly Members at the beginning of every two-year session to serve as principal parliamentarian and record keeper of the Assembly Responsible for all Assembly daily and weekly publications
chief clerk
Elected by Assembly members at the beginning of every two-year session to be principal parliamentarian and record keeper of the Assembly Responsible for all Assembly daily and weekly publications
chief clerk
The chief clerical officer of the house of representatives The chief clerk is the custodian of all bills and resolutions in the possession of the house and is responsible for keeping a complete record of their introduction and all subsequent house actions taken on them throughout the legislative process
chief clerk
An officer of the House, in charge of monitoring House proceedings and maintaining House records
chief commissioner of labor relations
government officer at the Ministry of Labor whose function is to supervise labor relations in the economy and assist in settling labor disputes
chief constable
chief of police (Britain)
chief constable
the head of the police force in a county (or similar area)
chief cook and bottlewasher
{i} (Slang) person responsible for a number of significant and insignificant duties
chief curator
head custodian, head caretaker, chief warden
chief editor
{i} principal editor, head editor
chief engineer
a person at a broadcasting station who is in charge of the technical maintenance and development of the station; usually the best person for DXers to address their reception reports to
chief engineer
The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory working and upkeep of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ship
chief engineer
{i} senior engineering officer on a vessel in charge of supervising the satisfactory function and maintenance of the main and additional machinery on board ship
chief engineer
Head of engineer department Keeps records of all engine parts and repairs Generally tends to the functioning of all mechanical equipment on ship Calculates fuel and water consumption and requirements Coordinates operations with shoreside port engineer
chief engineer
means the senior engineer
chief engineering officer
officer in charge of engineering activities in the military
chief examiner
{i} main examiner
chief executive
Generally the highest ranking executive officer of a jurisdiction
chief executive
{i} main executive officer (president of a republic for example); governor of a state
chief executive
The director in charge of the day-today running of a company
chief executive
the office of the United States head of state; "a President is elected every four years"
chief executive
The Chief Executive is the highest executive officer in a company, rather like the captain of a ship He or she is accountable to the company's Board of Directors and is frequently a member of that Board The Chief Executive participates in setting strategy with the Board and other officers and is responsible for the tactics in meeting the company's goals Known in the USA as the Chief Executive Officer or CEO
chief executive
means a Chief Executive of an administrative unit established under the Public Sector Management Act 1994; or a chief executive officer of a Territory instrumentality or of an autonomous instrumentality
chief executive
The head of a department of State, as prescribed in the Public Service Act 1996, and certain other key officers The chief executives are the Directors-General, or their equivalent in other agencies such as the Under Treasurer, the Auditor-General and the Parliamentary Counsel The term sometimes means the principal officer of a statutory authority, a peak body or private corporation
chief executive
the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning"
chief executive
means the most senior executive of the Registered Training Organisation
chief executive officer
The head of a company The person ultimately responsible for setting the direction and policies of the firm Usually the CEO is also the chairperson of the board of directors
chief executive officer
The highest senior management position in an organization; chosen by and reports to the board of directors 10 6
chief executive officer
The person responsible for the firm’s overall performance
chief executive officer
the top managerial position in a company
chief executive officer
The CEO is the highest executive officer in a corporation, sort of like the captain of a ship He or she is accountable to the company's board of directors and is frequently a member of that board The CEO participates in setting goals with the board and other officers and is responsible for the strategies and tactics employed to meet the corporation's goals
chief executive officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint other managers (including a president)
chief executive officer
- The manager who leads the company's strategic direction The "seat of power"
chief executive officer
The chief executive officer of a company is the person who has overall responsibility for the management of that company. The abbreviation CEO is often used. The highest-ranking executive in a company or organization, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis. CEO the person with the most authority in a large company
chief executive officer
The Chief Executive Officer helps the board to frame and articulate the vision for the organization The Chief Executive Officer and the Board serve as checks and balances for the organization The Chief Executive Officer hires, supervises and evaluates staff and serves as a liaison between staff and board See also: Executive Director Topic areas: Governance
chief executive officer
The elected or appointed leader of any governing body
chief executive officer
The manager responsible for an organization's overall operation, general administration, and public affairs
chief executive officer
of a State or unit of general local government means the elected official or the legally designated official, who has the primary responsibility for the conduct of that entity's governmental affairs Examples of the "chief executive officer" of a unit of general local government are: the elected mayor of a municipality; the elected county executive of a county; the chairperson of a county commission or board in a county that has no elected county executive; and the official designated pursuant to law by the governing body of unit of general local government
chief executive officer
The highest ranking executive officer who manages the day to day operations of a business
chief financial officer
person responsible for the financial issues of a company or large organization, CFO
chief financial officer
The manager who directs and coordinated the financial activities of the firm
chief financial officer
A high-ranking person within a company who is in charge of monetary matters 8 2
chief financial officer
a member of a company's upper management who oversees all the financial aspects of the business
chief financial officer
the corporate executive having financial authority to make appropriations and authorize expenditures for a firm
chief financial officer
The highest financial authority (directly responsible for financial activities) of any state agency
chief financial officer
handles the financial affairs for the company
chief hare
A small rodent (Lagamys princeps) inhabiting the summits of the Rocky Mountains; also called crying hare, calling hare, cony, American pika, and little chief hare
chief infantry and paratroops officer
person who heads a division which combines the military branch of foot-soldiers with trained combat parachutists
chief inspector
a British police officer of middle rank
chief inspector
police officer in charge of investigations
chief intelligence officer
office in charge of military intelligence
chief justice
Presiding justice of the Supreme Court
chief justice
president of the supreme court, judge which stands at the head of the supreme court and the entire judicial system
chief justice
The judge elected by other judges on the Supreme Court to be chief justice of that court, to act as a spokesman for the court and perform certain administrative duties The chief justice serves a two-year term in that position See also, cross-reference
chief justice
1 The presiding member of certain courts with more than one judge; especially, the presiding member of the U S Supreme Court who is the principal administrative officer of the federal judiciary BACK TO TOP
chief justice
Head of the Supreme Court
chief justice
The presiding justice, or principal judge, of a court
chief justice
the judge who presides over a supreme court
chief logistics officer
officer in charge of logistics, officer in charge of the maintenance and transportation of military personnel and materials
chief magistrate
judge who heads the Magistrate's court
chief military censor
one who is responsible for concealing matters of the army, main authority for concealing military issues from the general public
chief of engineers
officer in charge of engineering activities in the military
chief of intelligence branch
{i} division of the military dealing with intelligence
chief of logistics branch
one in charge of a logistics division (maintenance and transportation of military personnel and materials)
chief of naval operations
The ranking officer of the U.S. Navy, responsible to the secretary of the Navy and to the President
chief of ordnance
officer in charge of military supplies
chief of personnel branch
one in charge of military man-power
chief of personnel management corps
officer in charge of manpower allocation in the military
chief of planning branch
officer in charge of military planning
chief of police
head of police
chief of protocol
government employee in charge of supervising and maintaining proper behavior
chief of staff
{i} senior military officer of a staff and main advisor to a commander
chief of staff
the senior officer of a service of the armed forces
chief of state
The formal head of a nation, distinct from the head of the government
chief of the general staff
heads the highest command in the Israeli army
chief of the general-staff branch
heads a unit of the highest command in the Israeli army
chief operating officer
the corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm; reports to a board of directors; may appoint other managers (including a president)
chief operating officer
A person who has full operational responsibilities for the day-to-day activities of an organization
chief operating officer
an executive who oversees the daily operations of a company
chief paratroops officer
officer responsible for a paratroop division
chief pathologist
one responsible for a pathology lab
chief petty officer
a person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank
chief producer
main producer, one who produces the largest amount of a product
chief secretary
a member of the British Cabinet
chief secretary
main secretary, highest-ranking official
chief signal and electronics officer
head of the communication and electronics unit in the army
chief steward
The official in charge of the race
chief steward
Any time cars are on the racing surface, the chief steward is in charge of the entire facility He is stationed in race control with radio communications all around the circuit, and he also has at his disposal a full bank of television monitors that give him a view of the entire circuit
chief steward
Orders food Prepares menus Assists chief cook in food preparation
chief steward
A union official who assists and guides shop stewards The roles he or she plays within the union are determined by the union The roles he or she plays in administering the contract are determined by the contract For example, the negotiated grievance procedure may provide that the chief steward becomes the union representative if the grievance reaches a certain step in the grievance procedure
chief steward
  A union official who assists and guides shop stewards The roles he or she plays within the union are determined by the union   The roles he or she plays in administering the contract are determined by the contract   For example, the negotiated grievance procedure may provide that the chief steward becomes the union representative if the grievance reaches a certain step in the grievance procedure
chief superintendent
a British police officer of high rank
chief superintendent
high-ranking police officer
chief surgeon
head of surgery
chief warden
police officer in charge of a prison
editor in chief
The highest ranking editor on an editorial staff
Türkçe - İngilizce

chief(a) teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

chief executive officer
chief financial officer
(Kısaltma) cfo
chief operating officer
(Kısaltma) coo